The Fluoride Debate,
Part I

Section 4.3
(Published Mar. 7, 2024; rev. 241018)

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I’ve been led to believe the fluoride debate needs to be revisited, so I did a little research. It seems obvious that fluoride is advantageous for not only healthy teeth, but for also staving off osteoporosis. What exactly, constitutes excessive fluoride-exposure which leads to certain health risks - is not so obvious.

4.3.1 The Fluoride Anion

Chemical formula: F-
Electrical charge: -1
Major Functions: The fluoride anion is the bio-available form of fluorine. It's used for strengthening and remodeling of the bones and teeth, and protects tooth enamel.

Fluoride (F) is the ionic version of the chemical element fluorine (F).

Fluorine is highly electronegative, and is noted as being the chemical element having the highest amount of electronegativity (3.98 on the Pauling scale). Electronegativity is the tendency of an element to attract electrons and can thereby create chemical bonds. Consequently, fluorine is extremely reactive; so it becomes naturally bound within chemical compounds where it's then referred to as a fluoride.

Fluoride strengthens our bones and teeth, and is applied topically while we brush our teeth. Hydrogen fluoride (HF) is the conjugate acid of fluoride (F-). HF is quite toxic, and is commonly used within industrial processes. 

  F- + H2O  <=====>  HF + HO-

Fluoride within toothpaste, may be found in the chemical form of either sodium fluoride (NaF), sodium monofluorophosphate (Na2PO3F), stannous fluoride (SnF2), or perhaps even olaflur (C27H60F2N2O3).

Fluoride is considered as an important human micro-nutrient, and is commonly added to public drinking-water systems. The amount of fluoride added to these systems might be considered minimal, since too much fluoride consumption causes obvious fluorosis in children.

Fluorosis is a cosmetic condition that affects a child’s teeth while still developing. For adults, I believe that fluorosis of the teeth is a non-issue. One of the effects of too much fluoride-consumption within adults is skeletal fluorosis. Symptoms of skeletal fluorosis are similar to that of arthritis; however, can be distinguished by certain accompanying health issues.

Fluoride products added to public drinking-water systems include: sodium fluoride, sodium hexafluorosilicate and fluorosilicic acid. Here, fluorosilicic acid may also be referred to as fluosilicic acid, hydrofluorosilicic acid, or hexafluorosilicic acid. Fluorosilicic acid is perhaps the most popular fluoride drinking-water additive in North-America.

A review(1) out of Poland: The Safety of Fluoride Compounds and Their Effect on the Human Body—A Narrative Review; states that acute poisoning from fluorides results in the formation of insoluble calcium fluoride (CaF2). This reduces blood calcium levels which results in an immediate increase in potassium levels. This review also states that most poisonings are caused from accidental ingestion.

(1) Lubojanski A, Piesiak-Panczyszyn D, Zakrzewski W, Dobrzynski W, Szymonowicz M, Rybak Z, Mielan B, Wiglusz RJ, Watras A, Dobrzynski M. The Safety of Fluoride Compounds and Their Effect on the Human Body-A Narrative Review. Materials (Basel). 2023 Jan 31;16(3):1242. doi: 10.3390/ma16031242. PMID: 36770248; PMCID: PMC9920376.

4.3.2 Canadian Fluoride Report

To begin, note that fluoride is common within all types of natural drinking water and its concentration can vary substantially from one source to the next. As a starting point for this topic, I found a 2022 Canadian report entitled: “The State of Community Water Fluoridation across Canada”. This report was prepared by the Office of the Chief Dental Officer of Canada, Public Health Agency of Canada.

Within this report, it lists populations of Canada’s ten provinces and three territories. It shows the percentage of people who use community water fluoridation (CWF) versus those who don't. A recommendation from this report is stated below.

“From a public health perspective, CWF is associated with an approximate 25% reduction in tooth decay in children and adults. The recommended fluoride concentration for caries prevention in Canada (called the optimal level) is 0.7 milligrams/liter (mg/L) or 0.7 parts per million (ppm).”

The word caries is merely another term for tooth-decay and/or cavities. From this Canadian report, it states that 0.7 parts per million is the optimal level for community water fluoridation. Your guess is as good as mine, as to what fluoride concentration we actually get out of the tap and how concentrations might vary from one municipality to the next.

4.3.3 Lebanon Fluoride Report

Following, are snippets from a second report(1) entitled: “The Fluoride Debate: The Pros and Cons of Fluoridation”. It's from the Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences, Notre Dame University-Louaize, Zouk Mosbeh, Lebanon.

  • “Fluoride is naturally found in fresh water. Its concentration depends on the geographical location and source, and ranges from 0.01 ppm to a maximum of 100 ppm. In the 1930s, several studies reported a low prevalence of dental caries among people consuming natural drinking-water with high fluoride.”
  • “Over the past 60 years, research studies conducted in several countries were remarkably consistent in demonstrating substantial reductions in caries prevalence as a result of water fluoridation. Prior to 1990, around 113 studies on the effectiveness of artificial water fluoridation were conducted in 23 countries, and recorded a modal percent caries reduction of 40~50% in primary teeth and 50~60% in permanent teeth. More recent systematic reviews summarizing the extensive data have confirmed that water fluoridation substantially reduces the prevalence and incidence of dental caries in primary and permanent teeth. Another review of studies conducted between 1990 and 2010 in 10 countries on individuals ranging from 3 to 44 years of age reported average caries reductions of 30~59% and 40~49% in primary and permanent teeth, respectively. The fluoride action in the prevention of dental caries was predominantly posteruptive and topical.”
  • “Large sections of the population in developed countries are suffering from fluorosis as a result of the fluoridation of drinking water and dental products. Between 1999 and 2004, the prevalence of dental fluorosis was 41% in American adolescents aged 12~15 years. To minimize fluoride toxicity, the concentration of fluoride in drinking water has been controlled to attain the recommended level of 0.8~1.0 ppm.”
  • “Although water fluoridation is the most widely used public health measure for caries prevention, less than 10% of the world’s population has access to this intervention, as it is not feasible in many areas because of the nature of water supplies.”

For comparison’s sake, the Canadian report suggested that 0.7 parts per million is the optimal fluoride concentration in drinking water, and the Lebanon report suggested 0.8 to 1.0 ppm.

Further, this Lebanon study stated that less than 10% of the world’s population has access to fluoridation through public-water distribution systems. Although I didn’t include it here, this report went on to state that when public-water fluoridation is not available, other methods are often used for fluoridation; such as through milk products and salt additives.

Note, that cases of acute fluoride toxicity does certainly occur. It’s likely that most adverse reactions of such, are caused from children ingesting too much toothpaste or toxic amounts ingested from multiple sources. 

Below, this Lebanon report reiterates some of fluoride’s toxic effects.

  • “Chronic ingestion of high doses leads to dental fluorosis, a cosmetic disorder where the teeth become mottled. In more severe cases, it leads to skeletal fluorosis, in which bone is radiologically dense, but fragile. Fractures can occur, and there may be calcification of ligaments and tendons, leading to reduced joint mobility. The syndrome also may include extensive calcification of ligaments and cartilage, as well as the bony outgrowths of osteophytes and exostoses.”

Out of this same Lebanon report, some statements which I found quite profound are shown below. 

  • “The laboratory and epidemiologic research led to a better understanding of the way fluoride prevents dental caries. Its predominant effect is post-eruptive and topical, and depends on the use of fluoride in the right amount, in the right place and at the right time. Fluoride works primarily after teeth have erupted, especially when small amounts of fluoride are maintained constantly in the mouth, and specifically in dental plaque and saliva. Thus, not only children benefit from fluoride as was previously assumed, but also adults since it is more readily taken up by demineralized enamel than by sound enamel.”

(1) Lebanon report: Aoun A, Darwiche F, Al Hayek S, Doumit J. The Fluoride Debate: The Pros and Cons of Fluoridation. Prev Nutr Food Sci. 2018 Sep;23(3):171-180. doi: 10.3746/pnf.2018.23.3.171. Epub 2018 Sep 30. PMID: 30386744; PMCID: PMC6195894.

4.3.4 Summary Thus Far

In addition to fluoride exposure through drinking-water and store-bought toothpaste, it's also ingested through every-day food and drink. Below, is a link to the USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture) National Fluoride Database of December 2005 which itemizes the fluoride concentration within certain consumables.

USDA National Fluoride Database of Selected Beverages and Foods, Release 2

It seems that tea is by far the item that's associated with the highest fluoride ingestion. Tea is a natural and bio-friendly source of fluoride compounds. In contrast, coffee has merely a fraction of fluoride concentration when compared to tea.

A gentleman named Frank Zelko has written a historical document entitled "Toxic Treatment: Fluoride's Transformation from Industrial Waste to Public Health Miracle". It provides a glimpse into our past and reveals important events which lead up to introducing fluoride into USA's drinking water. This pertinent link is through the Ohio State University; although, I believe that Frank is an associate professor of history and environmental studies at the University of Vermont.

As time permits, I plan to add another sub-section that focuses solely on bones and teeth which expands upon the following statement.

Ideally, there's a homeostasis condition that's obtained between the building of bones and teeth (growth through osteoblast cells) and the remodeling of bones and teeth (repair through osteoclast cells). I'm sure that what constitutes this homeostatic condition varies from person to person - and is highly reliant upon one's age, diet, and current condition of their bones and teeth.

Through reading past studies, it seems that whenever too much fluoride is consumed, this homeostasis-condition cannot be achieved. In this case, the remodeling-stage takes over, as excessive fluoride-intake tends to shut down the building-stage altogether. 

As I researched further, I found that our municipality here in south-western Ontario, Canada - purchases hydrofluorosilicic acid from Florida in order to treat our drinking water. This product is mined from an ore that's native to Florida, and is an abundant source of both fluoride and phosphorous. I believe that this ore's primary end-product for monetization is phosphorous. Phosphorous is a common component of fertilizers, and fluoride is a by-product of its production.

Before fluoride was used as a drinking-water additive, it was simply discarded as waste. This was a huge problem for fertilizer processing plants as it causes havoc to their local environment. Now, before we experienced the COVID era I wouldn't have thought much about this; however, since then - I've found myself questioning almost everything that comes down the pipe.

Whether there's anything nefarious going on with these fluoride-additives I can't really say. Locally, our municipality complies to the NSF 60 drinking-water standard. This standard provides for a toxicological assessment after the fluoride-compound in question gets dissolved into the drinking water.

It seems that a certain amount of fluoride has always been in our water supply, natural or otherwise. From my opinion, I believe that having an overall consensus of an acceptable amount of fluoride-consumption may not be possible; as one's age, diet, and amount of physical activity - all play a role in this determination.

Much of the fluoride (approximately fifty-percent) we consume is expelled through urine, so this is likely a good indication that we are exceeding our daily limit. Further, due to the amount of fluoride compounds within tea, if one is an avid tea drinker - they should likely avoid a further infusion of fluoride.

There are now a number of studies linking too much fluoride with neurotoxic effects and low IQ in children; as fluoride is known to cross the blood-brain barrier. It can also cause calcification of the pineal gland. The one thing we can confidently state here, is that children are particularly vulnerable to excessive fluoride.

It seems that the only way to avoid most fluoride, is by avoiding liquids that have been tainted by modern society. Hence, likely natural milk would be the beverage of choice, as it's extremely low in fluoride. Although, I have run across literature that claims otherwise.

4.3.5 Further Fluoride Insights

(added October 2024)

While taking some time to digest what I've learned to date, I'm sensing that there's more to untangle within fluoride's story. So consequently, I've added another sub-section.

As a concentrated chemical itself, fluoride is highly toxic. As a chemical-compound, it's hydrogen fluoride (HF) that's commonly understood to be toxic. Fluoride's toxic effects are greatly subdued whenever it's utilized through familiar compounds such as those within toothpaste.

I understand that it's the health issues associated with chronic fluoride exposure which is our primary concern, and why we have questions regarding fluoride's use. Fluoride is known to have cumulative effects, and not just towards our body - but towards our fragile ecosystem as well.

The fluoride which we receive from our municipal water supply is merely one source of exposure. Due to heavy industry, fluoride has been steadily accumulating within "natural" water reserves. Through the last hundred years or so, fluoride-concentrations have steadily risen within our air, water, and soil.

There's always a certain level of fluoride within phosphate-fertilizers that gets generously mixed into crop-bearing soil. These fertilizers are not only used on farms, but for commercial purposes as well. Prime examples of such, are fertilizers used for residential lawn-care and golf-courses. So fluoride exposure for humans, is obviously cumulative in nature. Further, since a good portion of fluoride is expelled through urine, there's a rising concentration of it within municipal waste-water systems as well.

Fluorine is highly electronegative, so very quickly it will associate with another chemical and create a compound. Fluorine is the only known chemical which is higher on the Pauling electronegativity-scale than oxygen.

When fluorides are released into the atmosphere, they effectively work like a toxic gas. This is why exhaust-stack scrubbers are a necessity for phosphate-fertilizer processing plants.

It is understood that fluoride passes through the blood-brain barrier. Exactly how this occurs is up for debate. This issue not only affects a person's cognition, but also their IQ. This is particularly significant in children. From a 2019 review(1) entitled: Developmental fluoride neurotoxicity: an updated review, is their concluding statement.

"The recent epidemiological results support the notion that elevated fluoride intake during early development can result in IQ deficits that may be considerable. Recognition of neurotoxic risks is necessary when determining the safety of fluoride-contaminated drinking water and fluoride uses for preventive dentistry purposes."

The following 2021 study(2) from Ohio, USA - suggests that males may be more susceptible to fluoride exposure than females. Impacts of Fluoride Neurotoxicity and Mitochondrial Dysfunction on Cognition and Mental Health: A Literature Review. Directly out of this review is the following text:

"3.1.6. Human Studies: Sex Differences
Sex differences are also noted in some cognitive human studies of fluoride exposure, though this has not yet been widely researched. Males seem to be more susceptible to endocrine-disrupting chemicals, leading some researchers to believe that fluoride could have a more significant impact on male cognition and mental health than female cognition. Additionally, critical windows of exposure to fluoride may vary based on sex; some data indicate that the prenatal window may be more critical for males, while the infancy window may be more critical for females. Males seem to show a more significantly lowered IQ than females in studies looking at equivalent maternal urinary fluoride levels in both sexes. This trend has also been observed based on maternal fluoride intake from food. However, some studies exploring sex differences saw null effects. These include studies in the U.S. and Canada."

These next two studies establish links between the accumulation of fluoride within our body, and our heads of hair.... or lack thereof.

A 2010 report(3) out of China, stated that they've found a link with fluoride and unhealthy hair growth. Fluorine-induced apoptosis and lipid peroxidation in human hair follicles in vitro. Here is one of their quotes: "In conclusion, exposure to high levels of fluoride compromises hair follicle growth and accelerate cell apoptosis in vitro".

The following study(4) from India, entitled: Scalp Hair as Biomarker for Chronic Fluoride Exposure among Fluoride Endemic and Low Fluoride Areas: A Comparative Study - determined that there's a high correlation with environmental fluoride concentration and an individual's hair. As a result, a hair analysis is likely a good indicator for quantifying chronic fluoride exposure.

In addition to the preceding studies, I will attempt to describe what I believe occurs within the body with regards to fluoride's toxicity. Most (if not all) of this knowledge, is a direct outcome from the Lord steering me in the proper direction. I'm quite thankful for his guidance, and would likely not be able to understand much of this at all, if not for his direct input. 

Since fluoride is quite reactive and likes to attract electrons.... exposure from direct contact results in certain sensitivities. I understand that some of the itching we experience from time to time is do to fluoride; as fluoride is attracted to the statically-charged hair follicles upon our skin.

As we come in contact with fluoridated water or perhaps even urine (which typically has a high fluoride concentration) and proceed to touch our hair - fluoride gets transmitted onto our scalp. Repeating this process over and over again, as well as repeatedly scratching our heads - causes hair loss. As a consequence, I imagination that repeatedly washing our hair with fluoridated water promotes hair-loss.

The amount of fluoride we ingest without causing undue harm varies from person to person. In reviewing past studies, we see that it's the children and possibly even the unborn children who are the most vulnerable. Further, studies suggest that the neurotoxic effects of fluoride for young males is a prime contributor to ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). 

4.3.5 References

(1) Grandjean P. Developmental fluoride neurotoxicity: an updated review. Environ Health. 2019 Dec 19;18(1):110. doi: 10.1186/s12940-019-0551-x. PMID: 31856837; PMCID: PMC6923889.

(2) Adkins EA, Brunst KJ. Impacts of Fluoride Neurotoxicity and Mitochondrial Dysfunction on Cognition and Mental Health: A Literature Review. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021 Dec 7;18(24):12884. doi: 10.3390/ijerph182412884. PMID: 34948493; PMCID: PMC8700808.

(3) Wang ZH, Li XL, Yang ZQ, Xu M. Fluorine-induced apoptosis and lipid peroxidation in human hair follicles in vitro. Biol Trace Elem Res. 2010 Dec;137(3):280-8. doi: 10.1007/s12011-009-8592-6. Epub 2010 Jan 5. PMID: 20049553.

(4) Joshi NA, Ajithkrishnan CG. Scalp Hair as Biomarker for Chronic Fluoride Exposure among Fluoride Endemic and Low Fluoride Areas: A Comparative Study. Int J Trichology. 2018 Mar-Apr;10(2):71-75. doi: 10.4103/ijt.ijt_91_17. PMID: 29769780; PMCID: PMC5939006.

4.3.6 Systemic Benefit of Fluoride

This next bit of text, hinges upon the following statement. From what I gather, fluoride can be transported throughout the body while encapsulated within red-blood cells (RBCs). This phenomenon works, so long as the ratio of fluoride-atoms to oxygen-atoms within RBCs is quite low. The immune system consistently monitors RBCs for anomalies, and will usher them out of the blood-stream when deemed necessary.

The case of having an RBC with a low-ratio of fluoride to oxygen, ensures that fluoride has the freedom to move throughout the blood-stream without the immune system detecting an anomaly. From this stance, fluoride can be easily distributed to any tissue within the body. This mechanism is likely a non-bias way of dispersing fluoride throughout the body, while minimizing an undue concentration in any one area.

Characteristically, fluorine is ~19% heavier and carries a ~16% greater electronegative force than that of oxygen. These two chemicals are located side by side on the periodic table; oxygen having atomic number 8, and fluorine with the atomic number 9.

Within RBCs, a single fluorine atom bonds to a single oxygen atom in order to create the compound oxygen monofluoride (OF). OF is an unstable radical while free; but.... while bound by heme iron - it becomes completely stable.

As a result of this phenomenon, as RBCs distribute oxygen to various tissue and cells throughout the body, they simultaneously release their fluoride cargo as well. There are likely a number of ways for envisioning the outcome of this phenomenon, the following text is merely one interpretation.

I understand that RBCs distort and change their shape as they squeeze through small capillaries. As this occurs, they excrete oxygen as well as their substantially small cargo of oxygen monofluoride (OF). Once released from an RBC, this molecule immediately disassociates into oxygen and radical fluorine. 

Due to the extremely high reactivity-rate of fluorine, it can either enhance or supplant processes normally reserved for that of oxygen. In effect, fluorine serves to rip through oxygen species which were just released from the RBC and drives them deep into tissue. This process tends to delay oxygen-bound derivatives and likely encourages production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). This creates a temporary oasis-like environment for nearby cells.

This unstable and temporary pocket of fluorine and ROS combination, likely not only serves to drive ROS species deep into tissue; but also serves to distribute common blood-serum products like water and glucose which cells desperately rely upon. 

Through the previously described methodology, I can only conclude that there's a number of advantages for combining the effects of oxygen and fluoride as they're released from RBCs.

  • The pocket of radicals that's initiated by this action creates an ionic-like medium in soft-tissue which inhibits an immediate onslaught of molecular bonds. This instantly makes the blood-capillary more porous, whereby contents released from the blood-stream easily drain into tissue. In all likelihood, this local tissue not only pertains to the blood-capillary's basement membrane; but, penetrates  into deeper tissue as well in order to promote the distribution of nutritional products.
  • This ionic-like and semi-stable environment that's created by using a combination of ROS and elemental fluorine, may result in activities that could only be described like ROS on steroids. This action serves to soften and stretch the blood-capillary in question. In essence, this keeps the capillary from collapsing and ensures that RBCs which later follow.... also have room to squeeze through.   
  • By using RBCs to initiate this nutrient-delivery process, it ensures that the amount of nutrients delivered to tissue is somewhat proportional to the number of oxygen species released from an RBC.

Fluorine atoms released from RBCs will continue to be unstable and highly reactive until they finally bond to a stabilizing atomic structure. I surmise that if elemental fluorine doesn't soon find its way into either hard-bone or tooth, then it makes its way back to the blood-stream where it's ushered out by the renal system.

NUTRITIONAL-WISE, through RBCs - it only seems logical....  that the more fluorine that gets delivered to oxygen-deficient sites by RBCs - the greater the benefit. Fluorine increases the length of time for the temporary pocket of nutrient-delivery oasis to remain in effect. The longer that this nutrient-delivery-pocket remains open - the deeper it is that nutrients are driven into tissue.  

So the potential benefit of ingesting fluoride (that's not directly associated with bones and teeth) will increase - as the amount of fluoride-consumption increases. So, is fluoride a natural means of offsetting our unhealthy nutritional habits as we live within an industrialized society?

4.3.7 Basis of Fluoride's Toxicity Fluoride Crossing the Blood-Brain Barrier

Due to the complex nature of electrons - they have a spiritual and intelligent nature. Within our current section, simply understand that this is the case. If you wish to delve into the underlying spiritual-nature of electrons, you can refer to this page: Physical Basis of Spiritual Language

Currently, I believe that the fluorides which accumulate within the brain is a direct consequence of mechanisms that hinge around the blood-brain-barrier itself. It's not the fluoride that the brain requires, but their accompanying electrons which the fluoride pulls along with it.

These electrons are used to increase the alkalinity of the brain's environment. This ensures that the brain maintains an appropriate alkaline pH. Recall that its cerebral-spinal-fluid is consistently held to a very tight pH-band of 7.28 to 7.32; which is slightly above neutral-pH.

Since fluoride (or fluorine) is highly electronegative, it tends to interact with as many electrons as it can, and as quickly as it can. While doing so, it pulls along extra electrons across the blood-brain-barrier by the wake of its motion.

Unbeknownst to science.... please understand that there's a competition of sorts amongst electrons attempting to advance to the front-line in order to cross the blood-brain barrier. Electrons are not all identical in this respect.

The outer perimeter of the blood-brain barrier contains a plethora of "free" electrons that are fueled by ionic activity and can be spurred-on through conductive metals. Since electrons are not all equal - an electron-energy-gradient develops just outside of the blood-brain-barrier as each awaits their chance to cross. This should result in a highly-alkaline aqueous film residing on the outer surface of the blood-brain barrier.

Essentially, electrons at the blood-brain-barrier have to be "vetted" (for lack of a better term) prior to crossing. I believe that as electrons cross the blood-brain barrier, it's due to an electron-diffusion process facilitated through their underlying atomic-structures. The electrons which cross the barrier are highly energetic.

From a spiritual aspect, an electron's inherent energy is just one way of expressing its character.

We are now basically flipping the script. Instead of describing biological functions through chemical and molecular interactions, we are peeking behind the curtain and revealing forces could be more significant at play.

Prior to closing out this sub-topic, note the following. The more acidic one's body is as a whole, the more probable it will be that fluorides cross the blood-brain barrier. If the brain is continually electron deficient it will recruit electrons by any means possible. Electrons are required to not only rejuvenate aqueous fluids like those of blood and cerebral-spinal-fluid to raise their alkalinity; but, electrons also serve as a medium for the brain's communications! Aluminum and Its Toxic Connection With Fluorides

Since all metals are conductive, each has the potential to either help or hinder the natural ebb and flow of electrons. Hence, an over-accumulation of metals within one's body can easily circumvent the natural order-of-events. This aids to explain why aluminum is often used in pharmaceuticals and vaccines. In doing so, aluminum acts as an adjuvant that increases their efficacy.

Aluminum is non-essential for the human body, and is associated with a number of ailments and diseases. It is now common within our air, water, and soil; and is often described as a neurotoxin. Aluminum has been linked to a good number of diseases; including that of Alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson's.

Evolutionary-wise, ubiquitous aluminum didn't arrive on the scene until fairly recently. Hence, the amount of aluminum which we are now exposed to is highly unnatural.

Aluminum uptake occurs through inhalation, eating food, and drinking liquids. Known sources include: antacids, antiperspirant, buffered aspirin, cosmetics, and food additives. In addition, aluminum can be used in medical intravenous procedures through the water-soluble-protein albumin. 

Aluminum can also leach out of common kitchen-utensils like pots, pans, and tea-kettles. Ironically, since aluminum is a known coagulant and is quite useful for removing suspended solids, it's used for purifying drinking-water. For those of you interested in the so-called chemtrails, I hear that aluminum is associated with this unnatural phenomenon.

Within Canada, and from this link: Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality: Guideline Technical Document – Aluminum; I believe that our maximum acceptable concentration (MAC) for aluminum in drinking water is 2.9 parts per million. The operational guidance (OG) value (which is the locational running annual average for aluminum in drinking water) is 0.100 parts per million.

Added here merely for comparison, I had earlier stated that Canada's optimal fluoride-concentration for drinking water is 0.7 parts per million. Further facts and figures regarding aluminum can be sought out from the prior Canadian-link if you wish.

Understand that there's not a great amount of data which explains how aluminum and fluorides cross the blood-brain barrier; at least not that I could find. Nonetheless, I found a great document(1) from Yale University which supports key aspects of our current topic.

Principles of fluoride toxicity and the cellular response: a review.

One interesting point within this document(1) revealed how fluoride exposure affects blood insulin levels. It states that high-fluoride exposure inhibits insulin secretion; whereas low-fluoride exposure enhances insulin sensitivity. This is merely more evidence suggesting that a small amount of fluoride is good, whereas an over-exposure is certainly unacceptable.

Another interesting point of this Yale University document(1), discusses aluminum crossing the blood-brain barrier. It's suspected that fluoride may cross the blood-brain barrier through the compound aluminum fluoride (AlF3 or AlF4) by mimicking phosphate. This document also stated that the neurotoxic effects to the brain might not be from fluoride itself, but from free aluminum.

The ambiguous link between fluoride and aluminum is the perfect segue for our next topic.

(1) Yale University reference: Johnston NR, Strobel SA. Principles of fluoride toxicity and the cellular response: a review. Arch Toxicol. 2020 Apr;94(4):1051-1069. doi: 10.1007/s00204-020-02687-5. Epub 2020 Mar 9. PMID: 32152649; PMCID: PMC7230026. Aluminum Crossing the Blood-Brain Barrier

Here, I propose a means of explaining why aluminum is highly associated with fluorides, and how it crosses the blood-brain barrier. This is merely one way of explaining this phenomenon, I'm sure there are a few others.

Before we continue, it's likely worth mentioning that in addition to the commonly referenced blood-brain-barrier there's also a cerebral-spinal-fluid barrier. Unless stated otherwise, assume that the blood-brain-barrier describes both of these cases as we don't necessarily need to make that distinction here.

The brain has its own spiritual environment, and both the blood-brain barrier and the cerebral-spinal-fluid barrier are witnesses to this fact. For simplicity's sake - consider that all matter on the brain's side of the blood-brain barrier as a unique biological environment. This includes the brain, the blood within the brain, and the cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) in which the brain is submerged.

I had stated earlier that electrons are unique, so are not all identical. Part of their uniqueness is due to their ability of holding varying energy-states, as they mimic their environment. Electrons associated with fluorides are on the high end of this energy gradient.

Earlier I had described that the highly electronegative force of fluorine and likewise its associated fluorides.... quickly and effectively raises the pH of the brain's environment. I also described how these fluorides cross the blood-brain barrier in a semi-conventional manner; much of which, is based upon conventional chemistry.

Since the brain is highly-sensitive to acids, electrons are pulled across the blood-brain barrier to keep its environment above neutral-pH. If these electrons so happen to be obtained from fluorides, they are highly-energetic. The brain's existing molecular-structure cannot absorb such a tremendous influx of energy without incurring damage. It needs a way of both raising its pH level and dispersing this extra energy at the same time.

Since aluminum is not required by the body and holds varying oxidization states, it readily associates with "free" electrons on the outer perimeter of the blood-brain-barrier. Since elemental-aluminum is extremely light, is an excellent electronic conductor, and is capable of sinking energy-intense fluorine - it gets pulled through the blood-brain-barrier by the fluorine.

Likely the bulk of these two chemicals that enter the brain's environment end up as aluminum-fluorides (AlF3 or AlF4).

I understand that in order to describe some of the damage within the brain that aluminum causes is more of a spiritual explanation than anything else. Much of this spiritual-connection is too-deep of a topic to describe here directly, so I will leave you with the following.

In nutshell, aluminum disrupts the natural flow of information within the brain. The brain has a spiritual mechanism that tends to keep information flowing towards the brain's center. Aluminum circumvents this process to varying degrees, and causes information to flow in the wrong direction. Basically, by disrupting the unidirectional flow of information, this can initiate certain memory-associated diseases. Particularly, brain-diseases which are akin to the aging process.

Full Disclosure Statement:  Please be aware that I am not a health professional. The forthcoming information is based upon personal life-experiences, research, and knowledge of certain topics which the Lord has graciously guided me through.

As always, heed the advice of your physician and ask for their advice, prior to varying either diet or lifestyle.


Next: The Fluoride Debate - Part II

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