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As I study the book of Genesis, I see that for each “day”, there was both a supernatural period when God did his work, as well as an “earth day” when nature was allowed to do its work. I surmise that as nature did its work, God simply observed and likely didn’t intervene.
As an example, within Genesis chapter-one verses three thru five - it states that God created light and then separated this light from the darkness. At the end of this verse (five) it states - “And there was evening, and there was morning – the first day.”
So, during each day of the creation process... there was first a supernatural period-of-time when God completed his steps, which was a time of light; and immediately thereafter, there was a natural period-of-time... which could simply be referred to as both the "evening" while the light was dwindling, and the night-time of darkness. Again, during each time of darkness God simply observed.
Now, the words “there was evening, and there was morning – the xxxx day”… appear at the end of creation-days one through six. However, during creation-day seven, it states that “God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work.” Here, the previously reoccurring phrase “And there was evening, and there was morning – the xxxx day”, does not appear at the end of day-seven.
By interpreting the Creation Process in this manner, there’s no need to argue about the span-of-time which ensued for each of the seven "days". Further, while this creation process was taking place, there was no sun or moon until the fourth “day” of creation. The earth was created first and the sun and moon were created after the fact. Hence, these days in question; were far from what we currently understand to be a normal earth-day.
Below, is my perspective as to how God began the creation process. Notably, there was no intelligent life prior to God himself. I've inserted the drawing below in order to support related work that's elsewhere on this site.
As time permits, I will revisit the creation process of Genesis, and add more content to this particular page.