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Greetings friends and family. This newsletter is the next in a crucial series of letters that pertain to the biblical-book of Daniel; and more specifically, Daniel chapter-seven.
In the last couple of newsletters we had discussed Daniel's Lion, Bear, and Leopard. Each of these Beasts are based upon differing technologies. In this current newsletter, we will be discussing the nameless fourth Beast of Daniel chapter-seven. Although this fourth Beast is quite different then the previous three; all four are intertwined and global in nature.
The verse of Daniel 7:6 stated that the third Beast (Leopard) was given authority to rule. This fourth Beast is even more powerful. It basically ends up lording over the previous three, and determines crucial and nefarious events around the world.
NIV, Daniel 7: (7) “After that, in my vision at night I looked, and there before me was a fourth beast - terrifying and frightening and very powerful. It had large iron teeth; it crushed and devoured its victims and trampled underfoot whatever was left. It was different from all the former beasts, and it had ten horns.
A number of concepts from the book of Daniel revolve around metals. From this prior verse, note that this fourth Beast has "large iron teeth". This iron is a significant component. Later along in its story, we see that carbon comes into play as well.
What I've recently learned here, is that there's a very good reason as to why this fourth Beast of Daniel is not named.... as it's attuned with the verse of 2nd Thessalonians 2:3. The passage is shown below.
NIV, 2nd Thessalonians, 2: (1) Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to him, we ask you, brothers and sisters, (2) not to become easily unsettled or alarmed by the teaching allegedly from us - whether by a prophecy or by word of mouth or by letter - asserting that the day of the Lord has already come. (3) Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. (4) He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God.
Now, in past newsletters I had claimed that we are on the doorstep of Jesus' second coming. Notably, the books of First and Second-Thessalonians emphasize aspects surrounding Jesus' second coming. I personally find that the previous passage and the verses that immediately follow, are quite relevant.
In verse three of this prior passage, it speaks of revealing the "man of lawlessness". In the King James version it calls him the man of sin. In other biblical-versions, I also see the phrases: Man of Evil, Wicked One, lawless one, and man of rebellion. In an earlier newsletter, I referred to him as the man of sine. All of these prior phrases are describing the same man.
The fourth Beast of Daniel is a particular type of man. In order to understand who this man is, we need to first uncover God's definition of the word "man" itself.
God's ways are certainly not our ways, so it may take some time to unpack what he's actually describing. Particularly, certain words from the prophetic book of Daniel. Due to our unique time in history - this "man of lawlessness" in Second-Thessalonians, and the fourth Beast of Daniel are essentially the same "man".
Due to the complexity of this topic; I will begin to describe this Beast in question from varying points of view. Since, there's no easy way to portray what I'd like to describe, so I will begin with a dream which I had received some time earlier.
Railroad Dream
What follows, is a dream which I received on the morning of my 66th birthday. The number sixty-six is significant, which you will understand later on. This dream encompasses the era of the unnamed fourth Beast of Daniel.
Just prior to rising in the morning, I was laying in bed half-asleep. I then saw a vision of a steam-engine violently rocking back and forth as it was racing down the track. I could certainly hear its deafening steam-whistle, as I was perched on top of the locomotive itself. As I looked ahead, rocks were crashing down and around both sides of the train as it roared along the track. The locomotive went through a couple of sharp bends and then over a bridge. It seemed eminent that it would go off the track at any instant, but miraculously it hung on.
About this time, I saw that we were approaching another locomotive on the same track, and were slowly gaining on it. As we got somewhat closer, I could see a woman sitting on the top of the engine. She first appeared in black-and-white and then her radiance began to change. I could see that she now had some colour in her face and these colours kept getting deeper and brighter. I then reached out my hand in order to grab the woman's hand and pull the two trains together. This is where the dream ended.
As a short interpretation, this dream was about a determined steam-locomotive blasting through rocks and such as it proliferated through the earth. The woman on the other train, represented the fact that we now have a plethora of railroad-tracks on the planet, which are about to join together on the opposite-side of the globe (from whence they came).
The woman's appearance that changed from black-and-white to deeper and deeper colours; represented the number of years which have passed since movie-screens and motion-pictures were first developed. Although the railroad-era is limited to the latest technology of the time; the vintage and speed at which railroads proliferate through a nation, can differ from one nation to the next.
Generally speaking, I believe that the technology which powers locomotives developed through the following sequence.
The number of years required for this fourth-Beast's technological-evolution is emphasized within the verse of Daniel 7:25. Notice here that the beast is referred to as a "he", and the people will be delivered into "his hands". This is consistent with this Beast being referred to as a "man". This strengthens the case that the "lawless one", and the fourth Beast of Daniel - are one in the same.
Importantly, this fourth Beast does not obey God's natural-laws that were put forth during creation.
NIV, Daniel 7: (25) He will speak against the Most High and oppress his holy people and try to change the set times and the laws. The holy people will be delivered into his hands for a time, times and half a time.
I believe that the described-time that this Beast wants to change, is speaking about time-zones. Before railroads came to be, the fastest mode of travel was the horse. So, a small difference in time that could occur from travelling all day on a horse - was of no consequence. Due to the speed and distances at which locomotives can travel, time-zones became a necessity.
In prior verse twenty-five, it states that the holy people will be delivered into "his" hands for a time, times and half a time.
I believe that the first iteration of “time” in this phrase "time, times and half a time", is speaking of an era when railroads were first being established. The second iteration of the the word time, in "times"; is when the world's international-time-zones came into effect.
In the year 1884, it was agreed upon at the International Prime Meridian Conference in Washington DC; that the world was ready to switch to "International Standard Time". This agreement divided the earth into twenty-four segments; whereby, its meridian at zero-degrees longitude would pass through Greenwich England. Curiously, this "time, times and half a time" phrase is written in verse twenty-four.
The third reference of time here from this phrase "time, times and half a time", refers to a dividing of time. Newfoundland has a time-zone that is offset by half-an-hour, and is the only one in North America to do so. This occurred in the year 1935, and while the island was still “The Dominion of Newfoundland”. A number of years later, and in 1949; Newfoundland became the tenth province of Canada.
Why Railroads in prophecy? Railroads are often-times the first bit of serious infrastructure as a town or city is being established. That's why railroads typically run through the center of town.
As a town grows, these railroad lines become more of a nuisance than anything else. Particularly since most of the cargo in which they deliver, is used for factories at the edge of town. These railroads rule in a sense, as traffic and pedestrians always have to wait for a train to go by whenever it crosses one's path.
Large infrastructure projects and certain industries heavy-rely upon railroads. Due to the fact that these railroads carry a tremendous amount of weight over vast distances, they become a catalyst for further development and technology. However, once an area's infrastructure is in place, including that of common roadways... the need for a railroad quickly diminishes. Not only from a cargo standpoint, but from a rail-passenger's perspective as well.
Many private-businesses have gone bankrupt while attempting to build costly railroads. For this reason, nation-wide railroads are often-times built through government-sponsored corporations. At some point, they usually become a political hot-potato; as citizens are heavily taxed in order to support a national railroad.
Railroads destroy landscapes and leave a swath of destruction in their wake. In effect, they support mankind's Babylonian ways (Joel 2:3).
As railroads were being built, they had to blast through solid-rock mountains and build bridges along its route. The rocks that were left behind, were often-times crushed and used as a supporting-bed in order to maintain structural integrity of the line under tremendously-heavy loads.
Significantly, there’s a substantial amount of iron within locomotives, rail-cars (rolling stock) and railway tracks. I imagine that the "large iron teeth" described in the following verse, are the old-fashioned cow-catchers on the front of locomotives. Locomotives clear debris and typically kill whatever is in their path!
NIV, Daniel 7: (7) “After that, in my vision at night I looked, and there before me was a fourth beast - terrifying and frightening and very powerful. It had large iron teeth; it crushed and devoured its victims and trampled underfoot whatever was left. It was different from all the former beasts, and it had ten horns.
The telegraphers that sent Morse-code from one railroad-station to the next sometimes referred to themselves as “brass pounders”. The telegraph-keys which were used by these trained operators were colloquially referred to as ”claws”.
The electrical contacts for these telegraph-keys were made of a soft conductive metal and resistant to oxidization. The two phrases “bronze claws” and “nails of brass” relate to the power of the Beast itself, and how it interfaces with the human-race.
The two verses below are the same one, but from different versions of the Bible.
NIV, Daniel 7: (19) “Then I wanted to know the meaning of the fourth beast, which was different from all the others and most terrifying, with its iron teeth and bronze claws - the beast that crushed and devoured its victims and trampled underfoot whatever was left.
KJV, Daniel 7: (19) Then I would know the truth of the fourth beast, which was diverse from all the others, exceeding dreadful, whose teeth were of iron, and his nails of brass; which devoured, brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with his feet;
Although the iron of this fourth Beast is used to describe locomotives and their rolling-stock; don't miss the fact that iron is also used within all of our cars, trucks and cargo-ships as well.
Since we are now within a modern-day consumer-based society, having an easy way of moving goods across both the country and the world - merely exasperates the process of bringing metals from the earth and making products that ultimately end up in the trash-heap. Notably iron always oxidizes (rusts), so anything made of iron has a certain lifetime.
There is much, much, more to this story and further Scripture to unpack; so I will continue adding to this important topic as time permits.
Now, I likely won’t explain this next section to your satisfaction; however, I will make the attempt nonetheless. Everyone has a different idea as to how mankind and consciousness came to be. Hence, some of you might take-to-heart what I’m attempting to explain; whereas others will scoff at the notion. This is about what I’d expect, as you read the subsequent text.
What I am now about to explain here, is how the number sixty-six relates to both mankind and the fourth Beast of Daniel chapter-seven. As a starting point, let’s begin where we previously left off, which concerns prophetic concepts regarding iron.
In Genesis chapter-one, verse-six - it states the following.
NIV, Genesis 1: (26) Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”
If we return to our passage regarding the third Beast from Daniel, it states this:
NIV, Daniel 7: (26) But the judgment shall sit, and they shall take away his dominion, to consume and to destroy it unto the end.
These two cases are verses having the number twenty-six. Through the science of chemistry, twenty-six is the atomic-number for iron. Iron is a crucial element that's a prerequisite for human consciousness.
We all understand that iron is a necessary component for life itself, as iron in the form of heme within red-blood-cells is used to transport oxygen. What most people don't realize, is that fundamentally - iron is also required for us to achieve a consciousness state.
In order to parse this number 26 into something that coincides with our narrative at hand - iron's atomic number of 26 represents two sixes, 2 x 6; or more to the point ... 66. From a spiritual perspective, this number represents the spiritual mirror-like domain of our body (SMLD). This mirror-like domain is why our body’s left-side is identical to its right-side. This SMLD basically supported our development as a child, and is required to maintain our physical being.
Elsewhere on this site, I had earlier described that this mirror-like domain is a nurturing-spirit that supports our developing body. This spirit basically functions like a standing-wave that's continually oscillating back-and-forth. Similar perhaps to that of an electrical sine-wave. The difference being; this spiritual wave continuously goes back and forth, instead of advancing along the length of a wire.
The drawing below is the one which I had used previously to represent this spiritual wave-like domain.
At the end of the creation period in Genesis chapter-two, verse-one; it states that "Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array." Notice here, that it doesn't mention mankind at all, even though mankind was created previously in chapter-one verse twenty-six. It seems that the main concern of this passage is about the heavens and the earth, and not about mankind.
As we advance to Genesis chapter-two verse-five; it states that there was no one to till the ground. This seems a little strange, as mankind had already been created in chapter one. Further, as we advance down to chapter-two verse-seven... it describes man being created once again. Why is this so?
From my perspective, I believe that mankind in general was created in chapter one, whereas our ancestor Adam wasn't created until sometime later. Just as it states in chapter-two. Hence, this opens the door for a potential lengthy period-of-time between mankind described in chapter-one, and when Adam was introduced in chapter-two.
So, there was a span of years for our "ancestors" to develop before Adam was created and received the Breath-of-life.
NIV, Genesis 2: (7) Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.
When we were a child, our body was basically semi-permeable to the spiritual mirror-like domain of our body (SMLD) that supports our symmetry. It's young semi-permeable structure was perhaps analogous to Swiss-cheese or cheese-cloth. However, once we got older - our body became more densely-structured and complex. Due to this complexity it became stubbornly murky towards the SMLD.
At some point in time, the back-and-forth action of the SMLD creates a memory component within the center of its waveform. So, what began as a nurturing and passive-like spirit - begins to take on a mind of its own. Concerning here, is our brain could be directing our body to do one thing; but, the SMLD within our body - could be saying something else. Particularly, as it concerns eating, drinking, and sex.
Although our body’s “natural” urges may have been advantageous while the human-race was developing, and likewise when we were a child with limited comprehension - these urges can now get in the way of our logical-thinking mind (brain).
As one gets older and this SMLD turns quite-stubborn and possibly even aggressive…. it is basically turning into a man. Eighteen years-old can be regarded as the legal-age for determining when a boy turns into a man. Congruent with this narrative, adding three sixes together equals eighteen.
From my current point of view, number sixty-six can represent mankind within the Bible. The definition of mankind hinges upon iron flowing through the blood. Prophetically and biblically, at the age of eighteen or thereabouts - a boy is determined to be a man.
I believe that unless stated otherwise in the passage; spiritually speaking - a woman is assumed to be passive whereas a man is assumed to be aggressive. From this stance, the nurturing spiritual mirror-like domain (SMLD) begins as a woman and ends as a man.
As a consequence, number 66 represents mankind and the number 666 represents a man.
Next Newsletter: Geoscience and the Lawless One
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