Lawrention News Letter
June 25, 2023

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Connecting the Dots - Part III,
God Is Our Judge

This letter is the third in a series where we are delving much deeper into the mysteries of biblical prophecy, and attempt to pinpoint where we are currently at within Biblical context.

  • The first letter explained certain parallels between the global-warming issue and the Babylonian Furnace.
  • The second letter revealed how the year 2022 fits within biblical prophecy, and why we are currently transitioning from the pages of Daniel over to the pages of Revelation.

The second letter of this series also explained why the "holy people of the Most High" are soon going to possess the kingdom. To date, all seems to align fairly close to words from other prophets.

God is our judge, and has begun to set people aside as he sees fit. I thoroughly enjoyed writing the other letters, whereas this one - not so much. Nonetheless, I will stay the course, as this is the direction the Lord has led me to go.

Obviously, in order to transition from where the world is now to where the Lord is taking us, there are going to be a few wrinkles to iron out along the way. I don't want to minimize the seriousness of God's judgment, but from a thirty-thousand foot view - wrinkles is a good way to describe it.

Before we press out a few wrinkles, I will begin with a recent dream which I had received from the Lord.

As the dream began, I saw a quite fit Donald Trump greeting a lady coming off of a plane. He was standing at the same level as the plane's door while she was disembarking. This lady may have been in a wheelchair, I’m not quite sure.

I understand that Mr. Trump had learned a bit of Latin; so, as he spoke - he said to her in Latin: “the push here, is to abolish sin”.

I could be wrong, but I believe the only people that speak Latin today, are those within the Vatican and the Roman Catholic church. Not long after this dream, I was led to the book of Joel where I saw a familiar verse: 

Joel 2, NIV: (28) “And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions.

The verse immediately under that one was this:

Joel 2, NIV: (29) Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days.

Does this verse justify what I saw in the dream? Will a woman become the next pope?

God is our Judge

Since God led me to the book of Joel, I pondered upon it for a few days. It only has three chapters, so it doesn't take long to read.

There is a specific phrase within the book of Joel that's mentioned five times, even though its merely three chapters long. For comparison, the book of Isaiah has this same phrase - but it occurs only four times out of a book with sixty-six chapters.

The particular phrase I'm referring to is "the day of the Lord", which infers a swift time of judgment! In this book of Joel which I was led to, this phrase is found in verses 1:15, 2:1,11,31, and 3:14. 

This book of Joel appears to be describing our current Babylonian days. Meaning, that we are the Babylonians of the industrial age, and have now infiltrated the whole globe.

At the beginning of Joel, it states that the land was stripped barren by locusts. At the bottom of the page immediately under this passage, the Bible states that the precise meaning for "locusts" is uncertain. From my impression, using this word "locusts", highly resembles how our modern machinery has destroyed the earth's landscape. With this in mind, note the following verses.

Joel 1, NIV: (19) - To you, Lord, I call, for fire has devoured the pastures in the wilderness and flames have burned up all the trees of the field. (20) Even the wild animals pant for you; the streams of water have dried up and fire has devoured the pastures in the wilderness.

Joel 2, NIV: (3) - Before them fire devours, behind them a flame blazes. Before them the land is like the garden of Eden, behind them, a desert waste — nothing escapes them.

Joel 2, NIV: (10) -Before them the earth shakes, the heavens tremble, the sun and moon are darkened, and the stars no longer shine.

Within the last verse (Joel 2:10), it states that the sun and moon are darkened and the stars no longer shine. It's well understood that many of the stars cannot be seen at night from a large city because of all its bright lights. As far as the sun and moon becoming dim, this can be caused by severe air pollution.

Due to what we've just reviewed, as well as the previous news-letter which honed in on the year 2022 - I believe we've now established that the Bible is referring to our current days, and after the modern Babylonians (we) have pilfered the greater portion of the earth.

Originally, God intended for mankind to reign over all the creatures upon the earth. In the book of Daniel however, and as certain beasts came to power - they began to lord over mankind. These beasts were created by man, not by God. The Bear is one of those beasts, which has been characterized in a past newsletter.

Globalism intensifies the competition between people, and enables the richer ones to lord over the common folk. It increases the divide between the haves and the have- nots. This is against God's original plan, as no-one was to lord over another.

If you recall, the Bible tells us that it was man's idea for kings to rule on earth, not God's. This is one reason why the "high places" described in the Bible are so evil. Another reason, is that these high places were used as temples to worship false gods.

This is difficult to explain in a few words, but through globalization, "high places" are created specifically for representatives from different countries to meet with their counterparts. After a period of years, loyalties of certain representatives towards their native country often get skewed, and muddled. 

Now, are these folks still representing the best interests of their own country, or the best interests of another? I think that this is about as soft a way as I can explain it, as globalism is quite a slippery slope.

Who is God Going to Judge?

This modern Babylonian world of the industrial age and globalization, brings us full circle back to an earlier publishing describing daughter Babylon. Since Babylon has now thundered and circumvented the globe a number of times (locust analogy), its daughter is the hub of its iniquity. I believe that this hub is what will soon be rooted out during God's judgment process.

So where is this hub? As you might imagine, its tentacles circumvent the globe. As a consequence, while this daughter Babylon is being judged - its repercussions will reverberate around the world.

It's certainly not my job to judge people, as God is our judge. However, perhaps we can try and locate this daughter Babylon on the map.

Where is Daughter Babylon?

The greater portion of the Bible focuses upon the Jewish people, and our current predicament is no exception. I'm sure that much of God's judgment will be associated with how certain people have dealt with their Jewish neighbors. For this reason, we will now focus on where the Jewish population resides.

Recall that God does have quite a long memory; so, much of his judgment may be on account of what happened in years past.

Jewish Population by Country

The following, is a list of countries where most of the Jewish people reside. It was obtained from Wikipedia's "Jewish population by country".

51% United States, 30% Israel; each having 3%: Canada, France, Russia; 2% United Kingdom; each having 1% : Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Germany, Hungary, Ukraine; and 2% distributed through various other countries.

These numbers represent people eligible for Israeli citizenship if they decided to migrate. Take these numbers with a grain of salt, as many Jewish people keep their heads low to avoid discrimination. Only God knows the exact tally.

Biblically speaking, I believe that the Russian/Ukrainian war has to do with the fact that there are a good number of Jews within their borders. It's no secret that at certain times in history, the Jews have been highly discriminated against. I believe that this Russian/Ukrainian war has gone on for as long as it has, so that the Jews can flee the country if they wish (both Ukraine and Russia).

From the previous list of countries, we see that United States has more Jewish people than Israel itself. Primarily for this reason, let's dig deeper now into the USA, and determine where most of their Jewish population resides.

Jewish Population Within the USA

The following list shows where the many of the Jewish descendants reside within the USA. These numbers were obtained from the online Jewish Virtual Library using 2022 statistics. Only those states with over 300,000 Jewish descendants are listed.

New York 1,785,727; California 1,234,540; Florida 672,465; New Jersey 626,220;  Pennsylvania 434,165; Illinois, 325,160; Massachusetts 301,880.

Out of these five states having the greatest Jewish population, we will forge ahead and narrow the field for locating Daughter-Babylon.

Using Heraldry to Pin-Point Daughter Babylon

If you've been following this site for any length of time, you likely understand that I've been using heraldry to pin-point certain biblical prophecies.

Heraldry which is sometimes too simplistically stated as "coat of arms", has been around for quite some time. It's basically used to portray the spirit or character of whatever it represents; which could be a country, state, king, royal family, etc.

Since daughter Babylon is a woman, and prophecy is highly based upon the Jewish population (as is the whole Bible) - let's use only the states having a high population of Jews, and those that also use women within heraldry.

  • New York (1,785,727) Two women, an eagle, ships.
  • California (1,234,540) One woman, numerous ships, bear.
  • Florida (672,465) One woman, palm trees, steam ship.
  • New Jersey (626,220) Two women, horse head, three ploughs.
  • Pennsylvania (434,165) An eagle, one ship, ploughs, wheat sheaves.
  • Illinois (325,160) One eagle.
  • Massachusetts (301,880) One Native American man.

Why Use the Term Daughter, for Daughter Babylon?

I won't bother reiterating certain characteristics of Daughter Babylon which I had done earlier. That prior definition of Daughter Babylon may be found here.

If we backup a couple steps, might I dare try and explain the terms man and woman. No, I'm not going to redefine biology, but certain other non-tangibles that might "typically" but not necessarily - characterize men and women.

I believe that simply because of the striking contrast between men and women, the Bible chooses either of these two words. Particularly as a passage is referring to the spiritual realm.

In the Bible, oftentimes a woman is merely a symbol of others being attracted to her. Particularly since certain aggressive male suitors are attracted to women. As opposites, women might be considered soft, cute and cuddly; whereas males are hairy beasts, and better suited for aggression and war. While discussing the spiritual realm, it can be as simple as that.

Simplifying further, the spiritual significance within the Bible between males and females, is that a male often symbolizes aggressiveness, whereas a woman symbolizes passiveness. I believe that this is why the archangel Michael was given his particular name.

He (the spirit Michael) has a masculine name "Michael", but with a slight variation - its feminine form is "Michelle". This archangel Michael is typically framed as warring against the devil while doing God's work. Although I'm not aware of any instance in the Bible - as this spirit-being is not warring, I believe that it may be referred to as Michelle.

Current Summary of Daughter Babylon

Based on just two conditions for locating Daughter Babylon on planet earth, which are using pockets of Jewish-diaspora and heraldry - it looks like the states of New York and New Jersey fit the bill. At least if you accept the posture that the heraldry status of two women representing one state, represents a mother and a daughter, whereas a single woman might represent just the mother.

I believe that the Lord has been warning us that the "day of the Lord" is coming very soon. The following verse and the bullet points afterward, strengthen my opinion.

Joel 2, NIV: (31) The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.

  • The 2022 blood moon which occurred during the USA mid-terms, began to swing the balance of power towards the Republican party.
  • The abnormal number of wild-fires here in Canada, caused havoc within New York state. Earlier this month, the pollution in New York city was the worst in the world, and the worst that it had ever experienced.
  • It's fairly common for minor earthquakes to occur in New York state.
  • The notable and recent mass-invasion of immigrants into New York, has caused chaos for many of its citizens and a tremendous financial burden.
  • Discrimination against the Jewish population in New York has experience a severe uptick throughout the past year.

Since there's a number of world-wide organizations based in New York, not the least of which is the United Nations, I might suggest to keep a watchful eye. I believe some of the past events are a warning of things to come for the states of New York and New Jersey.

For those of you who are non-US citizens, if you wish to research this further, I might suggest looking into the meaning of Washington DC, and the statue of Liberty that's perched on Liberty Island within New York's harbour.

May God have mercy on those to be judged!

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