Lawrention News Letter June 12th, 2023

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Connecting the Dots - Part I

Since Daniel’s Bear has now been virtually muzzled, we are hearing more real-news content than we’ve heard for quite some time. Certain propaganda and narratives have gradually receded, and certain truths are bubbling to the surface. At the very least, we can now scour the internet for a particular subject-matter and find more than one opinion.

Within these next few newsletters, we will begin to pin-point exactly where we are within biblical prophecy. Particularly, within the prophetic books of Daniel and Revelation. Not that I haven’t done this in the past, but the Lord is now leading me even deeper into present-day prophecy.

To frame this news-letter appropriately - June sixth, was the big news out of Ukraine as the Nova Kakhovka dam was breached and thousands of Ukrainians had to be evacuated. That was six days ago. Its impact upon human-life and their local ecology has been devastating. I understand that lost ammunition and previously planted land-mines are a concern, as locals navigate through this crisis.

I hear that this dam was damaged from a deliberately triggered explosion, although some dispute this. As well, I don’t believe it’s actually been confirmed that it was caused by Russian forces. 

Global Warming

Here in Canada, the news of late has been all of the wildfires across the country. In Ontario, our wildfires have more than doubled compared to this time last year, and the cities of Toronto and Ottawa have been hit appreciably hard by smog. It seems we’ve exported a good portion of this smog, as quite a large quantity has amassed south of the border in the State of New York.

Firefighters from a number of countries including those of France, Mexico, and the US, have arrived in Canada to help us out. The number of fires we've had to this point in the year, is unprecedented. As years go by, it seems we receive less and less snowfall. As a result, forests dry out earlier and firefighting seasons have become longer.

Inversely, the number of scorched woodlands we experienced in the year of 2020 during COVID, was the lowest we’d had for some twenty years! This blip may have been more noticeable in Canada than other countries, but the lock-downs we had during 2020 made a significant impact on the reduction of forest fires.

Surprisingly, during the COVID era - much of the earth’s air-pollution waned, and certain cities looked greener and cleaner than they’d been for a long time. This included many of China’s cities as well, where a large part of their energy is produced by coal-burning power plants.

In this CBS news-link on NO2, the improvement of nitrogen-dioxide (NO2) emissions in March of 2020 compared to March of 2019 was quite an eye opener. The damaging effects of NO2 released into the atmosphere is primarily caused from the burning of carbon-based fuels.

It seems that the anomaly we experienced in 2020 of having minimal forest fires in Canada, was due to a number of factors associated with COVID. These factors included mandatory lock-downs, virtually nil international-travel, and the throttling down of many industries. I’m sure throughout the COVID era, the whole world experienced less of a warming effect than is usually does from mankind’s endeavors.

I’m sure that these COVID factors resulted in an average air-quality improvement around the globe, as well as a change in weather patterns. Certain weather changes were predictable, others were not. If you're curious, here is an article from Physics World which outlines how the COVID era potentially impacted our weather.

It seems we had somewhat of a global-warming reprieve through the pandemic, and now it’s returned with a vengeance. I dare say, that global warming is not due to people, or even humorously from cattle emissions… but our technology!

Just to be crystal clear, I will state that I believe global warming is a real thing for a number of viable reasons; a few of which are listed below.

  • In southwestern Ontario where I grew up, it was common for parents to build backyard skating rinks in the winter. These rinks are now pretty-much nonexistent, as our winter temperatures can no longer sustain outdoor rinks.
  • The amount of snow and ice that we’ve received through recent winters is quite negligible compared to what we had back in the 70’s. I think last winter I only had to shovel the driveway two or three times.
  • The polar icecaps are falling away as we speak. Earth’s history of “cyclical” ice-ages was due to God's creation process, and not by some natural-cyclical event. Once the creation process was complete (which included our last ice age), atmospheric conditions became predictably stable.

Parallels between Global Warming and the Babylonian Furnace

Similar to ancient Babylon, we rely upon industrial-furnaces to manufacture goods. Among other uses, industrial-furnaces are commonly used for refining and forming metals. During the era of ancient Babylon, I’m sure they used furnaces for not only making household-goods like ceramics, pots, and pans; but, also jewelry and weaponry.

Now, God has always been far ahead of mankind, and has known exactly where we were heading. There’s a great parallel between the industrial-furnaces of ancient Babylon and the ones we use today.

Taking this one step further, through the proliferation of our technology - it seems that mankind has turned the earth into one large furnace!

Earlier on this site, I published certain parallels between ancient and modern-day Babylon, and why our world can now be considered as one large Babylonian city. Introducing this parallel concept of ancient and modern-day furnaces, merely strengthens my opinion on the matter. Modern-day Babylon (or Babylonia) currently encompasses our whole globe.

Within Daniel chapter-three, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, were thrown into the fiery furnace for not bowing down to Nebuchadnezzar’s false God. The applicable passage is shown below.

Daniel 3, NIV: (4) Then the herald loudly proclaimed, “Nations and peoples of every language, this is what you are commanded to do: (5) As soon as you hear the sound of the horn, flute, zither, lyre, harp, pipe and all kinds of music, you must fall down and worship the image of gold that King Nebuchadnezzar has set up. (6) Whoever does not fall down and worship will immediately be thrown into a blazing furnace.”

This story was left for us as an example, as this trio relied upon the Lord - not one hair on their head was singed from the furnace.
Note that the king’s order was given to all “Nations and peoples of every language”.

Air-Conditioning Effects on Global Warming

One thing that we can do to curb our energy use, is to reduce our reliance upon air-conditioning systems. As the world is becoming warmer than ever, we use more and more refrigeration systems than we have in the past. They are used to cool our homes, vehicles, factories, refrigerators, freezers, ice rinks, computer rooms and data centers.

Cooling is quite a compounding issue. As the earth heats up, we use more energy for cooling via fans and air-conditioning. Since these items use energy, they warm up the atmosphere. It's an ongoing exacerbating cycle of energy use and heat emission. 

I know this is easier said than done, but the older homes relied more upon natural-convection for cooling instead of air-conditioning. Older homes were typically not only more spacious, but were designed to be as cool as possible without requiring A/C.

As we seal up our homes and crank the A/C, there is no natural convection available from the outdoors, or fresh air for that matter. I’m confident, that with all the resources we have today - a new kind of energy-efficient home could be developed; one that that doesn’t require vast amounts of A/C.

I find it curious that while we cool our food using refrigerators and freezers - the heat that’s removed is merely pumped back into the house. Ditto goes for all of our electronic devices that emit heat. As a result, we need to consume more energy than ever to eliminate excessive heat from our homes.

Protecting the Earth from God’s Stance

I’m sure that the Russian/Ukrainian war hasn’t helped our global warming issue. With all of its explosions, missiles, tanks, airplanes and drones, the energy that’s been expelled has been quite significant. More significant, is the world-wide moving of goods through global trade. This is a major cause of global warming, as both raw materials and finished goods are shuttled around the world.

Now, although this issue of global-warming sounds dire, as we’ve witnessed through the COVID era – it can likely be reversed relatively quickly. God has not allowed mankind to paint ourselves into a corner, nor left us swinging on a branch, or whatever other analogy you can think of. All is not lost; God is still in perfect control.

Remember, that after the tribulation period, Jesus will reign on earth for a full millennium. God is not done with the earth just yet. After the flood, he promised that as long as the earth is here, we will have contiguous seasons for crop growing.

Genesis 8, NIV: (22) “As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.”

Further, during the tribulation period and just after the sixth seal is opened - angels are summoned to protect the earth.

NIV, Rev. 7: (1) After this I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth to prevent any wind from blowing on the land or on the sea or on any tree. (2) Then I saw another angel coming up from the east, having the seal of the living God. He called out in a loud voice to the four angels who had been given power to harm the land and the sea: (3) “Do not harm the land or the sea or the trees until we put a seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God.” (4) Then I heard the number of those who were sealed: 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel.

Regardless of the preceding verses - in chapter eight, beginning in verse eight, a third of the earth’s resources are allowed to be destroyed. These verses are quite specific, and I believe that these catastrophic events will occur a few years after the rapture of the Church.

To conclude... there’s really no need to panic, the Lord has everything under control. If however, you happen to find yourself on earth after the Church has been raptured away - then you can begin to worry. Hopefully, you will have a drawer full of underwear for the occasion.

God has a plan which will not fail, so we may as well work with him instead of against him. I might add that carbon fuels have been with us for thousands of years. It’s only since we’ve entered the modern industrial-age that they’ve become a real issue.

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