World News Update,
August 15th 2022

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Joe Biden / White House,
Daughter Babylon

It’s been a number of months now since I released my last newsletter (March of 2022). There are certain things within that  letter which I thought would have occurred by now, but have not. At least not to its full extent here in Canada. Particularly with regards to forthcoming food shortages.

I understand that there has been a suspiciously high number of fires in and around US food processing plants within the last year or so. Now, whether this was by design or accident, the result is the same. The US food shortages which received the most press so far, are likely the ones regarding baby formula. Apparently, this is an ongoing issue with no end in sight. This particular issue is not necessarily related to the fires, but is a result of possible health concerns stemming from the formula itself, and on-going regulatory issues.

The world-wide grain crisis caused from the war combined with high fuel prices, are two large factors for inflating food costs here in North America. For countries which rely heavily upon imported grain from Russia and Ukraine, supply chain issues are much more dire.

There’s a tremendous amount of tension within the US political arena and is growing day by day. A primary concern is all of the immigrants arriving through the southern border. Thousands upon thousands of immigrants have been flowing in from Mexico, and their numbers are rising month by month. Notably, a good percentage of these folks are not of Mexican descent, but are transients from around the world!

US state governors have been appealing to the federal government for help at the southern border for quite some time, but their cries always land on deaf ears. The Texas governor got so frustrated with the vast influx of immigrants, that he initiated a program to bus thousands of them directly into Washington. I believe that currently - both the states of Texas and Arizona are busing migrants to both Washington D.C. and New-York city.

I understand, and am still expecting: A single major event to occur any day now, so be prepared. I believe that it will occur within the western hemisphere, and the news will immediately echo around the world. After this explosive event, there will be a roller-coaster ride of subsequent events for a number of months until things begin to settle. The dream which I had about this surprising event occurred May 2nd.

As far as the Ukrainian/Russian war goes, I was shown how treacherous it’s become. Both Russia and Ukraine have been increasingly upping the anti with weaponry. How many casualties are required before this war ends? Through another dream (July 18th) about Russia and Ukraine, I saw activities taking place that can only be described as one criminal gang fighting against another.

Within this dream, I saw a number of warehouses located within remote and flat stretches of land, amongst low-lying areas of melting ice and snow. Any surrounding vegetation was sparse at best. Since the land was quite flat, approaching one of these warehouses without being spotted, is nearly impossible. I believe that shoot-outs are common around these warehouses, as people don’t know who to trust. My impression from the dream, is that there’s likely numerous criminal rings competing against each other for spoils of war.

From a bird’s-eye view, and if I understand this war situation correctly - it’s identified within certain Bible verses. It begins by telling the Jewish people to flee from Daughter Babylon

 Zechariah 2, NIV: (6) “Come! Come! Flee from the land of the north,” declares the Lord, “for I have scattered you to the four winds of heaven,” declares the Lord. (7) “Come, Zion! Escape, you who live in Daughter Babylon!” (8) For this is what the Lord Almighty says: “After the Glorious One has sent me against the nations that have plundered you—for whoever touches you touches the apple of his eye— (9) I will surely raise my hand against them so that their slaves will plunder them. Then you will know that the Lord Almighty has sent me.”

It seems that as this war progresses, the poverty stricken will divide up the spoils as they see fit. My impression is that the spoils of war will not likely remain under the control of the elites. Subsequent to the dreams which I've just described, I've not had a dream about either Russia or Ukraine revealing anything different. So, I presume that the final outcome of the war will align perfectly with the verses out of Zechariah which we just read.

Every now and then the Lord gives me a comical dream to shake things up. This recent dream from August eleventh which I’m about to describe, is a prime example.

To begin with, I saw Joe Biden within a huge building. I ‘m fairly sure that this building represented his current empire, but it may have also represented the White house; I'm not really sure. In either case, I know that it depicted - what, and who, is under Joe Biden’s influence.

As the dream began, I was standing close to Joe Biden within a lower-level floor of the building. We were overlooking an extraordinarily wide set of steps which were most-likely formed of concrete, as the width of these steps covered a substantial part of building. As Joe Biden and I watched, the basement became instantly flooded, and a huge wall of water flowed up and over the wide set of steps and out of the building. Joe Biden remarked with words similar to this: I Know that there was a leak or two in the basement washrooms, but this?

As I watched, the whole building was shaking. The water which was flooding the lower parts of the building was causing it crumble. The building was shaking violently as if an earthquake was bringing it down. I saw a number of people scrambling about on top of the building, attempting to gain a foothold as it began to collapse.

About this time, I was standing in Joe Biden’s office. The flat top of his desk was not made of wood, but numerous clay tiles. These tiles were exactly like the ones you would use on a floor. I pushed against the tiles and found that there was nothing holding them to the desk. I slide them onto the floor, which now exposed the desk frame beneath. I gathered a couple of loose clay tiles, and positioned them on the desk directly in front of me. I then grabbed Joe’s microphone which was close by, positioned in upon these couple of tiles, and began speaking.

I shouted into the mic something like this. Wear a mask! Get the shot! Monkey Pox! Thirty days to slow the spread! Four weeks to close the cheeks! As I peered outside, I could see people walking along the sidewalk laughing. This encouraged me all the more, so I just kept shouting. I awoke from the dream chuckling.

On a more serious note, during a seemingly unrelated dream it was revealed to me that much of Joe Biden’s cognitive issues stemmed from an abscessed tooth. I’m not sure why I was given this, other than maybe to warn others as to how serious these issues can be.

I truly believe that the exact timing of today's world-events, align with the Donald Trump / Cyrus connection within the Bible. If I’m correct, we’re waiting for the occurrences within the verses below to take place. These verses describe events related to Daughter Babylon.

Isaiah 47, NIV: (9) Both of these will overtake you in a moment, on a single day: loss of children and widowhood. They will come upon you in full measure, in spite of your many sorceries and all your potent spells. (10) You have trusted in your wickedness and have said, ‘No one sees me.’ Your wisdom and knowledge mislead you when you say to yourself, ‘I am, and there is none besides me.’

Note that verse nine states that Daughter Babylon will fall in a single day! In addition, keep an eye on the World Economic Forum. On the surface and under the scrutiny of the public eye, much of what the WEF speaks of seems quite reasonable. Regardless, it’s what they are doing behind the scenes that is quite disturbing. They have been gambling with people’s lives for quite some time now. I understand this to be true from a plurality of dreams, that’s how I can make such a bold statement.

I’d like to close with this. In the earlier letter of March 2022 I made mention that biblically speaking, we are within the years of the wheat and tares being separated (Matthew 13, verses 24-30).

I understand that there are likely some who are about to get burnt in the process, as the Lord brings down Daughter Babylon. Perhaps this following New Testament verse is a good way of describing this scenario.

Luke 3, NIV: (17) His winnowing fork is in his hand to clear his threshing floor and to gather the wheat into his barn, but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.

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