Within the Prophetic,
Including 11:11

(Published July 12th, 2023; revised 241223)

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Interpreting prophetic Scripture has many twists and turns. Just as we think we understand a prophetic passage, God throws another curve ball. Compared to our all-knowing God who has existed for eons and has experienced more than we can ever imagine, our thoughts are commonly quite limiting.  

As an added layer of difficulty, often-times biblical passages have one interpretation for times gone by, and another for future events. As a result, more than one interpretation may be correct, since the Bible is always relevant. The Bible was not only written for people of the past, but for those who are here today and yet to follow.

The two most prophetic biblical books related to our end-time events are Daniel and Revelation. Out of the two, Daniel is the one which I've spent the most time studying, and is perhaps my favorite book of the Bible. 

At one time, I naively thought that the book of Revelation began about where the book of Daniel left off. I’ve since discovered it’s not that simple. Actually, the whole Bible cannot be read and understood like secular books, which are often targeted towards a specific audience.

In contrast to secular books, the Bible deals with multiple layers of comprehension, as it's been written for different generations and cultures. Biblical passages can be slanted a certain way depending upon ones unique background and point of view.

Events which were commonly understood through past generations, may seem totally foreign to us today. Likewise, certain events which rely upon modern technology would’ve been totally foreign to those in the past. 

My background is within the technology sector, not history, nor the Hebrew language. As a consequence, while reading the Bible my mind often wanders to technological concepts which I am more familiar. I often formulate questions such as: in this instance, what’s physically feasible and what’s not? Or, is this passage describing a spiritual concept verses a physical one? Or perhaps even both?

Inspired by the Lord, one way to think of Daniel’s prophetic book is to imagine each chapter as a mysterious path to be explored. Envision each of these paths as a neatly organized trail of bricks, flush within the ground, and hidden behind a closed gate. As we open a particular gate (chapter) and begin reading, we proceed down its winding path… brick by brick, verse by verse.

As we continue reading and learning, we are basically illuminating our walk down the path. Time-wise, we’re never really sure how long the path is, until we discover familiar landmarks along the way. Through a series of progressive steps, at some point - the whole path becomes illuminated.

This path is often at its brightest, when its steps are validated from verses found within other books of the Bible. For this reason, it could be stated that some interpretations are stronger than others.

Finding Prophetic Numbers Within Scripture

As I stated earlier, I understand very little of the Hebrew language. So for me, numbers are an invaluable tool for interpreting prophecy.

Numbers which hold emphasis within scripture, can be extracted through various means; including those below.

  • The number of a certain verse.
  • The number of a certain chapter.
  • The number of a particular book of the Bible. 
  • Numbers written as words.
  • Objects or symbols which represent numbers.

I will give a few examples in a moment.

One way to use prophetic numbers is through gematria. I don't often use this method, but do pay close attention to it.

Gematria is a method which assigns a unique numerical value to letters of the alphabet within a particular language.

In this manner, each letter of a word or phrase can be totaled to arrive at a specific number, and then later used for comparison against other words and phrases. Using gematria establishes relationships between words and phrases, that at first glance - might not be seemingly related.

As a popular example, the Greek name Neron Kaisar translates to number 666. Nero was an ancient Roman emperor who tormented the Christians. After he committed suicide, it was rumored that he would come back to life. This is one reason why the Nero narrative of 666 is so popular.

In order to arrive at 666, Nero's name must first be translated into Hebrew, and then using Hebrew gematria - its letters tally to 666.

In theory, if you know of a potential candidate for the antichrist (I know I have a few favorites) - you can exchange the letters of their name with equivalent gematria numbers and see if they total 666.

Regarding the "Beast" within the book of Revelation, its number 666 is stated in chapter thirteen, verse eighteen. Coincidental or not, you can obviously extract 666 from this verse, merely by dividing it into three separate components: 6+6+6 = 18.

Revelation 13, NIV: (18) This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666.

Within ancient Hebrew, the sixth letter of its alphabet is the letter "Wah". This letter is equivalent to our English letter W.

Note; there are no designated-characters used specifically for numbers within the ancient-Hebrew language. Letter-like characters are used throughout for both its letters and numbers.

Since I believe that much of the words within the Books of Daniel and Revelation are based upon modern technology; through the ancient-Hebrew language.... number 666 is equivalent to WWW. Hence, I believe WWW which is short for World Wide Web is synonymous with the beast's number 666 (first beast of Revelation).

In addition, this letter Wah that's used for "W" within ancient Hebrew, can also be used as a short-form for words like joining, secure, and hook. So, In effect... WWW is not only synonymous with "666"... but also "hook, hook, hook".

This takes us to the biblical analogy of people (souls) being like fish within the sea. Think of how many of us are now addicted to the internet; the evil one has most certainly cast out his net.

Context for Biblical-Numerology

When using biblical-numerology and extracting the meaning of certain numbers, it is quite important that the extracted-meaning adheres to the context of its accompanied scripture!

Important: Biblical-Numerology, is merely a way of stressing the fact that a certain number is highly significant within that particular passage. Similar to underlining a title within a document, it merely emphasizes what's already in place. It doesn't normally change a passage's words or meaning, just how it's emphasized.

There is no way of understanding if an extracted-meaning of a certain number is significant, unless the whole passage is studied and its context is understood. As well, unless the thought was inspired by the Lord, it might just as well be considered meaningless.

Specific Numbers

Now that we've qualified biblical-numerology, let's get on to the straightforward part.

Number Two (and Eleven)

Hidden Meaning: I understand that number two can infer to the dual-like nature of God within proper context. Just like two sides of a coin, God is our loving creator and saviour, but is also our judge!

Consider this potential meaning of the number two, and note that the book of Revelation has twenty-two chapters, and its last verse is numbered twenty-one.

In the following are some examples of this number "two" being used for both sides of the coin.

For the first example, I believe that the year 2022 is significant, as this is when God had begun to judge.

Here are a few of the years notable events:

  • 2022, 1st month, 22nd day: The Canadian trucker protest began.
  • 2022, 2nd month, 24th day: Russian/Ukrainian war begins (refer below).
  • 2022, 6th month, 24th day: US supreme court overturns Roe verses Wade.
  • 2022, 11th month, 1st day: Benjamin Netanyahu wins the Israeli election.
  • 2022, 11th month, 7th and 8th day: The blood moon and US midterm elections occur at the same time. These elections tipped the scale in favour of the Republicans.

In the year 2022, I believe that the Lord began the process of holding governments into account for how some of their Jewish diaspora had been treated. Not only through history, but also through the pandemic.

The long duration of the war has allowed people (particularly the Jews) to flee from both Ukraine and Russia. Obviously, the war itself is the judgement side of the coin.

Now, if you will - please look at the occurrences above within the eleventh month. Prophetic-wise, and In certain cases... what looks like a number 11 (eleven) can also be interpreted as the Roman numeral II (two).

One example of number "eleven" masquerading as the number two (representing both sides of the coin), is within the verse 11:11 directly from the book of Revelation.


Revelation 11, NIV: (11) But after the three and a half days the breath of life from God entered them, and they stood on their feet, and terror struck those who saw them. (12) Then they heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them, “Come up here.” And they went up to heaven in a cloud, while their enemies looked on. (13) At that very hour there was a severe earthquake and a tenth of the city collapsed. Seven thousand people were killed in the earthquake, and the survivors were terrified and gave glory to the God of heaven. (14) The second woe has passed; the third woe is coming soon.

The two prophets portrayed within this 11:11 verse, prophesied for 1,060 days (Rev.11:3) for all who would listen. However, immediately afterwards... there was a severe earthquake which killed seven-thousand people. 

This next example of a number two being disguised as an eleven, is from the book of Daniel.


Daniel 11, NIV: (11)“Then the king of the South will march out in a rage and fight against the king of the North, who will raise a large army, but it will be defeated. (12) When the army is carried off, the king of the South will be filled with pride and will slaughter many thousands, yet he will not remain triumphant. (13) For the king of the North will muster another army, larger than the first; and after several years, he will advance with a huge army fully equipped.

I'm fairly certain that this Daniel 11:11 verse, portrays an occurrence within the midst of WWII.

In this passage, the king of the south is Adolf Hitler, and the King of the north is Joseph Stalin. Here, "11" not only stands for both sides of the coin, but also for WWII. Recall that shortly after WWII, and in 1948 - Israel once again became established as a country having borders.

Strengthening this stance regarding two sides of the coin even further, is this 11:11 verse from the book of Jeremiah.


Jeremiah 11, NIV: (11) Therefore this is what the Lord says: ‘I will bring on them a disaster they cannot escape. Although they cry out to me, I will not listen to them. (12) The towns of Judah and the people of Jerusalem will go and cry out to the gods to whom they burn incense, but they will not help them at all when disaster strikes. (13) You, Judah, have as many gods as you have towns; and the altars you have set up to burn incense to that shameful god Baal are as many as the streets of Jerusalem.’

These three books of Jeremiah, Daniel, and Revelation, which I just used for 11:11 examples - are highly prophetic books and intertwined with both versions of Babylon; ancient and modern.

Bringing the number 11 full circle as it relates to our modern times, people have often wondered what the mysterious meaning of 11:11 is referring to on their clocks. I would hazard to guess, that in most cases - it's the Lord speaking to them about a forthcoming judgment, and in regards to Babylon's evil ways. Especially, since not that many years ago, there were no digital clocks; we only saw hour and minute hands.

Perhaps one way to consider why the number 11 (eleven) is like two sides of a coin, is that each of its digits mirrors the other (1 <--> 1). 

Number Five

Hidden Meaning: An underlying meaning for the number five in Hebrew, is that it can represent Jesus on the cross. This was also revealed to me by the Lord.

In Hebrew, the fifth letter of its alphabet "Hey", is commonly used for the number five. Ancient-Hebrew meanings for this letter can be words like behold, reveal, and spirit.

Within the following image, it shows how a simple five dots gradually becomes a cross. Jesus is the central and fifth dot in this special case. So, a simple number five can also be used to represent Jesus on the cross.

Hebrew letter Hey

In verse five of Revelation chapter-five, it states that Jesus, who is the Lion of the tribe of Judah and the Root of David - has triumphed. Since he has "triumphed", he is worthy to open the seven seals of judgement.


Rev. 5, NIV: (1) Then I saw in the right hand of him who sat on the throne a scroll with writing on both sides and sealed with seven seals. (2) And I saw a mighty angel proclaiming in a loud voice, “Who is worthy to break the seals and open the scroll?” (3) But no one in heaven or on earth or under the earth could open the scroll or even look inside it. (4) I wept and wept because no one was found who was worthy to open the scroll or look inside. (5) Then one of the elders said to me, “Do not weep! See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed. He is able to open the scroll and its seven seals.”

I believe that in a number of instances within the Bible, when this number five is used to represent Jesus - it also captures the thought that he arrived just in time, and most likely to benefit mankind as a whole.


Romans 5, NIV: (5) And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us. (6) You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. (7) Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. (8) But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Further, do you think that it's a coincidence that both the name of the Torah and Bible have five letters?

Number Seven

The hidden meaning of this biblical number seems obvious to most, but perhaps I can add a couple little nuances.

Firstly, number seven represents the trinity: the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. So far... fairly straightforward. Now, since the number Seven represents the Trinity, it also represents time itself. Why?

Since there was no time reference as we understand it prior to God's creation... God created our "earth time" through the "seven-day" creation period back in the book of Genesis. So, God's number 7, represents evolution directed by his mighty hand.

Moving to our modern day, Daniel chapter 7 describes a creation process of sorts for our modern-day technological "beasts". These are the four beasts of Daniel, beginning with the Lion.

I suppose this next point could be argued, but I believe that it was God's plan to allow these beasts to roam about the earth, otherwise they wouldn't be in biblical prophecy.

So, while many of God's plans revolve around sevens as a basis, then whenever we see the time frame of three-and-a-half within prophecy, it's exactly midway through one of God's meticulously crafted plans.

As humans, we keep track of time using the movements of the sun and moon since they are highly accurate. Previously however, God had came up with a plan based on sevens, to create the heavens and the earth. The time that we rely upon today, is merely a consequence of that original "seven-day" period, and God's seven-day plan.

Being in tune with nature, God also keeps track of time by using generations. In Matthew chapter-one, it states the following:

Matthew 1, NIV: (17) Thus there were fourteen generations in all from Abraham to David, fourteen from David to the exile to Babylon, and fourteen from the exile to the Messiah.

As we see in this verse, it appears like God had a master plan based upon a total time of forty-two generations (3 x 14), with Jesus arriving (birthed) at the end of that plan.

Not surprisingly, this forty-two generational plan of God's is a combination of sevens. Conspicuously, forty-two generations divided by seven equals six; whereas six is mankind's number.

Number Twelve

KJV, John 11:9. Jesus answered, Are there not twelve hours in the day? If any man walk in the day, he stumbleth not, because he seeth the light of this world.

In this prior verse, Jesus emphasizes that there are twelve hours of light in the day. So, there are twelve hours of light and twelve hours of darkness, within a twenty-four hour period.

From my point of view, it seems that Jesus picked twelve disciples because they represent the "light" of the world. In a similar fashion, there were also twelve tribes of Israel.

Number Forty-Eight

This is an interesting number, as it builds upon the number twelve -  the number of "light" (in this case) which was spread around the world.

There are a number of examples where forty-eight represents a physical border. Using Biblical references, I believe that it typically represents "light" which is bordered by the north, south, east, and west. Of course, 4 x 12 = 48. Examples are shown below.

  • The land and borders for the twelve twelve-tribes of Israel was described in detail within Ezekiel chapter forty-eight.
  • The tribe of Levi were the ancient priests of Israel. They were not assigned tracts of land like the other Israeli tribes, but were designated a total of forty-eight cities.
  • In ancient times, it was determined that there were forty-eight star constellations. Today, there are known to be eighty-eight.
  • Although the USA has fifty states, only forty-eight of them are contiguous. Arizona became the forty-eighth state in the year 1912. This occurred a couple years before WWI, a hundred and eleven years ago. Alaska and Hawaii became the 49th and 50th state during the year 1959. Significant to scripture, note that there are currently more Jewish descendants within the USA than the country of Israel itself.

Combinations within Biblical-Numerology

Either Seven-Eleven, or Eleven-Seven

From what I understand, either 7-11 or 11-7 is one of God's prophetic combination of numbers. Now that we have a decent understanding of these two numbers, it's no wonder why.

Since 7 is a span of time representing one of God's plans, and 11 represents judgement, or at least the opposing side of the coin - then these two numbers go together like coffee and cream.

God used an 11-7 number to highlight the fact that the 2022 blood moon was quite significant. It began on November 7th, and ended the morning of the 8th. This blood moon occurred at the same time as the USA midterm elections. This was a pivotal moment in history, as it began to tip the scale in favour of the Republicans.

An example of this 7-11 combination within scripture, is within Daniel chapter seven, verse eleven.


Daniel 7, NIV: (11) “Then I continued to watch because of the boastful words the horn was speaking. I kept looking until the beast was slain and its body destroyed and thrown into the blazing fire.

In order to summarize this 7-11 combination from Daniel's past example.... we might conclude that while the four beasts evolved within events that occurred throughout chapter 7, one of them was destroyed within verse 11. In the following verse twelve, it states that the other beasts were allowed to live for a period of time.

Verse 11 represents a time of judgment and one side of the coin, as one of the beasts was slain and thrown into the blazing fire.

Another example of 7-11 being used as a time of judgment, is in the book of Genesis as the world-wide flood began. In verse 7:11 it states: "all the springs of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened".

Now that you've read this whole section - you will likely never look at the numbers 2, 11, 11:11, 7:11, or 11:7 quite the same way.

Pretty much throughout the whole duration of writing and publishing this document, God has been pulling on my heart-strings. I believe that God wants to ensure that all of those who need to repent.... please do so quickly, as time is fast running out.

This whole document hinges upon the number two, and both sides of God's nature. He certainly loves us all regardless of our past, but is also burdened with the sobering task of judging.

There's been much water under the bridge these past few years, and crunch time is soon approaching. The tares (weeds) will soon be yanked out alongside the last great harvest.

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