World News Update, January 19th 2023
(Defeating the Bear of Daniel)

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Defeating The Bear of Daniel -

Since we are living in times riddled with anxiety, I would first like to remind everyone that God is still on the throne and is attentively watching the goings on here on earth. What humans have intended for harm; God knows how to turn it around for good.

Recall the story of Joseph, when his older brothers sold him into slavery. Years later, Joseph became a powerful Governor over all of Egypt. During that time, Joseph saved not only the Egyptians from starvation during a seven-year famine, but the whole nation of Israel as well. Here are Joseph’s words to his brothers stating this fact. 

Genesis 50, NIV: (20) You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.

Here are a couple of other verses along the same lines.

Jeremiah 29, NIV: (11)  For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Romans 8 NIV: (28) And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

If you’ve read my past news-letters, then you will understand that we’re still waiting for a single major event to occur which will rock the world. Last year I thought this event was immanent, but obviously has not yet occurred. The Lord has since let me understand that I am not privy to that information, specifically regarding its timing. As a result, I will not attempt to pinpoint the date of this major event any longer.

Regardless of the preceding statement, there is a date coming up quickly which is worth mentioning. This date is directly from the book of Daniel, the twenty-fourth of January 2023. I’m not going to let the cat out of the bag just yet - but if you scan through the book of Daniel and apply certain concepts which I’ve already discussed (on this site), you can likely conclude how I arrived at this date. I’m not saying that something Biblical will occur on the twenty-fourth, but there’s a very good chance.

January twenty-fourth 2020, was the first day of the pandemic here in North-America. It so happens that exactly three years later is the twenty-fourth of this month. I believe that we will hear some news on this particular day that will officially signal that the pandemic is over.

Scheduled Doomsday-Clock Event

Coincidental or not, there’s an upcoming event-of-interest for this January twenty-fourth date that has been scheduled for quite some time. The event is an update to the “doomsday clock”, and It’s scheduled to be updated at ten AM. Until we get there, its hard to say if there is a direct relationship to this date within the book of Daniel or not.

The idea of this doomsday clock began during the early stages of the US/USSR cold war in 1947; a couple of years after WWII. It’s periodically updated based upon the consensus of certain members within the bulletin of atomic scientists. 

This clock forecasts an apocalyptic event that will endanger humanity as we understand it. It was put in place so that humanity doesn’t forget just how fragile our species is. In theory, if we allow this clock to strike midnight an apocalyptic event will occur. Periodically, the hand of the clock is moved backwards as certain dangers become less immanent.

The concept of this clock was created by those who were involved in the Manhattan project which was active leading up to, and during WWII. Initially this clock was focused upon potential atomic calamities, but has since evolved to include similar events that might hinder human habitation such as climate change. In the year 2020, it was set to merely 100 seconds… the closest to midnight so far! Notably, significant times for the clock occurred previously within the years 1953 and 2018.

Defeating The Bear of Daniel

We will now move on and discuss the primary theme of this letter. In a prior September 2022 news-letter, I characterized the Bear within the book of Daniel. Its actions are described within the following verse from Daniel chapter seven.

Daniel 7, NIV: (5) And there before me was a second beast, which looked like a bear. It was raised up on one of its sides, and it had three ribs in its mouth between its teeth. It was told, ‘Get up and eat your fill of flesh!’

In that particular news-letter, I went on to say that this Bear is basically the overbearing world daily-news and propaganda. This Bear’s strength comes primarily out of the state of California, and its inner regions of San Francisco Bay and Silicon Valley.

Basically, the Bear carries, or “bears” the daily-news around the world. It’s largely represented by those big-tech companies like Facebook, Twitter, and Google. Any media giant which can either stifle free speech or promote certain agendas, is encapsulated within this concept of the beast, the Bear. So, in essence, most of main-stream media is part and parcel of this Beast. At least as far as the book of Daniel is concerned.

Many of our major news companies rely heavily upon government funding. As a consequence, if their news doesn’t align with the government’s stance, their revenue is often in jeopardy.

Here in Canada, if Pierre Poilievre who is the head of the Conservative Party had his way - he would eliminate government funding for the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation). Here are some of Pierre Poilievre’s comments from the CBC itself.

Throughout the pandemic, the Great Bear was in full force. Its propaganda divided much of the world’s population and pitted friend against friend, and family member from family member. It also silenced many respected individuals who couldn’t speak their mind - many of whom were experts in their respective field, and could have helped us through the pandemic. Thankfully however, the Bear is now painstakingly and systematically being brought under control!

Due to the course of necessity, there have been numerous small-media internet companies which have sprung up, and as a unit - have sapped a huge portion of the larger-media companies’ strength. Due to the internet, people can now get their news wherever they wish; whereas back in the day – daily news was restricted to the radio, television, and newspapers.

As an example of this current war against the Bear, the company Twitter which is now under control of Elon Musk, is once again allowing free speech. Elon has systematically been dumping previously hidden archives onto the internet. To the chagrin of many, the truth is coming out one way or another. However, on the flip side of this situation, I’ve heard that many of those smaller media companies who began with limited funding, are likely still struggling to become totally censorship free.

If you would like to judge for yourself how the Bear is currently performing, just research certain tech-giants’ stock-prices. Most of them soared during the height of the pandemic, and have since been rapidly deflating. 

The United States House of Representatives

As we begin to pivot this conversation towards politics, the Blood Moon of late 2022 signaled a political event which began to swing the pendulum of power within the U.S., from the left to the right. This single event which occurred during the Blood Moon, was the U.S. midterm elections.

These midterms began the process of repairing a splintered Republican party, which has since been re-united under a new Speaker within the House of Representatives. So, since early January of this year, it’s now the Republican party that determines which bills are brought forth to vote upon within the House.

Curiously, out of a total of 435 voting members - the state of California which is basically the location for the mouth of the Bear (where it gets fed), is the state with the most representatives within the House; fifty-two! Due to this fact, understandably - much of the U.S. economy and its direction going forward, is determined by what occurs within California.

The U.S. Southern Border

I cannot complete this letter without providing an update on the host of immigrants crossing the southern US border; the majority of whom are most-likely illegal, due to the Federal Government’s open-border policies. The mainstream media largely ignores this issue and sweeps it under the rug, but its ramifications cannot be understated.

The greatest portion of these immigrants seem to cross at the Texan border. Here is a link from the Texas governor himself regarding this issue, and how he’s empowered the Texas Military Department to control the illegals.

Many of these immigrants are bused directly from Texas to New York, where they are put in hotels to keep them off the streets. The ongoing costs for this are astronomical, and I believe that it’s all being funded through the taxes of legal US citizens. What follows, are a couple of news links I found regarding this issue. The first from the New York Post, and the second from the Daily Caller

Although I’ve focused on the immigrants within Texas and New York, the problem is not limited to just a few states, as many are on the brink of catastrophe. You can only blow up a balloon so much before it bursts; likewise, the US will can only handle so many immigrants while these open-border policies are in place.

So, what do you think will eventually happen to all of these immigrants within the U.S.? Many are classed as refugees so they cannot be forced to return. Even if each could be forced to return to their respective country, it would take years to round them all up, and be appropriately processed. I don't think anyone actually knows how many illegals are currently within the US, but I know it's in the millions.

I understand through at least a couple of established prophets, that at some point in time the southern states will hold a lot of political clout. They may even rival those influential states located on the east and west coasts. Could it be that in the long run, the southern states end up with most of these immigrants? 

The Russian / Ukrainian War

Revisiting the ongoing Russian/Ukrainian war, I initially thought that there was a good chance of Putin being overthrown in protest by his own people. However, the more I learn from the war and what I’ve since discovered in the Bible - I believe that the likely scenario is that Volodymyr Zelenskyy will be betrayed by his supporters, and his power will quickly diminish. In this scenario, the war will likely be over rather quickly, if others merely stop donating weapons.

Final Thoughts

As we look into the world’s current situation, there are scenarios that I believe will play out over time for the better, as the Lord has begun to turn things around.

Regarding the war in Ukraine: I stated in an earlier letter I believe that the war has gone on for as long as it has, so the Jewish people are given a chance to flee Ukraine. I do feel bad for both the Russians and Ukrainians who have suffered throughout the war, but on the plus side – look at how many weapons have disappeared from the face of the planet. Yes, unfortunately there have been many people killed, but this war has been more of a fight of weaponry against weaponry, than that of people against people. That is if it’s compared to certain wars of the past. 

Perhaps with the immigrant situation in the US, things would turn around if the peaceful ones are given a fair chance to get re-established, and the real criminals are deported. Some of them are hardened criminals for sure, but I believe most have arrived for a chance for a brighter future.

Recall that what mankind does for evil, God can always turn it around for good. I am confident that since about the time of World War II, God has been keeping a tight reign on world events; regardless of how it appears. The weaponry within the hands of mankind is so devastating, that God’s arm is now upon us.

I don’t believe that we can necessarily change Biblical prophecy, but there is certainly power in prayer. We can always pray to limit the severity of adverse events, and lift those up in need.

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