Lawrention News Letter
May 18th, 2023

🇨🇦 🕆 🇨🇦 🕆 🇨🇦 🕆 L🇨🇦

G7 World Powers

This letter was written on the cusp of the May 19th and 20th G7 summit in Hiroshima Japan. Their meeting will include not only the representatives from the G7 group (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom, and the United States), but also representatives from Australia, Brazil, Comoros, Cook Island, India, Indonesia, South Korea and Vietnam.

The city of Hiroshima was picked for the summit’s location in order to highlight Japan’s stance against nuclear weapons. The agenda of this meeting will likely include crucial military issues like the Russian/Ukrainian war, the tension between China and Taiwan, and the nuclear arsenal of North Korea. Although trade talks and climate change are on the agenda, I’m sure the pressing military issues will control the narrative throughout the meeting.

Even though China doesn’t have a seat at the G7 summit, it’s going to be interesting to see how much influence they wield over certain representatives at the summit who have conflicting interests.

The political tension in the US has risen dramatically in the last month or so. Most now realize that Hunter Biden’s “laptop from hell” is a reality, and not merely a hoax. The walls are quickly closing in on Joe Biden for multiple reasons.

New York City is losing patience, and cannot handle the current crises due to all of the migrants being shipped in from the southern states. On May 17th, the city’s deputy mayor stated that they’ve had about 67,000 migrants to deal with as of late, and notably the city received over 900 migrants in a single day. The associated costs to house and feed them are escalating to well over a billion dollars with no end in sight.

I understand from the Lord, that we will soon have a migrant crisis of our own on the Ontario/Michigan border. I’m sure if the US can’t accommodate the migrants, it won’t be long before they arrive here in Canada.

The urgency of being prepared for almost anything has become increasingly obvious. In one recent dream, I saw a nuclear missile being guided into place as I heard the words “Trinity Three”. Trinity was the first successful nuclear test by the US during WWII. Later on, I also heard the words “world military”. It’s likely that one of the hot topics at the G7 summit, will be how to pool each country’s military into a single mighty unit. The globalists just never seem to give up. If the world's military is controlled by one small group of people, what chance does any country have that disagrees with their actions?

Although I firmly believe we won’t have an all-out nuclear war, it seems there are some who are now tinkering with these weapons. I’m not sure what’s about to occur, but I do have some anxious days waiting for the next shoe to drop. I understand that whatever shocking and explosive event is about to occur, the Lord will ensure it happens “in a moment, on a single day” (Isaiah 47:9, NIV).

As always, pray and listen to the Lord in order to stay out of harms way. Oh yes, I was warned once more about the ongoing food crisis. So, stock up while you can and make sure you're fully prepared.

God Bless, and Stay Safe.

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