The Breath Of Life
(module 2.3)

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When Did We Receive Our Breath Of Life?

As we speak of this breath of life, it naturally leads us to this next question. When did we receive it? I understand that if we didn’t have this breath of life inside of us, we wouldn’t be conscious. The book of Genesis describes when Adam received his breath of life, but when did we receive ours?

Quite a while ago, I received what I would call a rather obscure and unique vision. I wasn’t sure exactly what I was seeing at the time, so I had to do some research in the field of reproductive biology. Most of what follows is common knowledge within this field; however, the parts which are not common knowledge - are quite controversial.

The physical characteristics of our body are determined by our  genes. Genes determine how tall we are, our eye colour, hair colour, etc. The overall gene pool available to one’s offspring, is of course determined by both parents.

It’s estimated that there are some 30,000 genes within the human genome. In computer lingo, the equivalent size of a human genome is about 750 megabytes of data. (Wikipedia/human genome)

During the fertilization process, an offspring’s potential gene pool is passed down from their mother and father through germ cells called gametes. Gametes are comprised of thread-like structures called chromosomes, and are strung together from specific sequences of DNA.

There are a total of 23 chromosomes within each parent's gamete. What I would describe as the most critical stage of the reproduction process (the final process which makes us each unique), chromosomes are selected from the mother and father’s gametes to create a complete new set of chromosomes. This selection process occurs within a fertilized egg called a zygote.

Here is the first controversial part of this scenario. The vision which I discussed earlier, is the chromosome selection process which occurs within a zygote. It's obvious to me now, that the Lord personally selects which chromosomes are used from the mother’s gamete, and which ones are used from the father’s.

I currently believe that within non-humans this chromosome selection process is natural, whereas in humans this process is supernatural. For the human race, the following verse supports this fact.

Psalm 139, NIV: (13) For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.

As we've just determined, the Lord himself selects which attributes to use from our mother, and which ones to use from our father. Upon completion of this chromosome-selection process, the zygote cleaves and the cell-duplication process (mitosis) begins.

Through the steps described thus far, an offspring's genes remain embedded within their respective chromosome. It’s not until a good number of identical cells have emerged via the mitosis process, that the genes for the new offspring begin to have an effect inside the womb.

As this process unfolds, an embryo begins to develop. Now, this is where the second controversial part of the picture comes in. I believe that it's about this stage of the offspring's development when the child is given the breath of life from the Lord. I also believe that shortly thereafter, is about the stage that the mother begins to experience morning sickness.

The following verses reflect concepts relative to what we've just discussed.

Zechariah 12, NIV: (1) The Lord, who stretches out the heavens, who lays the foundation of the earth, and who forms the human spirit within a person, declares:

Ecclesiastes 3, NIV: (21) Who knows if the human spirit rises upward and if the spirit of the animal goes down into the earth?

Ecclesiastes 12, NIV: (7) and the dust returns to the ground it came from, and the spirit returns to God who gave it.

From what we’ve learned so far, it seems that once the Lord has determined that an offspring's neurological system is ready - it receives the breath of life. This breath of life might be compared to striking a match and lighting a fire. The process immediately prior, could be compared to preparing the pile of kindling before striking the match.

I understand that this breath-of-life serves as a way of regulating stem-cell growth from the tail-end of the embryonic stage on-wards. Since the fetus develops outwardly from the brain, I believe that this breath-of-life has the greatest effect within the CNS.

It stands to reason that one's unique genes are basically our body's template, and the breath-of-life regulates its development.

Hopefully, you're beginning to understand why you're so unique from God’s perspective.

For those familiar with medical terms, the following drawing shows where exactly the Lord gets personally involved within the reproductive process (twice).

The Breath of Life

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