The Blood Moon of November 7th/8th, 2022

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Here's a couple pictures of the blood moon from the morning of November 8th, 2022. The first was taken from my street, and the second was taken from the local park just as it was getting light.

blood moon

These aren't very good pictures, but if you have a close look at the first one, the faint white dots which form the small dipper are almost directly above the blood moon, and slightly to the left. The brightness observed within the picture is from the street lights.

blood moon from park

This picture of the blood moon was taken from the local park, about fifteen minutes after the first. The scenic reddish hue is from the sun rising in the east directly behind me.

History of Blood Moons

Blood moons are a phenomenon caused when the sun, earth, and moon, align to cause a lunar eclipse. During these eclipses, the moon is hidden from the sun within the earth's shadow.

A blood-moon's reddish colour is due to the sun's rays being drawn towards the moon through our "thick" atmosphere. Due to the angling of the sun's rays - the light that reaches the blood moon, has traveled through quite a wide swath of our atmosphere.

Since red light is made up of the longer wavelengths verses the other visible colours, it carries enough energy to travel through our thick atmosphere. In this case, the red wavelengths of light dominate above the remaining visible colours.

I'm getting the sneaking suspicion that these blood moons are strictly a sign of our times, regardless of what others may claim.

Within the Bible, blood moons are either mentioned within the book of Revelation, or are found within earlier Biblical books that point to the end of times (Joel 2:30,31, Acts 2:20) where we are at today. I believe that it's pure speculation that blood moons have been  occurring regularly since ancient times.

Via a quick scan of the internet, the oldest discussion of a potential blood moon that I can find, occurred when Christopher Columbus was alive. And how bright was it? It likely wasn't as deep red as it is today.

So, do red moons turn a deeper colour as years progress? Surely as the earth's air pollution gets worse and worse, or even as the density of our atmospheric gasses increase... blood moons get more dramatic, and display deeper colours of red.

Blood-Moon and Midterms Connection

This latest blood moon began the evening of November seventh 2022, and was over the early morning of November eighth. The next blood moon is not due until March 14th 2025.

Interestingly, the dates of November seventh and eighth coincide with the the mid-term elections of the USA. On the day of the seventh, early voting was already underway in a number of states.

As far as I can tell, there's likely going to be a dramatic turn of events due to these mid-term elections. The vote has potential to flip enough seats in both the house and senate to favor the Republicans.

I'm just beginning to understanding certain dates and numbers as they correlate with the Hebrew language and calendar. I understand (from the Lord) that just like 9-11 is an important set of numbers, so is 7-11. Similar to the date of November seventh.

As I'm still working on interpreting some of this, I suggest you do your own little investigation. Nonetheless, I'll provide you with a quick rundown as to why the dates of the recent blood moon are so important.

  • The number seven represents not only God himself, but creation as a whole - with words like completion and wholeness.
  • The number eight represents words like fence, to separate, and new beginning.
  • The number eleven represents disorder, chaos, and judgement.

Moving onto the Hebrew calendar - if we add the month and the respective dates of the recent blood moon (13th and 14th of Marcheshvan, which is the 8th month), the result are the numbers 21 and 22.

  • The number twenty-one, is basically three number sevens.
  • The number twenty-two, is basically two number elevens.

To reiterate, number seven represents completion and number eleven represents chaos and judgment.

So the Hebrew calendar-translation of the recent blood moon dates (prior to and after midnight) essentially underscores the importance of the Gregorian calendar dates (November 7th and 8th, 2022). This leads us into the period of potential turmoil which we might well expect, due to the outcome of the US midterm elections.

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