Electrons are Unique

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Following is a recent write-up describing why electrons are unique. This is slanted from an obviously spiritual and biblical perspective. As of yet, there's no specific thread for physics on this site; but hopefully.... I will get a chance to do so. I've had a number of visions which relate directly to physics, and am still parsing through the puzzle.

To date, electrons are described on this site under the composite topics of the "Spiritual University" and "Health and Longevity".

Electrons are Unique

Sub-Topic: Electrons are Unique

  As a basis for understanding electrons, consider that they function within a unique environment of what I refer to as Class I and Class II letter-like particles. This is basically a spiritual environment of "light" particles which are sub-sub-atomic in size (sub2-atomic). This environment contains particles which are magnitudes smaller than an atom and substantially smaller than the commonly understood sub-atomic realm.

Historically, and under the discipline of physics - this spiritual environment might be considered to be part of the ether (also spelled as aether); so, is a major component of the unseen realm. From a biblical stance, you can see my basis of reference here.

Electrons function within an environment consisting of heterogeneous particle-clouds of which their primary constituents are that of Class I & II letter-like particles. It's these particles which hold both the intelligence and spiritual aspect inside atomic-like structures.

From a biological stance, I've found that the most straight-forward way to describe varying ratios between these two classes of particles, is by using the words "intelligence gradient". In order to wrap your head around certain concepts, you might first consider reading Lawrention's Spiritual University.

Under the discipline of physics, electrons are fundamental and stable particles. From this stance, they cannot be broken down any further. From an observational standpoint this may be true; however - please humor me for a moment and allow me to explain.

What I'm about to reveal herein doesn't change an electron's mass or its elemental charge of -1. In fact, it reinforces some of its well-understood characteristics. Characteristics which include the electron's magnetic-moment as well as its varying energy-states (referring here to quantum states).

Under the electron's hood, are particle-like sub-forces which "glue" it together. For simplicity's sake, I will refrain from going down the path of explaining what this glue actually is, as that's for another day. For the time being, perhaps the best way to explain this glue - is that it's like a primordial seed.

These primordial seeds are used within a host of other particles as well, and not reserved for just electrons. They are common to a number (if not most) of the standard-model particles within physics. I believe that these primordial seeds manifest themselves through the detection of quarks.

Swinging about the perimeter of every electron is a plurality of the minuscule sub2-atomic letter-like particles. These particles are a homogeneous mix of Class I & II particles. The electron's environment occurs within a sea of these sub2-atomic particles.

The electron looks similar to that of a flexible and very wobbly wagon wheel; and having the letter-like particles rotating about its perimeter. The center of an electron is its “glue”. As the electron spins, it’s the letter-like particles sticking to its perimeter which creates the bulk of its mass. The electron continually oscillates within itself, as well as within its sub2-atomic environment. Due to its inherent vibrational and dynamic character - it continuously attracts and releases the substantially smaller sub2-atomic letter-like particles.

When an electron becomes “full” of these letter-like particles, it is basically saturated of both mass and energy. I believe that at the peak of this saturation point is when it experiences its "magnetic moment". A particle's magnetic moment can be experimentally verified.

Once it reaches its saturation point it proceeds to relax. At this stage, the electron doesn’t attract any more sub2-atomic letter-like particles. During its relaxed state, its continual spinning motion discards any loosely-bound letter-like particles and they become momentarily free (free until they are once again attracted by another particle). Once the electron's relaxed state is done, its cycle resumes; once again it attracts letter-like particles.

I believe that electrons quickly oscillate between a fully-relaxed and fully-saturated state. As an analogy.... consider that this change-of-state is their breathing mechanism. So, with each breath - an electron inhales part of its environment and then expels part of its environment. As a consequence, electrons continually churn up the localized sub2-atomic sea. If this was a card game, I would say that these electrons serve as a means to continually shuffle the deck of sub2-atomic letter-like particles.

It's the Class I particles (versus class II) which are the most energetic and likewise - the most intelligent. They typically lead chemical reactions. Notably, these Class I particles can be considered as the primary constituent of valence electrons. Whereby, in that respect - the focus is not upon an atom's nucleus, but its perimeter.

Size-wise and mass-wise, Class I & II particles are quite similar. Nonetheless, since each class was created by two vastly different processes, there are certain characteristics which continue to be dissimilar.

Since every electron is capable of having a differing ratio of Class I & II particles, all electrons are unique. From our human vantage point, electrons tend to assume characteristics garnered by their most-recent experience (or environment).