Lawrention News Letter, February 20th, 2023.

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Daniel's Bear Has Been Muzzled!

This letter comes on the heels of four objects being shot down during the first couple weeks of February 2023. It began with a balloon that was shot-down by the U.S. off of the South-Carolinian coast. The last incident was above Lake Huron, a lake I’m quite familiar with.

I believe that for the most part, the Bear within the book of Daniel has been muzzled and the voice of certain others are now being allowed to speak! As I stated in past newsletters, the Bear is basically the daily-news and mainstream media which has gotten out of control. Mainstream media is famous for stifling free speech and promoting their own agendas. This includes of course, the media giants Facebook and Twitter.

News is coming to light regarding the links between the FBI and Twitter. I could ramble on about this and similar goings on, but it’s been aptly narrated by a recent news-feed of Will Johnson’s. Video clips show executives being interrogated by the House select subcommittee that’s currently investigating the weaponization of its federal government towards its citizens.

Just the fact that Donald Trump has now been given permission again to use Twitter and Facebook, confirms the fact that the Bear has been muzzled.

We are living within specific days which were prophetically outlined for us in the book of Daniel. Daniel Chapter ten, describes a three-year war that prophetically, was the pandemic that we just lived through. The interpretation of this whole chapter can be seen here: Daniel Chapter Ten Prophecy.

I was going to reserve this chapter-ten interpretation for a future book which I’ve already started, but it seems I can’t set this particular portion aside any longer. I’ve included this Daniel chapter-ten interpretation herein, in order to connect some of the dots which I’ve already published (on this site).
In addition, The Bear of Daniel which I’ve already discussed at length, stems from Daniel chapter seven. How Daniel’s Bear relates to the other beasts within the book of Daniel is reserved for the book.

Upcoming Airport Event

The alliance between China and Russia has been consistently getting stronger for a number of years now. China receives much of its fossil fuels from Russia which has had a stabilizing affect for both countries during the current Ukrainian/Russian war.

At the beginning of the 2022 Winter Olympic games in China, Vladimir Putin visited China to further strengthen their ties. Apparently, they discussed concerns regarding regional security threats, and international strategic stability. Three weeks after this visit, Russia invaded Ukraine.

There is a rising tension within the U.S. concerning how much influence China has over America. In January of this year, the U.S. House of Representatives voted through a major-majority to create a select committee that would study certain strategies regarding the ongoing U.S.-China competition.

The official U.S. position regarding China’s “weather” balloon which was shot-down February 4th off the South-Carolinian coast, had been tracked along its entire route before it was permanently disabled. When it was retrieved from the ocean, they found it had a number of surveillance cameras and antennas. So far, there has not been much information released about the other three objects that were shot down shortly thereafter over Canada and the U.S. I agree with a good number of others, that the public is being played regarding the nonchalant treatment of this balloon issue.

Through a recent dream (Feb.16th, 2023) from the Lord, which I’m still trying to comprehend - I believe that Joe Biden is much too chummy with certain China governmental-representatives. I also understand through this recent dream, that both Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden either will, or are, working together in order to pull off a rehearsed stunt on an airport tarmac.

I saw a plane that hasn’t been flight-worthy for some time with Joe Biden on board. I get the feeling that this plane will be utterly destroyed during this particular stunt, and likely its wings will get torn from its fuselage. This stunt may be real, or just appear to be real on camera.

Now, this dream could just be an analogy of Joe Biden getting his wings clipped, but I don’t think so. I believe the airport was in Moscow, but possibly could be elsewhere. Perhaps even the Detroit airport. Now, what do you think would make Vladimir Putin work alongside Joe Biden to pull off this stunt?

Since Joe Biden is using China as an intermediary and China has their ear to the ground regarding U.S. intelligence, likely Vladimir Putin will abide with their wish. It’s conceivable that a good portion of North America’s intel is received by Vladimir Putin through China.

Whatever occurs from this stunt, it will likely make Russia look strong in the process and Joe Biden come out as a hero. Within the dream and immediately after this occurrence, I’m aware that Joe Biden was ecstatic.

I suspect that Vladimir Putin will give Joe Biden just enough slack to get himself into trouble. He will likely do whatever it takes to get the U.S. and their NATO allies from playing in Russia’s own back yard.


At this point in time, we might be well advised to read and flip the pages of the Bible back and forth between the book of Daniel and the book of Revelation. It’s no accident that the first three chapters of the book of Revelation are about the Church.

I understand that although the war on COVID is over and the Bear of Daniel has been muzzled - we are not out of the woods yet. If you've read some of the previous newsletters, you will understand what I’m referring to.

The pandemic was tough, but it could have been much worse. The Lord is at work and is still on the throne! This year will be like none other, as the Lord is on the move.

I'm confident that the church has begun to rise up, and will have great influence upon the earth in the years ahead!

Cry for The Common Church

The Church, the Church, with all its great steeples; the Church is nothing, without all of its peoples.
The Church, the Church, who we often ignore - was built upon a rock, forevermore.
The Church, the Church, with all of its grace - lifts those in need, regardless of race.
The Church, the Church, please pull it together! It was meant to lead, and not be swayed by the weather.
The Church, the Church, built upon the earth to last - will sadly be missed… as it takes its last gasp.


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