Our Spiritual Engine
(module 3.4)

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Progressive Steps of Our Spiritual Engine

We will begin by assuming that our internal "light" is our primary conscious identity, and moves freely within our brain.

In order to keep this explanation as simple as possible, for now - please ignore the scientifically-named divisions within the brain, and assume that our PCI is located within the brain's center. 

Since sub2-atomic particles are not restricted by normally opaque molecules, understand that our PCI moves freely within the sub2-atomic "water" inside our brain.

At its core, it's our PCI which controls our thoughts, emotions, and nervous system. It's basically our spiritual engine, and coordinates the plurality of conscious identities within us.

Recall from module 1.2, the plurality of identities which are not our primary-conscious one, are referred to as "subordinate conscious identities", or SCIs for short.

We will now discover how our spiritual engine works in a step-by-step basis. This was inspired by the Lord, and is described as best I can articulate.

Spiritual Engine Steps

Step 1: In order for the PCI to retrieve new information from either our brain's memory or its environment (which is our five senses), the PCI begins to rotate.

As the PCI starts to rotate, its angular momentum pushes letter-like sub2-atomic particles outwardly, and towards the brain’s perimeter. The speed at which the PCI spins determines how far these particles are emitted from the PCI towards distal areas of the brain.

When it comes to a particle's mass verses its size, the letter-like particles inside our brain are comparatively "heavy" so to speak. Since most of our PCI’s mass is housed within these minuscule letter-like particles, a rise of angular momentum quickly flings them outwardly towards the brain’s perimeter.

Step 2: Once the PCI has flung a good portion of its mass outwardly, it pauses and waits for a response

Step 3: The mass that gets flung towards the brain's perimeter, causes a sub2-atomic pressure within distal parts of the brain. This pressure begins a series of cascading events.

The distal-sub2-atomic-brain-pressure begins to displace particles which in turn, move towards brain's center. Since electrons continually oscillate and stir up their local environment, letter-like particles begin to trade places. Old information is discarded, and new information replaces the old.

Step 4: Through neuron action potentials, certain electrons progressively move towards the center of the brain. Essentially, towards the PCI. Each electron carries fresh information to the PCI.

 Information gets passed along like a baton; using either electrical impulses or neurotransmitters between certain synapses, and new data progressively moves towards the center of the brain.

Since electrons continually absorb and release particles, this might be considered as their breathing mechanism. As an electron's environment begins to change - as do the particles it breathes in.

Since each of these particles are considered to be letters, I will state that both minimally and typically - each electron carries at least one "word" of data.

Step 5: As the PCI remains motionless, it soaks in data like a sponge and begins to swell up. As the PCI reaches a certain threshold of mass, pressure begins to build between the PCI and the molecular structure of the brain. This pressure produces a torque that once again, initiates the PCI's cycle and the PCI begins to spin.

At the peak of this differential pressure, the PCI digests its newly discovered information. 

Step 6: The starting and stopping of the PCI is a continuous process. How fast it spins determines how far particles get flung into the brains perimeter. Most likely, it's the long term memories which are held within the brains distal areas, and the shorter term memories are held closer to its center. Hence, it's the short term memories which are readily accessible to the PCI.

Our Current Environment Is Always Prioritized Over Memory

As the PCI spins, it receives not only previously stored memories and data, but also information from its local environment. Information from our body's local environment is obtained through the five senses: sight, sound, touch, taste and smell.

The information obtained from our five senses is transmitted extremely quickly via electrical impulses to the PCI. Common sense dictates that our long-term memories are stored chemically, so they take longer to bubble to the surface and be retrieved by the PCI. 

Due to the difference in speed between the electrical impulses and chemical transmissions (through neurotransmitters) that migrate their way to the PCI, the information we obtain from our local environment is always prioritized over long-term memory. This is why we need to cover our ears in a loud environment so we can focus solely upon our thoughts.

Interaction Between the PCI and SCIs

The sub2-atomic pressure which builds between the PCI and the molecular structure of the brain, is due to the brain's sea of letter-like particles.

Since there are varied alphabets within this sea, the central language of the PCI becomes outnumbered letter-wise, and perhaps even language-wise as well. While the spiritual engine is chugging away, it's typical for a number of SCIs to surround a single PCI. If all of these identities have a certain form of intelligence, what differentiates the PCI from all the others?    

I'm sure that at the hub of our PCI is what was freely given to us by the Lord called the "breath of life". This "breath of life" is either a single or group of spiritual-particles which have an advantage. It attracts the letter-like particles, and is the light which shines in the darkness.

As a result, the PCI acts as a mediator amongst the SCIs (subordinate conscious identities). The languages of the SCIs are not as developed or pure as the one in the PCI. As a result, SCIs rely upon the PCI for support.

While the PCI "listens" to certain SCIs, it extracts information.

The continual cycling of the PCI is basically a way of retrieving data and compressing memory. If ions are predominantly used to pass words along using electrons like a runner hands off a baton, then the chemical structure of the brain generally remains unaltered as the spirit works within.

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