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This site aids to explain the Holy Spirit and the concept of consciousness, some of whom refer to as self-awareness. This spiritual "university" was inspired by the Lord, so I’d like to think that it’s as true as it gets. At least as best that I can adequately comprehend and explain.
I’d first like to state, that all consciousness stems from God and through his creation. Hence, one can’t adequately explain consciousness, without also understanding how the Spirit works inside each and every one of us. Biblically speaking, this our “breath of life.”
I’ve compiled what I understand to be true, and explained the best I know how. This information stems from various dreams and certain other experiences with the Lord.
Many of the concepts herein are really quite simple. It’s the mental-digestion of these concepts which is the most difficult part to grasp. I’m sure it will take most of you longer to dove-tail certain concepts into your existing knowledge-base, then to actually understand them.
These spiritual concepts are not about metaphysical ideas rooted heavily within philosophy; but lean towards the physical side, and how we perceive reality.
From the scientific community's standpoint as a whole, very little if anything is understood about the spiritual realm. Consequently, I’m sure you won’t find a comparable site on the web, regardless of how long you search.
Since we are merely human and not God, or even a “god”; we will never be able to fully comprehend the spiritual realm. Nonetheless, by overlaying one new concept over the other, we can surely garner a better understanding.
Going forward, keep in mind that it's our almighty creator
who has existed prior to the universe itself - who holds the keys to consciousness, and how we perceive reality. Comparatively, our human race is just now beginning to understand what questions to ask as it relates to the complexities of consciousness and self-awareness.
Note that certain topics on this site may be periodically revised or expanded upon as my knowledge base continues to develop.
May God bless you, and inspire you through all your endeavors.
Note that Lawrention's Spiritual University was released March of 2023. Significant content-edits of modules one thru three, was completed on or before March 26th, 2023.
Please take note; that certain concepts within this Spiritual University could be slightly outdated when compared to other pages of this site. Since publishing this online Spiritual University, I've been working back-and-forth between varying topics of interest.
At the moment, some of the content under The Central-Nervous System in our Health and Longevity document, continues forward as this content begins to taper off.
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