Spiritual Letter Carriers
(module 3.3)

(Rev, 240328)

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We are now moving into the anatomy of human spirituality. In order to explain certain concepts, we will be clumping together the sciences of biology, chemistry, and particle-physics.

Understood is the fact that our body uses its nervous system and blood-vessels as conduits. These conduits provide pathways for electrical-impulses, molecular nutritional-products, waste products, and hormones. They serve to move a plethora of atomic structures in order to keep our bodies humming.

The spiritual realm uses these same systems as conduits, but goes much deeper. The spiritual sub2-atomic particles can basically tunnel their way through atomic structures; however, likely not the way you are currently envisioning.

The Electron and The Sub2-Atomic Environment

The basis of spiritual-particles, are sub2-atomic in size. For our purposes herein, we will restrict this conversation to the letter-like particles we've been discussing.

There is a sea of sub2-atomic particles which often manifest themselves through a magnetic field. From a particle standpoint, they can manifest (be observed) through a particle's magnetic moment. A primary example of such, is the electron's magnetic moment.

Electrons are the most common particles which serve as spiritual "letter-carriers". They perform in such a way in order to move letter-like particles from one atomic structure to another.

In retrospect, the scientific community considers electrons as elementary particles which cannot be broken down any further. From an observational point of view, this is true. However, I can emphatically state that electrons are made up of a number of particles which are obviously too small to be detected. At least on an individual basis.

The electron is a sub-atomic particle built upon sub2-atomic particles. It's these sub2-atomic particles which carry the intelligence of the spiritual-side of matter as we currently understand it.  

Electrons have a number of well-known characteristics like a particular mass and spin, as well as an elemental electrical-charge of -1. They typically work within atomic structures and are attracted to protons. Electrons are attracted to protons since opposite charges attract, as it's the protons which have an opposing elementary charge of +1.

Inside each electron are sub-forces which hold them together. Swinging about the perimeter of each electron; are much smaller, undetected, letter-like particles.

The electron looks similar to a flexible and very wobbly wagon wheel, with the letter-like particles about its perimeter. The center of the electron which is its “glue”, is common to a number (if not most) of the standard-model particles. Note, that this "glue" is not limited merely to the electron. I believe this glue also manifests itself through the detection of quarks.

As the electron spins, it’s the mass of the considerably smaller letter-like particles (sub2-atomic particles) which adhere to its perimeter that create its mass.

The electron continually oscillates within itself. Due to an inherent frequency and dynamic structure....  it continuously attracts and releases sub2-atomic letter-like particles.

When the electron is “full” of these letter-like particles, it has basically become saturated with mass and energy. I believe that at the peak of this saturation period, is when its "magnetic moment" arises.

Upon reaching its saturation point, the electron doesn’t attract any more (letter-like) particles and begins to relax. As it does so, its natural spin tosses away loosely-held particles. Immediately thereafter, its cycle resumes - and once again begins to attract letter-like particles. It always oscillates between a relaxed and saturated state.

Due to the electron's series of reoccurring oscillations, it continually attracts and releases the letter-like particles. As a result, electrons continually churn and mix letter-like particles within a common environment. I will refer to their environment as the sub2-atomic "sea".

What I’ve just described, occurs within all atomic structures. In addition, "free electrons", meaning free of an atomic structure -  oscillate as well.

If we understand that it is predominantly these letter-carrying electrons which carry packets of information, we can begin to understand how our brain might function.

Potential "Letter-Carrier" Routes

Building upon the knowledge that electrons are actually "letter-carriers", we can surmise that these particles are easily shuttled along through our brain's neurons.

Our human body has trillions of cells, and our brain has eighty-five billion or so neurons. It's the neurons which shuttle information back and forth, through either electrical or chemical synapses. Synapses are extremely close gaps between neurons, which pass along information.

Utilizing neuron action-potentials, charged ions pass electrons from neuron to neuron. Neurons can also shuttle electrons through what I would deem as a bulk-transport method, which is a chemical process. This chemical process passes vesicles (which is a sphere with a membrane) between neurons. Encapsulated within these vesicles are molecules referred to as neurotransmitters.

So, there are two methods of passing information across neuronal synapses. By individual electrons through ionic activity, or a bulk transfer of electrons via neurotransmitters.

Remember, there are electrons within each and every atomic structure. Since all molecules have electrons, and it's the electrons which carry the spiritual data (words) - the possibilities are almost endless as to how information gets organized within our brain.

Perhaps the rapid flow of information within our brain is passed along by ions, whereas non-immediate information such as what's used for our long-term memory - is stored within molecules.

Biblical Context of Spiritual Matter

As we have learned so far, information is stored within electrons which are our "letter carriers". Since each electron carries a handful of letters at any one time, we might assume that an electron is equivalent to a “word”. This raises an obvious question. Are there also particles which have masses larger than electrons, that could be comparable to “books”?

Recall the verse of John 1:9, where it states that Jesus was the true light who “gives light to everyone”. It doesn’t state here that he gives light to just the believers, it says everyone.

Grouping particles and certain biblical concepts together, “light” is free, and “darkness” is bound within atomic structures. Further, the term "water" is used to describe a mixture of both light and dark particles. Note also, that water can be either a clear colour, muddy and dark, or a mix of anything in between.

Recall, that greater portion of our brain is comprised of water. Let’s assume that our “light” which is essentially our PCI - moves freely about within this water. Let’s also assume that our long-term memory is held within molecules within our brain, and under the guise of atomically-bound electrons.

I am beginning to sense that our spirit is not confined to merely the brain itself, but emits outwardly until it reaches the inner surface of the skull. If this is the case, then the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) which houses our brain - is an important mechanism of transport for our inner spirit as well.

Since the CSF is common to both our spine and brain, I dare not put limits on how our spirit could move throughout the body.

Next Module: 3.4, Our Spiritual Engine

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