Introduction To
Spiritual Mechanics
(module 3.1)

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In this module, we begin to explore how the spirit works inside our body. Now, I don’t pretend to have all of the answers, but God our creator most assuredly does. It takes a certain amount of faith to accept spiritual-based concepts, as they cannot be scientifically proven. At least not yet.

As I was listening to an online-debate between a number of  scientists and philosophers regarding the conundrum of hard consciousness, one claimed that there was a minute bit of consciousness within all forms of matter. If I recall correctly, he claimed that once this matter achieved a certain minimum threshold, then consciousness as we understand it - naturally evolved.

As a believer, I instantly scoffed at this notion. Especially since I understand that all consciousness stems from the Lord almighty, and not from some piece of naturally created matter. Nonetheless, as time went on, I gradually began to understand his point of view.

This module aids to explain what observational science has no answers for. Even when it comes to our sense of smell, the science community really has no answer. If we merely accept the fact that there is a spirit working within us - it explains why we have emotions, why we experience fear, pain, and pleasure.

We will be using certain physical concepts and experiences to describe what I believe occurs within the spiritual world. For the most part, many of these are parallel concepts which apply to both realms, the physical and the spiritual.

I’ve decided to group these concepts into a single discipline entitled Spiritual Mechanics. For those of you interested in physics, I'm sure you've already grasped the idea that in some respects, spiritual- mechanics is similar in nature to quantum-mechanics. Particularly, since both are past the fringe of conventional science. As well, in certain circles some claim that consciousness is part of the same puzzle as quantum mechanics.

This discipline of spiritual mechanics is a new paradigm that serves to usher in physical principles regarding the unseen spiritual realm. At times, it seems to be a tug of war between some within the science community, and some within the spiritual community. Hopefully, this module eases a little tension, and shows that there's truly a middle ground between the two.

Spiritual mechanics is primarily based upon an underlying structure of sub-atomic components of matter. The unseen spiritual world relies upon components smaller than what’s described in the standard-model of particle physics. Perhaps we can refer to these components as sub-sub atomic particles. Or better yet, sub2-atomic particles.

Now, I've referred to this topic of spiritual mechanics as a discipline. This is because I'm sure at some point, the science community will seriously study this through the lens of biology, chemistry, and physics.

Next Module: 3.2, Spiritual Language

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