Prophetic World Newsletter
From Early 2022
(War, last of the pandemic, Donald Trump)

God is Shaking the Earth!

🇨🇦 🕆 🇨🇦 🕆 🇨🇦 🕆 L🇨🇦

This letter from earlier 2022 was revised slightly to cleanup some of the grammatical errors. The content itself remains the same as it was.

World News Update,
March 18th 2022 (revised)

Due to all the commotion around the world right now, I thought it rather appropriate to summarize a few of my thoughts and release information which will hopefully provide some perspective. The information herein has been obtained from not only closely following the news, but also due to information that God has graciously revealed. From time to time, I also listen to a handful of prophets to verify that what I understand to be true - aligns with their thoughts as well. A couple of their phrases are included in this paper.

I gather most folks realize that we are currently in the last days, but fear not: God is still in perfect control. God has let things get as bad as they have in order to reveal people’s hands. In other words, reveal their true colours. With open globalization and particular alliances between world powers, it may take a crisis or two to determine if a country’s leaders are fully committed to their people. It seems obvious to me that some of these world leaders are either being led down the yellow brick road by some globalist agenda, or are there to merely line their pockets.

Shaking the Earth

On the global stage much occurs behind the scenes that we are unawares. However, shortly much of this will be exposed, so don’t be too surprised as to what we see in the near future as God is now “shaking the earth”. Many of our current leaders will be set aside one way or another, particularly the ones who consistently support abortion. I get the impression that we’re beyond the tipping point of God’s mercy with many of our prominent leaders.

God is shaking the earth from both within the earth (e.g., 2022 Tonga underwater volcano eruption and tsunami), and above the earth. I’m well aware that there’s been a tremendous spiritual warfare going on for a period of time now. Churches that don’t allow the Holy Spirit to freely move about will become less significant as time go by. Inversely, churches that welcome the power of the Holy Spirit will thrive and grow. Physical and emotional healings are going to become quite common as God releases his Holy Spirit. Many sicknesses and diseases are going to be defeated and go by the wayside, including cancer. The church is being awakened. I’ve heard that this season we are entering being described as the “last harvest”.

Please understand that in these early months of 2022 we are heading into an unusually difficult period of time. This was relayed to me through a dream of heavy storms with wind and rain. This storm warning is likely figurative, but perhaps weather-wise as well depending upon one’s location. I believe we have yet to see the worst of our food-shortages, so be prepared. Due to cascading events which were initially triggered through our pandemic, many of our distribution chains have been severely crippled. Due to Canadian-specific issues such as border-crossing restrictions we may have it worse here in Canada than the US. Particularly as most of our fruit and vegetables arrive from the US across the border. The image that I got (through the dream) was that as I arrived at a local store - I had purchased a bag of food for cash. I had to look and see whatever was in the bag, as I didn’t get to pick anything out. Whatever was put into the bag I had to accept. I’m not saying that this will happen, but there’s that potential.

With the uncertainty in world markets right now such as Russia’s new gold standard, China’s financially backing of Russia, and USA’s forthcoming debt crisis; it may be prudent to have some cash on hand. Most banks are now international conglomerates, and currency crossing country borders is the norm. If there was ever a serious discrepancy between currency values - banks won’t have a choice but to shut down until things settle out. In upcoming months, it could appear imminent at times that infrastructures will merely buckle and collapse, but they will not. This is all part of God’s plan. Just have faith and pray.

I’m aware that the pandemic which is quickly dissipating was from a man-made virus that was accidentally released from a lab. Certain notable virologists described the COVID-19 genome as a type of “Frankenstein” and said that it’s highly unlikely it was created through any natural means. Pandemics are nothing new to mankind. However, the significant difference between modern pandemics verses ones of the past, is that viruses can now spread like wild-fire through people in airplanes.

Within World War I (1914-1918) and immediately thereafter, there were more people killed due to the H1N1 flu pandemic and pneumonia then the war itself. Whether this WWI flu pandemic was initiated by man or otherwise, can be debated. Scientists and Virologists have been playing with this stuff for quite some time. It’s well documented that a good number of soldiers were vaccinated against certain diseases in WWI prior to travelling overseas. I’m not sure how vaccinations began, but we know they used them in the late 1700’s. Curiously, just as pandemics and vaccines are not new, neither is vaccine hesitancy.

The once popular Raggedy Ann doll which came about in the early 20th century became a symbol for anti-vaxxers. The story goes that the owner (John Gruelle) of the Raggedy Ann name applied for a patent and trademark for the doll in 1915. During the doll’s development, he had a 13-year-old daughter named Marcella who died of an infection from a vaccination needle later the same year. Marcella’s father (John) had never intended to link the doll to the anti-vax movement.

The Next Pandemic

From what I understand, we won’t see another pandemic until the one occurs described within the book of Revelation. That pandemic begins when locusts are released from the bottomless pit. I’m fairly confident that future pandemics and nuclear weapons have been secured (by God and his angels) until the tribulation period. So don’t bother worrying about a nuclear war or invest in any vaccine companies right now. As far as Russia and Ukraine goes, I believe Russia’s power will diminish through their current excursion. From what I understand, Vladimir Putin’s military power in Ukraine will not last. Nonetheless, we still might be concerned with what Russia is doing within Syria and the Mediterranean. Putin has strengthened his relationship with China as of late, and had met with the Chinese president just prior to invading Ukraine. I assume this meeting was to hedge Russia’s bets, and ensure that China would back them financially from forthcoming sanctions; similar to what’s already occurred.

With China and Russia partnered together, their combined military and financial clout could be unleashed like a pair of tag-team wrestlers. So be prepared for almost anything to happen. Since Taiwan manufactures important electronic chips for US assembly plants, the US will have no choice but to get involved if China gets too aggressive with Taiwan. I believe that throughout the coming months, we will likely see flareups in other parts of the world as well, and not limited to Ukraine and Russia. Nonetheless, God is always in perfect control and many of the world leader’s true colours are being exposed.

As mankind has already begun what might be described as either a freedom or truth movement, God’s Holy Spirit is being released upon the earth to assist us with our struggle. From a Biblical perspective, I believe we have entered the period where the wheat and tares are being separated. This first became obvious as Donald Trump became president. He’s is a very polarizing character to say the least. Since Donald Trump’s inauguration, we’ve experienced the pandemic, various protests, and trucker convoys among other notable events. Currently the US convoy is hovering about Washington D.C. Each one of these occurrences triggered a process which began separating the wheat from the tares.

The way that I interpret the Bible and primarily due to similarities between Donald Trump (the 45th president of the US) and Cyrus, it’s imperative that Donald Trump returns as president. It seems that Mr. Trump is the only leader of our modern age with the fortitude to stand up to Iran’s nuclear ambitions, and hence protect Israel in the process. Merely look at what’s happened in the past with the Iranian/US nuclear deal and what’s occurring today, and you get the point. Now if you’re curious like I am, merely read Isaiah chapter forty-five which encompasses the Cyrus/Donald Trump connection, and let’s see how history plays out. Biblical scholars have revealed this Cyrus/Donald Trump connection in the past, this is nothing new.

US Embassy in Israel

In the year 2018 Donald Trump had the US embassy moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Later, within this same year and under Benjamin Netanyahu - Israel’s legislation was revised through the “nation-state bill” in order to clarify the rights of their Jewish population. Among other things, this bill established Hebrew as their official language and labelled the Arabic language as having special status. It appears that once the US officially recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, this gave them enough courage to reaffirm their Jewish rights. As a symbol of acknowledgement and appreciation, an Israel organization manufactured half-shekel coins with both Donald Trump and Cyrus’s image.

Donald Trump

Now, I wasn’t going to add this last part since it likely sounds impossible to folks who just listen to the mainstream media. Particularly to those here in Canada who don’t follow the politics of the US. However, I believe that this news is so close to being released into mainstream, I thought it only appropriate to include it.

The Republican party in the US have been splintered since Donald Trump first decided to run for president. Many within the Republican party never truly accepted him. This being said, Donald Trump has many loyal followers and is still holding successful rallies. The true conservative Republicans many of which are Christian, have never given up on decertifying the 2020 US election. These people are like a dog on a bone. They’ve been diligently working behind the scenes to cleanup voting procedures, expose rhino politicians, take back local school boards, and reinvent social media which they feel are crucial to protect their country and children. The proof is in the pudding for decertifying the 2020 election which brought Joe Biden to power. Be prepared, the shoe could drop at any moment. Decertification of an election is merely one step. How to re-instate a “former” president is another issue altogether.

July 2022 Commentary
on the Letter

This March 2022 letter was written just prior to a major Russian advance when a number of prominent Generals were killed.

Through research, I'm aware that there's a number of LNG (liquid natural gas) pipelines that originate within Russia and run directly through Ukraine. As these pipelines leave Ukraine, LNG is distributed to a number of western European countries. I believe that during the early part of the war, much of the fighting which occurred was due to attempting to gain control over these pipelines.

What's little discussed about this war, is the number of Jewish people living within Ukraine. Their numbers are hard to tally, as many of them hold their beliefs close to their chest in order to avoid discrimination. From God's perspective, I believe that a positive aspect to this war is to free the Jewish people. Perhaps this is why the war has gone on for as long as it has, to give families time to flee the country and get to safety. Although there have been many casualties thus far, it could get much worse.

Escalating conflicts have been occurring due to the addition of high-tech and high-powered weaponry. Lately the battle has been fought primarily using weapons against weapons, and not necessarily man to man combat. As both sides have been increasingly upping the anti (with the latest in weaponry), its just a matter of time before there's a greater number of fatalities.

Since this letter was written, I did receive another dream where I was in a grocery store where the food was being rationed. I take it that here in Canada, this food rationing is imminent in one form or another.

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