Lawrention News Letter,
July 6th, 2023

🇨🇦 🕆 🇨🇦 🕆 🇨🇦 🕆 L🇨🇦

Forthcoming Nuclear Incident

As I begin to write this letter, it comes on the heels of a couple false starts. I have been somewhat flabbergasted (is this even still a word?), as the Lord has revealed so much to me recently. I understand that we are now closer than ever to either the, or a: “Day of the Lord”.

Before I describe the dream of July 3rd, the following verses may put you in the proper mindset. As you read this, think of a nuclear explosion.

2nd Peter 3, NIV: (8) But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. (9) The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. (10) But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything done in it will be laid bare.

Since we are soon approaching a time of judgement, perhaps the CEB (Common English Bible) version of the last verse is more appropriate.

2nd Peter 3, CEB: (10) But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. On that day the heavens will pass away with a dreadful noise, the elements will be consumed by fire, and the earth and all the works done on it will be exposed.

Biblical prophecy is unfolding before our very eyes. Now onto the recent dream.…

Firstly, I was thinking about information and how it gets stored and moved between certain addresses. Before me, I saw what looked like either a military or industrial complex having open-steel floor grating at my feet. The room was not very big, and had a handful of soldiers positioned off to the right.

Someone then appeared directly in front of me and was wearing green military-fatigues. I could only see his back from where I was positioned. I thought to myself that this was an IT (information technology) expert, and that he had been on a number of these situations before. He was likely an average sized man, not heavy, with darker coloured skin and black wavy hair. I could see that his left shoulder was raised as if it were padded.

From the corner of my eye, I could see that the soldiers were respectfully standing as if their leader was present in the room. However, other than the few soldiers (five?), the only other person I saw was the one directly in front of me dressed in fatigues. What then came to mind was nuclear codes, and how these codes were merely an address (coordinates). I turned to the group of soldiers and said is this true?

Without saying a word, the soldiers more or less confirmed what I had said and had already begun to kneel down. I then looked up to my left, as I could now see outside. Far in the distance, was a quickly approaching missile. This was the last thing I saw before the dream ended. I thought about the soldiers and understood that they wouldn’t have had a chance to feel any pain, as it was quickly over. The soldiers were true martyrs in every sense of the word.

Now that I've wiped a few tears from my eyes, I will proceed with an explanation.

I had understood for quite some time that we will not see an all-out nuclear war. I had also understood that the Lord now holds the keys to the proverbial nuclear football, so a nuclear bomb cannot be released without his authorization. What I didn’t realize, is that there will be some type of nuclear incident before the tribulation period.

This dream leads me to believe that the country who authorizes this attack will be bombed by its own missile. I believe that it has something to do with China's belt and road initiative.

In this particular “accident”, The Lord made sure that just by mixing the nuclear codes and destination coordinates, the missile returned to its origin.

One of the reasons I was given this information, was so people might realize just how dangerous it is to rely upon software addresses which can be easily manipulated. These addresses are used in conjunction with coordinates obtained via global navigational satellite systems (GNSS). 

Nuclear-missile silos have been around for a good number of years, and likely haven’t received timely maintenance. Some were put together rather hastily without allowing time for the paint to dry before assembly. I understand (again from the Lord) that either by painting the lids shut or by damaging them, missile silo doors may not always operate when they are called upon.

Curiously, since missile silos are often arranged close to one another, if one explodes - what prevents the others from having a similar result?

Was This Jesus?

I believe that the IT specialist who showed up in fatigues was the Lord. Whether the others actually saw him or sensed the Holy Spirit, I can’t say. From their response however, I certainly believe they understood that the Lord was with them in the room.

I may take Bible verses more literally than some. Regarding the missile-silo doors, there is likely none more relevant than this one from Revelation.

Revelation 3, NIV: (7) “To the angel of the church in Philadelphia write: These are the words of him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open.

In this prior verse, it states that Jesus holds the key of David. The “key of David” is given to the one responsible for protecting Israel. Upon further investigation….

Isaiah 22, NIV:(22) I will place on his shoulder the key to the house of David; what he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open.

I had originally assumed that the IT specialist who showed up in fatigues had two large shoulders. Mostly because I thought it symbolized that he had two broad shoulders, like one who takes on a huge responsibility. Thinking back however, I only saw a raised left shoulder, I didn’t actually see the right one.

When Jesus carried his cross through town, I believe he carried or dragged it along on one shoulder, not two. It seems this verifies that who I saw in the dream, was in fact Jesus, and he was carrying the key of David.

Daniel chapter-seven is all about modern technology. Glossing over much of this chapter, just hone in on verse eleven for a moment. I believe that this is referring to what I saw in the dream. Most likely, and shortly thereafter, comes the verse of Revelation 5:6.

All of what Jesus is now doing is for the Church; as it is not doing so well. Consider that as countries have gotten closer than ever before through globalization.... Church sects are seemingly unrelated. It's no coincidence that the first few pages of Revelation have instructions for the Church!

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