The Eagle and the Phoenix

Lawrention News Letter
November 8th, 2023

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Greetings folks. This document is certainly more comprehensive than past newsletters, but quite pertinent for our end-time era. 

To begin, I’d like to make mention of something which I’m beginning to realize regarding prophetic words and dreams from the Lord, and that is this: We (I) are (am) often so lazy and nonchalant, that we (I) don’t do anything until God lights a fire under us.

Unless it’s something that we believe needs to be completed almost immediately, we often procrastinate. I believe this is one of the reasons why prophetic words seem so vivid and urgent at the time we receive them. Generally speaking, I understand they are meant to be passed along immediately.

As for those biblical prophets of the past, imagine what their frame-of-mind must have been, as they foretold about events which weren’t due for many years to come, or perhaps even thousands of years after their death. Perhaps they too, needed to experience something spectacular, like a memorable vision or dream - in order to usher along the revelation.

Once mankind had sinned due to the partaking of the tree (of good and evil), God had to cleverly craft out a plan so we would not utterly destroy ourselves as we enveloped this planet. After contemplating a good number of prophetic scenarios, God decided to take his plan to print and make it so. After all, if it wasn’t for the Lord - our little blue planet would’ve been uninhabitable a number of years back. So basically, the script for this prophetic play has already been written, and we are merely its current-day actors.

This scenario of us being actors who fulfill biblical prophecy, has never been more obvious to myself. Particularly as I delve into the apocryphal books of the Bible, which for the most part - have been preserved for these last days.


1.0 The USA within Prophecy
2.0 The Apocryphal Eagle
3.0 The Eagle’s Three Heads
4.0 The Phoenix Rises
5.0 The Fourth Beast of Daniel
  5.1 The Railway as a Beast
  5.2 Railways and Associated Technology
  5.3 Railways and Horns
6.0 Characterizing the Eagle Further
  6.1 The Constellations of the Four Beasts
  6.2 The Eagle’s Ancestry
7.0 Summary and Final Thoughts

1.0 The USA within Prophecy

Most believe that the eagle represents the USA in biblical prophecy. Although I believe this to be true for the most part, it cannot always be stated as such, and painted with a wide swath of the brush.

During the creation/evolutionary process, the eagle species was blessed due to the fact it was raised above all the other creatures on the planet. Eagles fly higher than all the other birds and is an apex predator.

Evolutionary wise, it served no real purpose for the eagle to distance itself so far above its relatives and likewise its prey. I understand that there were certain occurrences during the natural-evolutionary-process where God had purposely intervened. The eagle experienced one of those interventions.

The Lord played a huge part in lifting up and establishing the nation of the United States. I believe that the pillar of the USA’s strength, is due to its founding documents (constitution) and the realization that all men are created equal under God.

A primary reason for the USA to exist, is to support and protect the Jewish people and the Israeli nation. Currently, it appears like the USA has about the same number of Jews within its borders as the Israeli nation itself.

2.0 The Apocryphal Eagle

The apocryphal book of II Esdras (Ezra) describes an Eagle coming up from the sea (II Esdras, 11:1). This Eagle is also the fourth-beast of Daniel chapter-seven. In the book of Daniel, it states that this fourth beast comes up out of the sea (Dan. 7:3) and later states that it’s a king that rises from the earth (Dan. 7:17).

Prior to Ezra the prophet being given the dream (or vision) for this Eagle, it states (II Esdras 10:59) that the highest will show Ezra what will occur within the last days. Yes, further verification that we are now living within the last days.

This apocryphal Eagle grows and matures alongside the first three (technological) beasts of Daniel chapter-seven (Lion, Bear, and Leopard). In the book of Daniel, this fourth-beast is not elaborated upon, but it is described in meticulous detail within the Apocrypha.

You might well ask; how do I know that the Eagle of the Apocrypha is also the fourth beast of Daniel chapter-seven? Well, other than the Lord pointing me in this direction - it’s plainly stated as such within the Apocrypha (verses 11 and 12 below). Further, beside this verse of II Esdras 12:11 within the margin of my Bible, it cross-references to Daniel 7:7; the exact verse which introduces Daniel’s fourth-beast.

Note that the spelling of certain words within the original King James version, are not exactly how we would spell them today.

1611 KJV, II Esdras 12: (11) The Eagle whom thou sawest come up from the sea, is the kingdome which was seene, in the vision of thy brother Daniel.
(12) But it was not expounded unto him, therefore now I declare it unto thee.
(13) Behold, the days will come, that there shall rise up a kingdome upon the earth, and it shall be feared above all the kingdoms that were before it.
(14) In the same shall twelve kings reigne, one after another.
(15) Whereof the second shall begin to reigne, and shall have more time than any of the twelve.
(16) And this doe the twelve wings signifie which thou sawest.

It’s likely prudent to first explain that much of biblical prophecy relates firstly to the spiritual realm and secondarily to the physical realm. As a consequence, the physical characteristics of this Eagle are brought to light in a large part via personal and therefore (quite likely) biased interpretations.

In biblical prophecy, take note as to how certain spirits are characterized. Specifically, are they male or female? A female spirit often indicates that it has a non-aggressive nature and others are naturally attracted to it. In contrast, if the spirit is male - then it’s perhaps aggressive and maybe even war-like. Especially if it’s also being described as a beast.

Encapsulated within the first few verses of II Esdras chapter-eleven, the apocryphal Eagle is described as a woman (she, her). Later, this Eagle is described as a man (he, him, of II Esdras 11:40 and 12:20).

II Esdras 12:14, Twelve Kings. Sometime prior to WWII, the Eagle begins to develop new technologies (or talents, II Esdras 11:7) which influences many nations. It starts out peacefully during the Hoover administration (1929-1933) and extends through to the end of the Clinton administration (1993-2001). Twelve administrations in total.

It took twelve administrations to nurture and grow the apocryphal Eagle. These twelve administrations are the Eagle’s twelve-wings. Consider them to be twelve feathered administrative-wings.

The Eagle’s feathers are certain individuals, or characters. Similar to how actors perform within a well-scripted play. Currently, I interpret the Eagle’s feathers as being presidents, and perhaps including their vice-presidents as well (II Esdras 11:7, 12:14).

II Esdras 12:15, Whereof the second shall begin to reigne, and shall have more time than any of the twelve. The specific dates for these twelve administrative wings were concluded as such, due to its second administration. Within this verse (and similarly II Esdras 11:17), it states that the Eagle’s second administration was longer than all the others. The longest serving presidential-administration was Roosevelt’s. It lasted twelve years.

II Esdras 12:13, Behold, the days will come, that there shall rise up a kingdome upon the earth, and it shall be feared above all the kingdoms that were before it. During the Eagle’s eleventh administrative wing in 1990 and 1991, the Gulf War broke out against Iraq. This was a major offensive (referred to as Desert Storm) by the Eagle and its allies. I believe that in the spiritual sense, this was about the time when the Eagle turned and became an aggressive male. I can still recall certain “shock and awe” videos of that war on television.

From a technological standpoint, the Eagle’s GPS (global positioning system) was instrumental in the Gulf War, as it was used to achieve precision-like strikes on enemy targets.

The Eagle and the Phoenix

The Eagle and the Phoenix

3.0 The Eagle’s Three Heads

1611 KJV, II Esdras 11: (1) Then saw I a dreame, and beholde, there came up from the Sea an Eagle which had twelve feathered wings, & three heads.
(2) And I saw, and behold, she spred her wings over all the earth, and all the windes of the ayre blewe on her, and were gathered together.

In these prior verses, I believe that the three heads of the eagle are the first three “kingdoms” or “beasts” described within Daniel chapter-seven. These three beasts are the Lion, Bear, and Leopard.

NIV, Daniel 7: (4) “The first was like a lion, and it had the wings of an eagle. I watched until its wings were torn off and it was lifted from the ground so that it stood on two feet like a human being, and the mind of a human was given to it.
(5) “And there before me was a second beast, which looked like a bear. It was raised up on one of its sides, and it had three ribs in its mouth between its teeth. It was told, ‘Get up and eat your fill of flesh!’
(6) “After that, I looked, and there before me was another beast, one that looked like a leopard. And on its back it had four wings like those of a bird. This beast had four heads, and it was given authority to rule.

These three beasts are technologies which for the most part, were (initially) developed within the borders of the USA.

  • Lion (first beast - Dan. 7:4). The lion uses explosive power and sprints short distances while attacking its prey. This can be analogous to kinetic and nuclear weaponry. The lion also has a loud roar which can be heard for miles. Similar perhaps to that of an explosion.
  • Bear (second beast - Dan. 7:5). Bears have excellent senses and can mimic mankind (they can walk upright and sit on a chair).  This particular Bear brings (bears) the daily-news and propaganda. Daily-news and propaganda are carried around the globe via radio-transmission, television, and the internet. I explained this Bear in detail here through an earlier letter.
  •  Leopard (third beast - Dan. 7:6). The leopard’s numerous spots are analogous to satellite constellations. In the book of Daniel, it describes this Leopard beast as having four wings and four heads. I believe that the number four signifies that it's global in nature, similar to the "four winds of heaven" in Dan. 7:2 (north, south, east, west). In this case, likely the four wings are the four satellite constellations, and the four heads are the authorities which govern them.

There are currently four global navigational satellite systems (GNSS), each with its own constellation of multiple satellites. Each of these GNSS is governed by its originating country or region.

The United States controls the GPS system, Russia controls GLONASS, China controls BeiDou, and the European Union controls Galileo. Although there are other navigational satellite systems as well, there are only four that are truly global in nature.

The spiritual significance of these beasts is largely due to the height of their domains and how they hunt. The lion hunts along the ground and will attack its prey head on.

Bears live in forests and upon higher ground such as foothills. During skirmishes, bears can stand upright like humans. They often stand and swipe downward with their claws during conflicts.

The elusive leopards hunt from the ground, but also climb trees and pounce on their prey from above. It’s not uncommon for leopards to drag their dead-prey up into a tree where scavengers (such as hyenas) cannot reach it.

These beasts have now risen up from the earth, and are trying to reach the heights of God’s domain.

4.0 The Phoenix Rises

At certain points in history, the mythological phoenix has been synonymous with the eagle. From what I gather, it’s sometimes difficult for historians to describe the difference between a phoenix and an eagle, as both are apex predators and appear quite similar.

This mythological phoenix crops up within a number of ancient legends. It’s depicted as rising upwards to great heights and perhaps later going down in flames as it meets its demise. Some legends say that it rises from its ashes through reoccurring rising-and-falling cycles.

Due to this mythology, perhaps by using the name “phoenix” it depicts rather well, a short-time in history where the apocryphal Eagle rises up and heavily influences nations upon the earth. What follows are the progressive steps of this beast which we may ponder upon.

  1. The apocryphal (female) Eagle with its three-heads and twelve consecutive administrative-wings was born and matured inside the USA. According to the Apocrypha, it was birthed during the first year of the Hoover administration in 1929.
  2. As time progressed, the Eagle took a nasty turn. Spiritual-wise, it was then no longer considered to be a female, but turned into an aggressive male. I gather that this occurrence was about the time of the Gulf War.
  3. Somewhere during or immediately after the Eagle’s twelfth administration, it became quite conflicted in nature. This is why there are only twelve fully-feathered-administrative-wings of the Eagle. Biblically speaking, the administrations after the twelfth - do not represent the country as a whole. I’m fairly certain that this is the reason for the phrase “contrary feathers” (II Esdras 11:11). As well, the Apocrypha foretells of elections which have been compromised at one point or another. “For some of them were set up, but ruled not” (II Esdras 11:21).
  4. Largely due to globalization and its contrary feathers, the Eagle begins to lose its strength. Recall that a divided house cannot stand. A point of interest here, is shortly after the Eagle’s twelfth-administration was completed - the twin towers were destroyed (September 11th, 2001). Since the Eagle’s administration has become conflicted, and likewise more globalized in nature (spreading wings over the earth) – I will now refer to it as the Phoenix.
  5. This Phoenix will come to its demise as (and when) the Lord sees fit.
  6. I gather that after this catastrophic event, the beast will return from whence it came, and the whole earth will be refreshed. This is basically what’s foretold in the following verses.

1611 KJV, II Esdras, 11: (40) And the fourth came and overcame all the beasts that were past, and had power over the world with great fearefulnesse, and over the whole compasse of the earth with much wicked oppression, and so long time dwelt he upon the earth with deceit.
(41) For the earth hast thou not judged with trueth.
(42) For thou hast afflicted the meeke, thou hast hurt the peaceable, thou hast loved lyers, and destroyed the dwellings of them that brought forth fruite, and hast cast downe the walles of such, as did thee no harme.
(43) Therefore is thy wrongfull dealing come up unto the Highest, and thy pride unto the Mighty.
(44) The Highest also hath looked upon the proud times, and behold, they are ended and his abominations are fulfilled.
(45) And therefore appeare no more thou Eagle, nor thy horrible wings, nor thy wicked feathers, nor thy malitious heads, nor thy hurtfull clawes, nor all thy vaine body:
(46) That all the earth may be refreshed and may returne, being delivered from thy violence, and that she may hope for the judgement, and mercy of him that made her.

II Esdras, 12:(1). And it came to passe whiles the Lyon (note, this is a different lion than the one of Daniel chapter-seven) spake these words unto the Eagle, I saw:
(2) And behold, the head that remained, and the foure wings appeared no more, and the two went unto it, and set themselves up to raigne, and their kingdome was small and full of vprore (trouble).
(3) And I saw, and behold, they appeared no more, and the whole body of the Eagle was burnt, so that the earth was in great feare, ….

In a similar fashion within Daniel chapter-seven, it describes how this fourth beast (apocryphal Eagle/Phoenix) is defeated. Curiously, note what verse-twelve says about the first three beasts (Lion, Bear, Leopard).

Daniel 7, NIV: (11) Then I continued to watch because of the boastful words the horn was speaking. I kept looking until the beast was slain and its body destroyed and thrown into the blazing fire.
(12) (The other beasts had been stripped of their authority, but were allowed to live for a period of time.)

To be clear, I’ve used some of my own terminology (e.g: Phoenix) to distinguish timelines and distance this beast from the geographical USA and its general population. As well, this Eagle is based upon technology and modern-day communications, so the extent of its claws has yet to be determined.

I understand from the Lord that all will come to light quite soon, and the fog which has been covering the roots of globalism will appear no more. Exactly how far the Eagle has been compromised and the extent of its claws which grips certain people and nations remains to be seen.

Quickly approaching are biblical events which will bring justice upon the whole earth. Particularly, for those who’ve abused their position of authority. I take it that this is the meaning of the Daniel 7:10 phrase: “the court was seated, and the books were opened”. A judgement is about to take place!

Needless to say, there’s at least one notable and biblical-event upon the horizon. Within an earlier letter which you can read here, I described an event (from a recent dream) which was nuclear in nature. Supporting this dream within the context of judgment - I wrote an earlier letter which focuses upon the year 2022.

5.0 The Fourth Beast of Daniel

5.1 The Railway as a Beast

As the first three beasts of Daniel chapter-seven are based upon technology, the fourth is no different. This fourth beast is comprised of technology which has evolved due to railways proliferating across the globe. World-class mechanical and electrical networks have been developed for, and likewise are synonymous with - the railway industry.

I believe that the biblical description of Daniel’s fourth-beast is attempting to describe world-wide networks beginning about the time of the first steam-locomotive.

Although steam-locomotives originated within the United Kingdom, the rail systems which they ride upon had already been used in one form or other centuries earlier.

Prior even to ancient Greece - horses, rolling hills and the like - were used to either push or pull cargo along parallel rails implanted firmly into the ground. Before steam locomotives, these parallel rails were used to ease the burden upon people’s backs for heavy work such as mining, moving timber, ship-building, and portaging.

Once steam locomotives became popular, they quickly moved people between towns, cities, provinces, and countries. Although they could move freight as well as passengers, it was passenger trains which instantly became popular. In North America, I don’t believe freight trains achieved a real foot-hold until well after the first passenger-routes had been firmly established.

How exactly, this fourth beast of Daniel chapter-seven dovetails with the Eagle of the apocrypha is quite a head-scratcher. As I said earlier, they are basically the same beast - we are merely looking at it through two different lenses.

Where the apocrypha Eagle focused upon people and administrations, this fourth beast of Daniel focuses upon technology. I must say, that although I’ve done my due diligence to correlate these two beasts as one, it still isn’t exactly to my satisfaction. Please bear with me as I explain further.

Here in Canada, our first public railway, the Champlain and St. Lawrence Railway opened in the year 1836 near Montreal. The first Canadian railways were vital for transporting settlers into distant regions of the country.

To a large extent, the urgency of having railways built in Canada was to move military personnel and supplies. As vital as Canadian railways became for the first and second world-wars, many years prior - railways were strategically set in place as an important mainstay for securing our perceived “southern border” from a potential advance by the Americans.

Our forefathers had a vision of the Canadian territory stretching from sea to sea long before it was realized. I believe that due to the American civil war, the building of a transcontinental railway was largely hastened.

Railways were deemed so essential at the time, that prior to a new Province joining Canada - some wanted assurance of an adjoining railway (perhaps even affirming a transcontinental) before signing the dotted line. Canada formed the Intercolonial Railway (1872–1918) which later became CNR. Later, as this railway was privatized it became CN.

5.2 Railways and Associated Technology

The following, is a little history and know-how about networking as it relates to the railway industry. After this discussion, we will venture onward and proceed to prophetic verses within the book of Daniel.

Within the 19th and 20th centuries, it was the railways which drove the communication sector. Railways use electrical communications to signal ahead as to which railway track is free, which one is occupied, what time a train will arrive at a station, etc. As a basis, reliable railway communications are a must in order to prevent collisions.

Railway communications were used not only to operate the railway itself, but also by the public as a quick way to send letters and telegrams. Prior to railways, horses were used to deliver personal letters across the country. I’m told that within the USA, the Pony Express was abandoned upon completion of their transcontinental railway.

For many years, Morse-code over the telegraph system was the preferred method of railway communications. Later, it became replaced by telephone, and later yet, by the internet. To my knowledge, it has always been common practice for long-distance wiring and cabling to be routed alongside railway-tracks. There are many practical reasons for doing so.

Ultimately, many kilometers (or miles) of railway lines have one owner to contend with, and their geographical-route is comparatively level and straight. So, from a business standpoint – it’s easier to get permission and likewise string wiring (or bury cables) alongside railway tracks, then it is for most other long-distance cabling options.

To a large extent, I believe that the experimental network ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) was built using railway land and infrastructure. ARPANET, which was financed by the United States Department of Defense - was the predecessor to the world’s commercialized internet.

Based upon a set of parallel metal tracks, the maze of railways is analogous to electrical networks. These metal tracks might be viewed as a type of medium which carries along its cargo. Each railway car (rolling stock) has a unique alphanumeric code referred to as a reporting mark.

I believe that these reporting marks have a maximum of ten characters. The first four characters are reserved to identify the owner, and the remaining six are assigned a unique number by the railway’s owner to distinguish one rolling-car from the next. As a consequence, railway tracks are analogous to a medium that carries along information. This can be compared to internet-cables carrying payloads of information via individual (software) packets.

As a note of interest, the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) built the first coast to coast radio-transmission network from technology built by CNR (Canadian National Railway). These two companies are (or were) crown corporations of Canada.

CNR was in the process of building a radio transmission network which their passengers could listen to. At around the same time, the Canadian Government was concerned that its citizens were being unduly influenced by American transmissions south of the border that had reached Canada.

In effect, the first Canadian Radio Broadcasting Commission (CRBC, 1932-1936) took control of CNR radio. This was later restructured as CBC (1936). CBC thus became both the broadcaster and regulator for Canadian broadcasting.

In the year 1952, CBC began broadcasting for television in Montreal. In 1978, CBC was the first broadcaster to utilize an orbiting satellite for television signals. CBC's history goes on from there, and is still a viable Canadian crown corporation.

In hindsight, its seems that the CBC had an impact within regards to cultural differences between Americans and Canadians.

As North-American railways developed, they didn’t all use the same track gauge. Track gauge is the inner distance between the two rails. From one railway to the next, there is no guarantee that the track gauges are always identical.

As early railways operated independently, different track gauges between one railway to the next was usually a non-issue. However, once certain railways began merging with others, and particularly as certain railways became bankrupt - this difference of track gauges became a huge problem. Rolling stock from one railway couldn’t easily be passed along to another.

In practice, instead of abandoning an obsolete track-gauge line altogether - one of the two rails would be moved either closer or farther away from the other. This was quite expensive, but rather cheap when compared to the alternative.

Nowadays, most of the rapid transit railways in North America use standard gauge. Standard gauge is 1,435 mm (4 feet, 8+1⁄2 inches) between the two rails. This can also be referred to as international gauge, as it’s the most widely used track gauge in the world.

This standard track gauge emerged from the United Kingdom, and was developed in a large part due to George Stephenson of England. This man became the "father of railways".

G. Stephenson was both a civil and mechanical engineer, who developed the first intercity railway. The Liverpool and Manchester Railway opened in the year 1830. It was also the first railway which relied strictly upon steam locomotives.

5.3 Railways and Horns

Daniel 7, NIV: (7) “After that, in my vision at night I looked, and there before me was a fourth beast—terrifying and frightening and very powerful. It had large iron teeth; it crushed and devoured its victims and trampled underfoot whatever was left. It was different from all the former beasts, and it had ten horns.
(8) “While I was thinking about the horns, there before me was another horn, a little one, which came up among them; and three of the first horns were uprooted before it. This horn had eyes like the eyes of a human being and a mouth that spoke boastfully.

Dan 7:7, Large iron teeth. It seems this is describing the cowcatcher grill on the front of locomotives which is used to clear obstructing debris. Unfortunately, many cows and horses have been killed (and eaten) by trains throughout the years. Trains have also been known to kill elephants.

Jumbo the elephant, who was the seven-ton star of P.T. Barnum's Circus - was hit by a train in the year 1885. It occurred in my hometown of St. Thomas, Ontario.

Dan 7:7, Crushed and devoured its victims. In order to prepare flat tracts of land through remote areas and make way for railway tracks - workers had to clear trees and brush, crush rocks, blast through mountains, and build bridges. This took quite a toll on natural landscapes, not to mention all of those who were killed by mishaps during the building of early railways.

As well, at one time there were no automatic-brakes on any of the railway’s rolling stock. To coordinate braking activities with the varying speeds of the locomotive - rail workers had to jump from car to car and manually apply (or release) a rolling-car’s brakes. Obviously, there were many wrecks and casualties from this folly until automatic-brakes were invented and likewise mandated.

As railways were being built in Canada, many skirmishes took place both prior to building, and during railway activity. Throughout Canada’s history these rails have often disrupted the lands of First Nation peoples.

If you consider the consequences to the environment, as well as having a set of railway tracks dividing a territory that you and your family has lived on for many generations - you need not wonder why First Nation peoples could sometimes get more than a little agitated.

Dan 7:7 Ten horns. In the Old Testament, horns refer to a type of power. The number ten can represent a complete set, people group, or kingdom. In addition, I believe number ten infers balance, depth, and order.

In this particular passage, these ten horns represent the ten-provinces of Canada which stretch from coast to coast. Or similarly, this could be a way of describing power which stretches across Canada from coast-to-coast.

Once Newfoundland became Canada’s tenth province in 1949, the Newfoundland Railway became the property of the Canadian National Railways (CNR). CNR was a crown corporation of Canada from 1919 – 1995. I believe that this CNR was the only Canadian railway which had operated (and likewise owned rail) within all ten provinces at the same time.

In the year 1995, the Government of Canada privatized CNR and it became a public company. This railway now goes under the name of CN (Canadian National Railway Company), and no longer ventures into the provinces of Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island.

Another famous Canadian railway which in many ways is comparable to the CN, is the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR). Historically, one of the major differences between these two great railways is that the CPR has always existed as a public company. As well, the CPR had its early roots in the west coast, whereas the CP's roots were from eastern provinces.

Earlier this year (April 2023) the CPR merged with Kansas City Southern, and is now referred to as the CPKC.

Dan 7:8, Another horn, a little one, which came up among them.
As the 20th century progressed and other options became viable, passenger-rail declined in popularity. This was largely due to the affordability of automobiles, airplane travel, and cruises. In addition, passenger-rail has declined due to the fact that now we don’t have to leave our homes to experience the outside world. Sounds and sights come to us electronically!

NIV, Daniel 7: (8) “While I was thinking about the horns, there before me was another horn, a little one, which came up among them; and three of the first horns were uprooted before it. This horn had eyes like the eyes of a human being and a mouth that spoke boastfully.

I believe that the last sentence of this (prior) verse, is speaking about early talking-pictures and animation. Animation had been experimented with prior to using horns on the early phonographs, and prior to the 20th century.

These phonograph horns were flared, and appeared quite similar to those used for musical instruments. The early phonographs could play prerecorded sounds without using any electricity.

Beginning in 1901, the Victor Talking Machine Company (located in Camden, New Jersey) produced early phonographs and recordings (records). In 1929 the Radio Corporation of America (RCA) purchased the Victor Talking Machine Company and it was renamed RCA Victor.

In Latin, the name Victor means conqueror. Prophetically, I believe this to be significant for the use of the United Kingdom's influence within North-America as it relates to RCA Victor.

Let’s now focus upon heraldry for the Talking Machine Company. Its headquarters was in the city of Camden, and county of Camden, New Jersey. Interestingly, look what heraldry reveals for this area.

  • City of Camden: ship, man representing industry, woman representing learning and intelligence, coronet, locomotive. Motto: “In a Dream, I Saw a City Invincible”.
  • Camden County: mountain, sun, horn of plenty, large plough.
  • State of New Jersey: three ploughs and an overflowing horn of plenty. Its motto is “liberty and prosperity”.

This locomotive and the horns of plenty follow the familiar narrative for the fourth-beast of Daniel. Let’s dig a little bit deeper now with (this word) "plough”.

We will be reviewing star-constellations shortly, but please understand that there's a link between the Bear of Daniel and the star-constellation Ursa Major. Ursa Major is often referred to as the Great Bear. This beast the Bear, brings us our daily-news and propaganda.

Within the constellation Ursa Major, there are seven bright stars which comprise the big dipper. This group of stars is also referred to as “the plough” within the United Kingdom. So, we now have a direct correlation between the Bear and ploughs within heraldry.

A significance of the phonograph invention, is that it began recording sounds and storing it onto a certain type of media. This media could be copied and redistributed.

As technology advanced, and electrical speakers were used instead of mechanical horns – the popularity of this device soared. After the popular plastic records… media such as magnetic-tapes and solid-state-memory quickly followed.

This verse of Daniel 7:8 states that three of the first horns were uprooted before it. Again, through prophetic scripture - a horn is a form of power.

Since it’s common for one technology to usurp a prior one, I was originally thinking it’s likely that these horns are inferring to an era when technology is continually changing. My final resolve on this however, has gone in an altogether different direction. At the moment, please set this matter aside.

6.0 Characterizing the Eagle Further

The primary focus of this letter was to explain the Eagle through Daniel chapter-seven, and II Esdras chapters eleven and twelve. It’s these three-chapters which encapsulate the essence of the Eagle.

These chapters are so thought provoking and cover so much territory, I feel what I’ve written thus far has merely scratched the surface. For this reason, I will now go deeper and expose a couple more of its layers.

6.1 The Constellations of the Four Beasts

Funny enough, the constellation Leo aligns with our beast the Lion, the constellation Ursa Major is also referred to as the Great Bear, and Camelopardalis represents our beast the Leopard.

The word Camelopardalis basically describes something like a long-necked camel which has spots like a leopard. From a Leopard-Beast perspective, this is analogous to the four satellite constellations which rapidly travel up and down within medium-earth orbits. These satellites rise to distances thousands of miles above the earth’s surface before travelling back towards earth at an even greater speed. For these reasons, I gather that the name Camelopardalis suits the characteristics of the Leopard.

These three-constellations are consecutively grouped together in the northern sky, one above the other. Leo is the smallest constellation and the lower of the three. In the midst is Ursa Major, and is a fair bit larger. Above these two constellations is the relatively longer and narrower Camelopardalis constellation. As a result, moving from the first to third constellation (or beast) …. they  are rising in the northern sky.

The Aquila constellation is distant from our other three, and close to the celestial equator. The word Aquila is Latin for eagle. Curiously, the Romans referred to this same constellation as the flying vulture.

During the era of ancient-Greece, there were forty-eight recorded star-constellations. Leo, Ursa Major, Camelopardalis, and Aquila, were all included within this set of forty-eight.

Today, the International Astronomical Union (IAU), officially recognizes eighty-eight star-constellations in all. The four which we are concerned with, are also included within this newer group of eighty-eight.

There are likely a number of aspects regarding Daniel's four beasts which mimic star-constellations that I’m unaware. I know that within ancient Greek mythology, I find that certain myths stemming from star-constellations seem quite familiar, and could be analogous to  modern-day technological occurrences.

One thing I find interesting, is that there are forty-eight contiguous states within the USA. Forty-eight is also the number of star constellations recognized by ancient-Greece. A coincidence?

6.2 The Eagle’s Ancestry

I understand that the United States culture is similar in nature to that of ancient-Greece. It appears that ancient Greece approached things like architecture, theatre, literature, mathematics, astronomy, science, trade, philosophy, and education - similar to that of the USA. Initially, this was a bit of a head-scratcher for myself, as it was the Lord that pointed me in this direction.

As I researched Greek culture further, it became apparent that the ancient Greeks were quite talented through a variety of disciplines. From my opinion, there wasn't one discipline which towered above the rest. So, their strength as a nation wasn’t due to one discipline or another - but through all of them. It was all about balance!

As I pondered their accomplishments, I realized that these people were not hindered from following whatever dream they wished to pursue as individuals. This is evident due to the fact that Greek philosophers regularly held open debates in town squares regarding mysteries of their day. They were free to debate upon deep topics like God, religion, science, and creation. I suspect that it was their freedoms which made them unique on this planet - not their God-given talents.

In addition to their freedoms, the ancient Greeks must have had compassion on cultures other than their own. As a result, certain other cultures thrived within their borders. This is glaringly evident, due to fact that the New Testament was originally written in the Greek language.

7.0 Summary and Final Thoughts

As near as I can tell, the apocryphal Eagle began in the year 1928 during the Hoover administration. Nonetheless, by overlapping this beast the Eagle with the unnamed fourth beast from Daniel chapter-seven, its history goes back much, much further.

The Dutch Narrative

From what I gather, the world’s first industrial revolution began due to wind-power being harnessed via Dutch windmills. A major player at this time, was a windmill owner named Cornelis Corneliszoon van Uitgeest. He had filed a patent for a crankshaft which was used to connect a sawmill to a “wind-mill”.

I'm told that Cornelis' invention churned out planks of wood thirty times faster than man-made ones. His patent was approved in the year 1593. This allowed the Dutch to build ships faster and more efficiently than any other nation of that era.

Later, Cornelis was also granted a patent for a centrifugal pump, and worked alongside fellow colleagues who created the hydraulic cylinder. In effect, the Dutch started the first (modern) industrial-revolution on this planet.

Curiously, the name Cornelius, (slightly different spelling than Cornelis) - is a Roman name that most-likely came from the Latin word “cornu”. Cornu means horn, and we understand that biblically speaking, a horn is associated with power.

In a relatively short matter of time, the Dutch Republic became a major shipbuilding and world-renowned trading hub. A handful of Dutch trading companies formed, and began to seriously compete for Asian trade. One of their competitors was the Portuguese, who had been trading with Asia overseas for quite some time.

In the year 1602, the Dutch United East India Company VOC (Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie) was formed. As a result, a number of Dutch trading companies merged into a single entity. This was the world’s first corporation where its shares could be bought and sold by every-day citizens, and not restricted to those  associated with the company.

The VOC was granted a twenty-one-year eastern-trade monopoly for ships sailing around the African Cape of Good Hope. This VOC was supported by the Dutch military so remote trading colonies could be safety established.

The key point here is this. It was the inventions created by Cornelis Corneliszoon van Uitgeest and his colleagues, which ushered along the Dutch Republic and thereby creating a world-power. Let’s now refer back to the book of Daniel.

NIV, Daniel 7: (2) Daniel said: “In my vision at night I looked, and there before me were the four winds of heaven churning up the great sea.
(3) Four great beasts, each different from the others, came up out of the sea.
(4) “The first was like a lion, and it had the wings of an eagle. I watched until its wings were torn off and it was lifted from the ground so that it stood on two feet like a human being, and the mind of a human was given to it.
(5) “And there before me was a second beast, which looked like a bear. It was raised up on one of its sides, and it had three ribs in its mouth between its teeth. It was told, ‘Get up and eat your fill of flesh!’

It’s now quite obvious as to the meaning of this verse-two phrase: “and there before me were the four winds of heaven churning up the great sea”. The wind-power which was harnessed via Dutch windmills, began the first industrial-revolution.

This Dutch name Cornelius brought momentum to North America as well. I understand that it was a certain Cornelius (Cornelis Jacobsen Mey) which began the colony of New Netherland on the east coast. I also understand that it was a Cornelius (Sir William Cornelius Van Horne) who was in charge of forming the first transcontinental railway here in Canada.

The North American Narrative

The historical timeline of Daniel chapter-seven, is much too broad to condense down into a few pages. Nonetheless, at the risk of leaving out pertinent information, I will briefly follow a narrative which I think best fits Daniel chapter-seven.

Please do not be offended as I fail to mention certain nationalities or people groups, as there was a whole host of them which played a significant part during the colonization of North America. Particularly the Indigenous people groups, who fought both with, and against, the early Europeans.

The Lion (beast) which is synonymous with explosive power - was (and still is) used in heraldry to represent the Dutch Republic (Netherlands), the Kingdom of Great Britain (UK), and the Kingdom of Spain (Spain).

At one time or another, these three empires battled amongst one another using gunpowder for their rifles and cannons. This is analogous to having explosive power like that of a lion. These battles occurred both prior-to and during, the rise of the United States.

I realize that I’m overly simplifying this matter, but basically - it was the Kingdom of Spain which had initially colonized Mexico and likewise the west-coast (today’s California) - whereas the Dutch Republic and the Kingdom of Great Britain, colonized the (present-day USA’s) east-coast. While doing so, these superpowers created New Spain, New Netherland, and New England, on North-American soil.

I'm sorry, but I will have to leave the story-line here for the time being. As we've experienced, there's more to Daniel chapter-seven than meets the eye. I realize that there's a few gaps within this story-line, but I hope that you've enjoyed what I've written thus far.

Just understand that God has all in control, and has already blessed us more than we could ever comprehend.