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As of January 2025 there are a number of things in the works related to this site. I realize that the site often-times looks static when compared to social-media and blogging sites, but that's certainly not the case. Typically, my focus is best spent upon research and writing, not blogging nor social media.
Behind the scenes, I'm doing research and preparing for a modern-interpretation of the whole biblical book of Daniel. There are a substantial number of pages within Daniel's book which describe our modern-times and technology. The Lawrention site already contains a certain amount of what I might deem as raw-data which will most-likely be incorporated into this new book.
The Lord has been working with me (or I have been working with him) in order to expand the Health and Longevity document. I've now begun to summarize and write much of what I've learned health-wise within a new section-seven. There are still a number of holes yet to fill (further research and writing), so I've decided to summarize as best I can for the time being.
As far as the newsletters go, there's a good chance that the next newsletter will be about the Ten Horns of Daniel. This is a crucial part of Daniel chapter-seven in order to understand its full context.
In addition to the above, I've been toying with a physics experiment as an aid to explain gravity. As soon as I can substantiate the results, I intend to disclose what I've found.
Insert Feb. 17th 2025. This is an update regarding the prior gravity experiment. I can confidently state that due to the motion of an object - its moving-weight is reduced to the tune of eighty-five to to ninety percent from that of its static-weight. This phenomenon has to do with the biasing of mass within an object itself.
An object's internal mass supports both its weight and motion, whereby a certain percentage of its resting-mass is garnered from within in order to sustain either velocity and/or spin.
At this point in time, I'm still experimenting with different objects and such in order to detect variations between disparate materials. The next step would be to create a more sophisticated system which would accurately-determine the object-in-question's velocity. The current system was created on a shoe-string budget merely to prove a point.
From a biblical-stance, this obscure gravity concept supports the verse of Matthew chapter twenty-one, verse twenty-one. This is where Jesus stated that if you had enough faith you could get a mountain to throw itself into the sea. I believe that his example here, is basically stating... that the moving of the mountain doesn't rely upon an outer force per sue, but comes from within the mountain itself.
As of yet, none of the efforts I've made mention have created any sort of income. If you consider one or more of these cases worthwhile, please consider donating. Any amount regardless of how small will be put to good use. Thank-you so much for your time and consideration.
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