Lawrention News Letter
June 20, 2023

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Connecting the Dots - Part II,
Our Redemption is Nigh

This letter is the second in a series where we are delving even deeper into the mysteries of biblical prophecy.

If you are interested in the biblical books of Daniel and Revelation, this is the letter to hone in on. Before delving into scripture, I’d like to make mention of my latest dream which I will now share. 

As the dream began, I could see in the distance a large group of well-disciplined soldiers lined up in perfect formation. These soldiers were well prepared and ready for action.

In the forefront, was a group of top brass. I assume that these were all generals within the US military. The leader of this group was attempting to rally these men and get them pumped up for duty.

As an exercise, the leader tossed a baseball (a softball) to one of these generals and expected him to toss it back. The receiver didn’t even have the enthusiasm to catch the ball and it dropped at his feet. Eventually, he picked up the ball and tossed it back to the leader.

The leader repeated the exercise with a couple of other generals as well, and experienced a similar result. One of generals merely kicked the ball back to him across the grass, as he couldn’t be bothered to pick it up. At one point the ball dropped at my feet and I tossed it back to the leader as none of the others went to grab it.

This dream may seem a little strange to some, but its style is typical of dreams I occasionally receive from the Lord. These dreams often require some type of interpretation, so there’s always a chance that I could misinterpret. I will state that this dream lines up with what I heard from the prophet Timothy Dixon a few months back.

Timothy spoke of an attack on the US which began near Hawaii and then carried over to North America. I believe that the Lord interceded for us since the military had dropped the ball. There was a disconnect (communication issue) between military units at the time.

Our Redemption is Nigh

If world events seem depressing to you, I’ve got some great news. The Lord is about to make some unprecedented changes. By unprecedented, I mean that it will affect the whole world - not just small pockets here and there. I will begin to unfold certain passages of scripture, in an attempt to pinpoint exactly where we are in the history books. This was inspired by the Lord, so please don’t take it lightly.

To begin with, we understand that to a great extent - many of our world-events rely upon what occurs in the United States. Significantly, the global economy (currently) heavily relies upon the US dollar as a benchmark.

We are now at a crucial point in our history leading up to the tribulation-period. What happens between now and then, relies heavily upon the Church as a whole. The good-news in this scenario, is the fact that God has already intervened in the battle between good and evil upon the earth.

Daniel 7, NIV: (18) But the holy people of the Most High will receive the kingdom and will possess it forever—yes, for ever and ever.’

This prior verse tells us where the earth is headed, as the holy people of the Most High will receive and possess the kingdom. As you might well imagine, there will be a few wrinkles along the way before we attain that goal. In this verses' backdrop, are the four man-made beasts of Daniel chapter-seven.

Originally, I thought that this verse pertained to what would occur after the tribulation period, and during the millennium reign. However, I'm now led to believe that it's much closer than we can imagine. This verse puts much of what we've been experiencing lately into context.

Prophetic Significance of the Year 2022

We will now begin to apply scripture in order to define where we are in history. To do so, we first need to backtrack through the COVID era.

In an earlier publishing, I described that the COVID era is outlined to us within Daniel chapter-ten. I refer to it as the three-year-war since it’s described as such within the Bible, and mirrors the three-year span of time during COVID.

Within the US, this three-year-war began on January 24th, 2020; and ended on January 23rd, 2023. How I arrived at these dates are within the previous text of Daniel chapter-ten. We will now begin to focus on the previous year of 2022.

During 2002, a number of significant events occurred.

  • 2022, 1st month, 22nd day: The Canadian trucker protest began.
  • 2022, 2nd month, 4th day: Vladimir Putin meets with Xi Jinping.
  • 2022, 2nd month, 24th day: Russian/Ukrainian war begins.
  • 2022, 6th month, 24th day: US supreme court overturns Roe verses Wade.
  • 2022, 11th month, 1st day: Benjamin Netanyahu wins the Israeli election.
  • 2022, 11th month, 7th and 8th day: The blood moon and US midterm elections occur at the same time.

Please take a moment, and study this list of events, and determine for yourself just how pivotal each of these events were, or will soon be. 

I'd like to highlight the fact, that the number two can be highly significant within Biblical prophecy. Two, refers to the dual-like nature of God. On one hand, God is our all-loving creator who died for us on the cross; but, on the other - he is also our judge. Similar perhaps, as two sides of a coin.

Caveat to Biblical Numerology

Within prophecy, numbers become quite important; however, it has to be within context! I stated that the number two refers to the dual-like nature of God. This is true, however you can't imply that all verse-two's within every chapter of the Bible point to the fact that God has a dual-like nature. It has to be taken in proper context.

Biblical numerology, is merely a way of stressing the fact that the number is highly significant within that particular passage. Similar to underlining a title within a document, it merely emphasizes what's already in place. It doesn't change a passage's words, just its emphasis point.

When it comes to biblical prophecy, there is no way of understanding if certain numerology is important unless you study the whole passage and understand its context. As well, unless the thought was inspired by the Lord, it may just as well be considered meaningless.

A few years back, the Lord dropped into my spirit that number two can be used to represent the dual-like nature of God. Similar to two sides of the same coin.

As we consider this meaning of the number two, note that the book of Revelation has twenty-two chapters, and its last verse is numbered twenty-one.

Year 2022 within the Book of Daniel

Quite recently, I was led to verse twenty-one of Daniel chapter-seven: “As I watched, this horn was waging war against the holy people and defeating them”.

Note that this verse uses the word “war”. This same word was used in Daniel chapter-ten as well, as it was describing our recent three-year war. In order to put this verse twenty-one into perspective, here is the passage.

Daniel 7, NIV: (17) ‘The four great beasts are four kings that will rise from the earth. (18) But the holy people of the Most High will receive the kingdom and will possess it forever—yes, for ever and ever.’

... (20) I also wanted to know about the ten horns on its head and about the other horn that came up, before which three of them fell—the horn that looked more imposing than the others and that had eyes and a mouth that spoke boastfully. (21) As I watched, this horn was waging war against the holy people and defeating them, (22) until the Ancient of Days came and pronounced judgment in favor of the holy people of the Most High, and the time came when they possessed the kingdom.

I believe that the imposing horn that spoke boastfully which was defeating the holy people described in verses twenty and twenty-one, - was the great beast, the Bear of Daniel chapter-seven.

In biblical prophecy, the word horn is analogous to power. Similar to an animal like a bull or a goat, that focuses their power within the horns on their head while they do battle. In this case of the Bear during the COVID era, the power of its horn was the propaganda and orders which spewed out of its mouth. 

It seems obvious now, that Daniel 7:22 aligns with the COVID-year 2022, as God began to redeem his people, as it states in the verse: "until the Ancient of Days came and pronounced judgment in favor of the holy people of the Most High".

So this process of redemption for us began during the beginning of 2022, and will continue until “the time came when they possessed the kingdom.”  As I said before, our redemption if nigh - so don't throw in the towel just yet.

If you wish to go back to what I was thinking in early 2022, this first letter encapsulates a good portion of where I believe the world is heading.

Certain passages within the books of Daniel and Revelation seem to overlap each other, but until now, I had no real means of finding an on-ramp taking us directly into Revelation. Well, now we have it! As the Lord led me to Daniel chapter seven, verse twenty-one - this is the beginnings of the on-ramp.

As we begin to flip pages within the book of Revelation, the prophetic scripture within Daniel is far from being obsolete. The way I see it, during the events of Daniel chapter-seven - our technology has evolved to create the four earthly-beasts. So, just because we flip into the book of Revelation, doesn’t dismiss the fact that certain beasts remain on earth for a season. This is stressed within the verses of Daniel 7:11,12.

Also, nor does peering into Revelation make the remaining chapters of Daniel eight through twelve obsolete. This will all be realized in due time.

To summarize, we are now going from verses twenty-one and twenty-two of Daniel chapter-seven, directly into the book of Revelation.

Transitioning Into Revelation

Revelation chapter-one contains a prologue and a warning to all - that the “time is near”. Later, specific words are given to John from God himself, who leaves instructions for the seven churches. It's no coincidence that the first three books of Revelation contain instructions for the Church. The Church is now more important than ever for mankind itself.

There are seven churches described to us within chapters two and three, which were those of Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea.

I believe that the characteristics of this fundamental group of churches, is meant to represent the complete nature of Christ’s Church; regardless of the plethora of denominations which have developed over time. Hence, the instructions written for those initial churches are quite relevant for the churches of today.

Revelation chapter-four, gives us a glimpse of God's throne in heaven, and describes what’s occurring in the spiritual realm. Certain spiritual beings reinforce the fact that God is worthy to receive glory, honour, and power, and that he’s most certainly created all things.

My impression of the four creatures which surround God's throne, are eerily similar to the ones in chapter-seven of the Book of Daniel. I could be wrong, but I suspect that they are specifically mentioned here, to ensure us that God has the spiritual realm under total control. So even as the Beasts of Daniel may terrorize us on earth for a season - the Lord has spiritual beasts which can always limit and restrain their power.

Next, is Revelation chapter-five. This is where the slain Lamb of God who is Jesus… enters the picture. It begins with God holding a scroll with seven seals. The passage states that no one was found worthy to neither look into, or open the scroll, except the lamb of God who made the ultimate sacrifice.

I have good reason to believe that Jesus is introduced to us specifically in chapter five, verse five - since the number-five symbolizes him on the cross. 

Rev. 5, NIV: (1) Then I saw in the right hand of him who sat on the throne a scroll with writing on both sides and sealed with seven seals. (2) And I saw a mighty angel proclaiming in a loud voice, “Who is worthy to break the seals and open the scroll?” (3) But no one in heaven or on earth or under the earth could open the scroll or even look inside it. (4) I wept and wept because no one was found who was worthy to open the scroll or look inside. (5) Then one of the elders said to me, “Do not weep! See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed. He is able to open the scroll and its seven seals.”

Jesus died on the cross, during a crucial time in our history. Comparatively, the cross which Jesus died on was like a fork in the road, and Jesus served as our guidepost within its center. As he died on the cross, he became our beacon of light, and pointed us towards the proper path.

Putting emphasis now on chapter five, verse five, of Revelation... below, are  graphical meanings for the fifth letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Within the graphic of the cross, the center dot represents Jesus as our guidepost.

Within the graphic's bottom right, it shows the early-Hebrew symbol for the number five, which is a man with raised arms. Again, within context... this can likely be taken as a symbol representing Jesus dying on the cross.

Hebrew letter Hey

In verse five of Revelation chapter-five, it states that Jesus, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, and the Root of David - has triumphed. By "triumphed", I take this to mean that he persevered and died on the cross; otherwise, he would not have been worthy to open the seven seals of judgement.

This now brings us to Revelation chapter-six. Here Jesus opens the first seal, and the famous white horse arrives on the scene.

The White Horse and Its Rider

Revelation 6, NIV: (1) I watched as the Lamb opened the first of the seven seals. Then I heard one of the four living creatures say in a voice like thunder, “Come!” (2) I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest.

Some have said that this white horse of Revelation chapter-six represents either Christ or the antichrist, as I've read commentaries reflecting both cases. If we reiterate the fact that the nature of God resembles two sides of a coin, I suppose both cases hold merit.

Recall verse 7:22 from the book of Daniel which stated: "until the Ancient of Days came and pronounced judgment in favor of the holy people of the Most High, and the time came when they possessed the kingdom."

I believe that the possession of the kingdom, reflects the duration of the white horse's charge here on earth. How long the white horse can hold off the red horse, will depend greatly upon the strength of the Church.

Now, whether this time of judgment in Dan. 7:22, is just prior to the arrival of the white horse, or during the time of the white horse is difficult to say. However, I do believe that the judgment process began in the year 2022, which I will explore further within the next newsletter.

In Revelation chapter-six, there are four horses that appear in consecutive order. The white horse, red horse, black horse, and the pale horse. I believe that these horses represent the people of the earth as a whole, and their riders represent the spirit, or the reason for the charge (conquest).

So essentially, the white horse represents the "holy people of the Most High" (Dan. 7:22), and their rider is the one who holds the reigns. In this case, the rider of the white horse is the Lord.

Recall the horns of the truckers which reverberated around the globe? Was this the white horse beginning the charge? Note that the Canadian trucker protest began on Jan. 22nd, 2022.

Currently, I believe that the rapture will take place when the church looses its power at the tail end of the white-horse's charge. More to the point, as the church looses it's virtue and holiness.

If I'm correct... shortly after the rapture, or perhaps even immediately - the red horse charges onto the scene. Red represents the spirit of the charge, so there will likely be much bloodshed during the charge of the red horse.

Symbolism Of the White-Horse Rider's Crown

Revelation 6, NIV: (2) I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest.

Now that we've determined that the rider of the white horse was Jesus, it's not much of a head-scratcher to realize he has a crown. In the chapter prior, Jesus was the only one who was worthy to begin opening the seven seals of the scroll.

Symbolism of the Rider's Bow

As strong as Jesus is, his power basically comes down to two things: His words, and his willingness to die on the cross. Recall within the verse of John 1:1, where it states that he was the Word. His words are analogous to truth and light. I believe that the bow symbolizes all of these things. In addition:

  • The bow symbolizes strength, as it takes a certain amount of strength to string a bow. Stringing a bow is done in preparation for battle.
  • The word bow, can also be short for rainbow. The rainbow is a symbol of God's promise not to flood the earth again. In other word's - the truth.
  • The rainbow is basically comprised of light, similar to God himself (1st John 1:5). 

Ezekiel 1, KJV: (28) As the appearance of the bow that is in the cloud in the day of rain, so was the appearance of the brightness round about. This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord. And when I saw it, I fell upon my face, and I heard a voice of one that spake.

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