World News Update, September 16th 2022

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The Bear from The Book of Daniel Is Here!

It’s a beautiful and quiet Saturday morning here, so it’s an opportune time to begin pouring out my thoughts into another world-news letter. Although each one of these letters are a collection of ideas from various sources, they are usually triggered by a dream or two from the Lord. In this case, it was a dream about a bear.

Within this dream, I found myself perched upon a concrete wall which overlooked a bear den. I could see a bear as it was advancing up the wall and it was being defeated by a man holding a sword. The dream ended with the concrete wall falling to the ground.

The day prior to the dream, I had heard that both Facebook and Twitter had changed their stance, and were no longer manipulating internet searches pertaining to Covid-19 medical information (which flew in the face of their narrative).

Throughout the pandemic, most of the medical doctors who held an opinion different than those of the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) - were silenced, and not allowed to speak out for fear of loosing their job. Or perhaps even worse yet, loosing their license to practice. Even the inventor of the mRNA vaccines Dr. Robert Malone was banned from Twitter, and essentially silenced throughout the pandemic.

I believe that this recent dream about the bear, represents Daniel's Bear described within chapter-seven of the book of Daniel. 

Daniel 7, KJV: (5) And behold another beast, a second, like to a bear, and it raised up itself on one side, and it had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it: and they said thus unto it, Arise, devour much flesh.

I’m confident that at least one accurate interpretation of the three ribs in the mouth of Daniel's bear, represent people from around the globe, regardless of heritage. Why, you might ask?

After the occurrence of the Genesis world-wide flood, only Noah and his family had survived. We are all descendants of Noah’s three sons; Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Hence, the three ribs represent all of mankind who is alive during the presence of the Bear. 

Words we’ve heard too much of lately from the news media such as misinformation, disinformation, propaganda, and narrative, all describe the workings of Daniel's Bear. Essentially, through electronic media - this Bear takes peoples instructions and carries them out. It does so, regardless of how far around the globe it needs to go in order to complete its task. Therefore, our cell-phones computers and televisions, are all under the Bear's influence.

In later verses within the book of Daniel, and likewise at a later time, it describes an evil power (horn) who throws the truth down to the ground (Daniel 8:12). It appears there's a common theme between today's Bear who has been spreading propaganda, and the future evil-power who does something similar.

English Definitions for the Word Bear

A few definitions of the word "bear" from my handy Canadian Oxford dictionary, are: to carry, bring, take, produce, yield, tolerate, and to carry in thought or memory. We also use common English expressions like bear in mind, bear children, and to bear arms.

Key Characteristics of the Mammal the Bear

The mammal itself is symbolic to what occurs through modern media. Please use your imagination and focus upon the internet as you read the following.

While a bear stands upright on its hind paws, it can see well beyond its local environment. It can also hear sounds and smell odours from great distances away. Their hearing is much more sensitive than ours, and can distinguish a wider range of frequencies. Bears have the best sense of smell out of all the animals. Far greater than even bloodhounds. Bears are also good navigators and have great memories.

Many of the bear's characteristic’s mimic humans. Some of which are listed below.

  • Bears can walk upright on the soles of their paws and sit down on a chair.
  • They have five digits on both front and back paws.
  • Bears are not particularly fussy on where their food comes from, and are omnivores like we are.
  • They hunt on land, but also catch fish within streams and lakes.
  • Great at tree climbing and can swim great distances. They can also run uphill or downhill.
  • Their habitats are similar to humans and found on the same continents, with the exception of Africa. I understand that the Atlas bear which was once native to Africa - became extinct in the late 1800’s. As a side note, the koala bear of Australia is scientifically not classified as a bear, but a marsupial.

The Current Media Industry

The internet birthed itself out of a need for more information and free speech, but has since turned one-hundred-and-eighty degrees and reared its ugly head. Most folks realize just how dangerous the internet can be when the Bear gets out of control. 

Many folks have been stripped of their Facebook and Twitter accounts for merely suggesting a different narrative than what we hear through mainstream media. Unfortunately, mainstream media is mainly sponsored by governments and big-tech companies. All of which promote certain agendas.

Since there are now millions of web-sites and individuals who are competing for an online presence, a slight tweak to a search-engine algorithm makes a huge difference. As a result, certain information rises to the surface, and other information gets buried.

I’ve been recently made aware that God has been helping those who are hard at work to defeat the Bear’s (overbearing) nature. Thankfully, there are now some thriving media companies who don’t bow down to government agendas.

Examples of popular companies promoting free speech are: True North, Rebel News, Frank, Gettr, Real Americas Voice, and Rumble. According to a representative of Rumble from this Washington Post article, its active users have gone from one million to thirty million in about a year’s time.

Unless the mainstream media companies want to be totally reliant upon the government and big-tech for sponsorship, they will have to change their tune or become non-existent. Just look at what’s been happening to CNN lately as its attempting to restructure. One such article describing CNN's stumbling from the Daily Caller can be found here.

There are now many options for sourcing world-wide news. Folks don’t have to be totally dependent upon mainstream media which is primarily controlled by the Bear at present. At some point soon… the main-stream media will be forced to turn its narrative around on a dime, or they will have nothing of interest left to report.

Interpretation of the Bear as it Relates to Silicon Valley

This next portion focuses our attention to where the Bear started out, which is Silicon Valley of northern California. I had previously thought that I’d nailed the interpretation of Daniel’s Bear, but as I did some more digging, I came up with what I believe is a more accurate version within following text.

This interpretation is quite symbolic as well, but it fills in some of the technological gaps to beef up what we've already discovered about the Bear.

Big-tech companies such as Intel, Fairchild Semiconductor, Hewlett Packard, and Apple Computers, were created within Silicon Valley as the early computers were being developed. As the years marched on, a primitive forerunner to the modern internet was also created within California. It was named ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) and began under the sponsorship of the United States Department of Defense. In part, the Defense department wanted to create a superior network technology in case existing networks became unreliable during a nuclear war.

ARPANET achieved the first “packet switched network” between nodes in four different locations. Three of these nodes were located at sites within California, and one was located in Utah. In years following, this network spread eastwardly across the USA. In 1990 as the internet was gaining a foothold commercially, the ARPANET project was mothballed.

Presently, familiar big-tech companies within Silicon Valley include Alphabet (Google), AMD, Apple, Facebook (Meta), Infineon, Intel and Twitter.

The Bear Within Heraldry

We are now going to pivot slightly and direct our attention to heraldry as it relates to our beast the Bear. I understand through the Lord, that heraldry is very important for interpreting Biblical prophecy.

The official flag of California has a representation of a Californian grizzly bear, a five-point star, and the words "California Republic". These images are symbolic of historical events when Alta (northern) California wanted to become its own republic, and totally independent from Mexico.

The five-point star represents the first coup of 1836, and the bear represents the second coup of 1846. During the 1846 rebellion, the rebels created a flag with a picture of a Californian grizzly and a five-point star. A few weeks later, this small rebel group aligned with the US military. After this event, and within the year 1850 - California became the thirty-first state of the USA.

Due to bear-flag inconsistencies throughout the civil war and subsequent decades, in 1953 the California flag was standardized. During the flag revamping, the image of the bear became a closer representation of the grizzly bear which it was originally modeled after. That particular bear's name was Monarch.

Monarch was the last California grizzly bear known to exist. He was named after the well-known and daily-issued newspaper -  the San Francisco Examiner. During that period, that newspaper was colloquially known as the monarch of the dailies.

Monarch was captured in 1889. Later, in 1894 he found himself within a concrete pit in Golden Gate Park for display. Sadly, he died in the year 1911 in captivity. To this day, the California flag has a picture of Monarch and the five-point star. Curiously, the flag still carries the words “California Republic”, regardless of the fact it's an integral part of the United States. It’s the only US state flag with the word republic on it.

Significance of the Year 1953

Monarch the bear along with his flag are highly symbolic, yes; but they do a good job of focusing our attention upon Silicon Valley as it relates to biblical prophecy. In addition to the California bear flag being standardized in 1953, there's a number of reasons to conclude that the year of 1953 is when the era of the Lion begins to taper off, and the era of the Bear begins. As a refresher, the applicable verses are below.

Daniel 7, KJV: (4) The first was like a lion, and had eagle's wings: I beheld till the wings thereof were plucked, and it was lifted up from the earth, and made stand upon the feet as a man, and a man's heart was given to it. (5) And behold another beast, a second, like to a bear, and it raised up itself on one side, and it had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it: and they said thus unto it, Arise, devour much flesh.

In Daniel chapter-seven, verse four of the KJV - it speaks of a man’s heart. However, this same verse within other Bible versions such as the NIV,  describe this as the mind of a human. Let's examine this concept closer, as these two phrases appear to contradict one other.

Daniel 7, NIV: (4) The first was like a lion, and it had the wings of an eagle. I watched until its wings were torn off and it was lifted from the ground so that it stood on two feet like a human being, and the mind of a human was given to it.

To begin with, I'd like to state that our consciousness is spiritual in nature. Yes, the brain is crucially important for living, but it's our spirit within us that gives us our emotions, the ability to feel pain, and the ability to interpret our senses. So in essence, when this verse talks about the mind of a human... I don't believe it's referring to consciousness or self-awareness. It's merely the mechanics of a computer, similar to the hard-wired networks within a human brain. Consciousness is a gift from God, not from mankind or any form of a machine-reliant algorithm.

A computer processor ticks away similar to a human heart. This occurs due to an electronic oscillator that's either built inside the microprocessor itself, or applied through an external circuit. If you've ever heard of someone over-clocking a processor, it's due to manipulating the frequency of its oscillator circuit. With each single electrical pulse of a microprocessor, it analyzes a small portion of data. The faster it pulses, the more data it analyzes within a specific period of time.

So basically, microprocessors beat away just like our hearts do. Hence, microprocessors are just as important for the life of a computer, as a heart is for the life of a human. 

We can now see how these two phrases "man’s heart" and "mind of a human" are very similar. That is, if this verse is describing a computer. Think about that for a moment. There was no feasible way to describe a computer to folks who roamed the earth prior to the twentieth century.

In the year 1953, two important inventions came about which are essential for modern computers. Those were random access memory (RAM), and automated floating-point calculations. So as a result, and perhaps even arguably; I believe that the year of 1953 pinpoints the time in history when the computer was invented. So in this case, as Daniel chapter-seven, verse four, ends - the computer springs to life. The very following verse (five), describes the Bear which arrives on the scene after the internet came into existence.

To conclude this particular topic of Daniel 7:4, and in this current year of 2022... we have gone past the era of the Lion with Eagle's wings, the computer has since been invented, and we're well into the era of Daniel's Bear.

Summary of Daniel's Bear

The way I see it, the Bear mimics mankind through the internet. Today, this Bear is controlled primarily out of Silicon Valley through big-tech companies. These companies are utilized throughout the world by billions of people, and not limited to the US. The claws of the Bear reaches people around the world.

The big-tech companies within Silicon Valley include Alphabet (YouTube and Google), Apple, Meta (Facebook) and Twitter. These companies started small, but are now be-moth's who wield global influence. All of them use the internet as a foundation. In addition:

  • Bears go wherever humans go.
  • Defining the word bear as "bear in mind" symbolizes the internet.
  • The bear flag represents California which houses Silicon Valley and is host to most of the "big-tech" companies.
  • Monarch (the bear) is another word for king. In Daniel 7:17 it states that the four beasts of Daniel are "kings of the earth".
  • Monarch the bear was named after the San Francisco Examiner's newspaper which was nicknamed "monarch of the dailies". Today, the Bear of Daniel carries the daily news as well.
  • The Bear was timid at first, until it was told to "get up and eat your fill of flesh". According to this verse, I interpret this to mean that the Bear is responsible for the taking of many people's lives. I can think of a few situations through the pandemic where this was so. Just the fear mongering alone, was enough to send some people over the edge. 
  • The "three ribs" of Daniel verse 7:5 within the mouth of the Bear, signifies humans of all nationalities and heritage.
  • The Bear came to life after the computer became a commercial success. This commercial success occurred when IBM began receiving orders for its 701 mainframe computers, within the year 1953. This same year, the bear flag of California was standardized as well.

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