Dominions and Principalities
(module 2-4)

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One-World Analogy

This sub-module is basically an extension of two earlier concepts. The first, is that of conscious-plurality (sub-module 1.2), and the second, is that of our “light” (inner-consciousness-self) shrouded by the darkness of our earthly body (sub-module 2.2). Being more specific now, the following verse serves as an introduction.

Ephesians 6, KJV: (12) For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

To begin with, think of each world-country as having its own distinct personality. Each has its own laws, languages, customs, etc. Just like there are a number of countries within our present world, there are also a number of spirits inhabiting our human body. This is the one-world analogy as it relates to our body in the spiritual realm.

Likely most would agree with you, if you think that having various spirits living within your body sounds quite strange. If this is true in your case, I might suggest you delve a little deeper into either panpsychism, biology or quantum physics. At one time or another, leaders in each of these fields have suggested that there’s some underlying embedded form of intelligence that’s just past our grasp. We will now continue with the one-world analogy.

Any two countries which share the same border usually respect each other’s rights. A certain amount of harmony has to exist between neighboring countries in order to prevent war. Oftentimes, alliances are established and agreements formed in an attempt to strike a balance. This scenario is analogous to the spirit world in our plural-conscious entity.

In the cases where two adjoining countries cannot work out their differences, war can break out and borders need to be redefined. At certain times, a third country may emerge between the conflicting two. In order to keep the peace, this third country becomes neutral and acts as a buffer or liaison. In other cases, instead of countries being used as barriers and buffer-zones, it’s the waterways which serve the purpose.

If a certain world-power becomes too dominant and over-bearing, it’s usually not very long before a confrontation ensues. Within our one-world analogy, a similar situation can occur in the spiritual realm as well, as certain entities battle for control.

Beginning before birth, our PCI evolved, matured, and learned to live alongside the other spiritual entities (subordinate conscious identities) within our body. Since it’s our PCI which controls our nervous system, the other spiritual entities don’t necessarily have a voice.

If a spiritual entity within a particular region of the body becomes too powerful and left unchecked, it can manifest into a serious disease. Cancerous tumors are a prime example of this. As certain cells become rogue and cancerous, they multiply many times faster than healthy cells. Due to their explosive growth, cancerous tumors extract more nutrients than their local environment can bear. Just like rogue countries extract more resources than either its citizens or neighbours can bear.

Note that this spiritual connection with disease will become more obvious in later modules.

Universal Spiritual Principles

If we expand upon this one-world analogy further, we can consider that spiritual-wise… the whole universe works in a similar manner. I believe that most of its “countries” were defined long ago by the Lord, and gravitational forces have a large role to play in this.
Just like certain forces are required to balance world-power, certain spiritual forces are required to bring all (the whole universe) under the control of our creator.

Colossians 1, NIV: (16) For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. (17) He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.

Now, this is the point in the conversation where a question such as this might be asked: Why does God reign supreme throughout the universe, and how does he hold together all things? Considering that there’s numerous spiritual forces at work during any one time, why is our one-true God the only deity that’s withstood the test of time? The simple answer is because Jesus is a natural mediator.

Spiritually speaking, Jesus was here from the very beginning with God himself (John chapter- one). It’s understood that Jesus is a natural healer, helper, and saviour. For believers, we understand that he is our mediator between mankind and God almighty. It’s in his primordial character, to not only bring people together - but spiritual entities as well.

In contrast to all those spirits which work alongside our creator, there’s other spirits which are only interested in themselves. Similar to terrorist groups here on earth, evil-spirits just don’t last in the long run. They are just too divisive. That’s why God is so confident, and understands that he is everlasting.

Isaiah 40, NIV: (28) Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.

Next Module: 3.1, Introduction To Spiritual Mechanics

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