Terrestrial Shakings

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Lawrention News Letter
February 1st, 2024

Underwater Shakings

Since our space satellites do such a great job of monitoring earth’s surface, much of mankind’s nefarious actions now occur either underground, underwater, or way above our heads.

I woke up early this morning (Jan.31st) quite disturbed from a couple of dreams. It seems the globalists intend to create a quite serious event, which will appear like it was caused by global warming.

Within this dream, I sensed that their goal was to sink an island in the South Pacific; perhaps one of the Fuji islands. I surmise that in order for this to be successful, it will require a series of underwater explosions.

This same morning, I had another rather disturbing dream. There, I found myself in a very tall apartment building which was noticeably rocking back and forth. This was likely due to an earthquake.

Perhaps the underwater explosions (likely-nuclear) triggered the quake. Regardless, this is a warning from the Lord. Ensure that there is nothing stored overhead which could fall on someone during an an earthquake, and be prepared for a quick exit.

Curiously, the Fuji islands are not far from Tonga, where in 2022 an underwater-volcano erupted (Jan.15th 2022, Hunga Tonga–Hunga Haʻapai). This unprecedented event triggered a far-reaching tsunami. Here’s a Wikipedia link to this underwater event.

Since we're speaking of oceanic events, this is likely the appropriate letter to add a previous dream. For those of you who believe in the Lock Ness monster, this dream may not be too shocking.

This dream occurred around the time that OceanGate’s submersible "Titan" imploded (June 2023). Its five occupants were killed as they were set to investigate the Titanic on the bottom of the North Atlantic.

Within this dream, I saw what looked to be a huge sea-serpent. It swam along the ocean-bed in close vicinity to a fully-suited diver. The diver, who was wearing a Bell helmet, was totally unawares.

From what I saw, this sea-serpent appeared like a huge snake. I saw just a section of its body, not its head or tail. I’m guessing that its body's diameter distanced perhaps a meter, not really sure.

Of relevance here is the name Leviathan, as it was the enormous sea creature within the Bible. In II Esdras, 6:49-52 (of the Apocrypha) it speaks of Leviathan as well. There, in verse fifty-two, it states this: “But unto Leviathan thou gavest the seventh part, namely the moist, and hast kept him to be devoured of whom thou wilt, and when.”

Political Shakings

Across the world right now, there are rolling protests (country to country) from the farmers, against their national governments and the globalists. Obviously, the crisis at hand has reached a boiling-point, because the farmer’s livelihoods are now in jeopardy.

These protests are far-reaching and too numerous to appropriately track, so I will merely mention a few which I believe are current. There are now farmers protesting in the streets of Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, and Lithuania.

At present, France seems to be producing the most dramatic videos, as farmers are using their tractors and machinery to dig up paved roads, spread liquid-manure in the cities, etc., etc. I’ve yet to see any of this on major news networks.

Here in North America, the Texas National Guard has now barricaded the southern-border at the edge of Eagle Pass. Eagle Pass is a Texan city of about 30,000 residents. The National Guard has been installing razor-wire fences to block a major route which immigrants (primarily illegals) use during entry to the United States.

Since the US Federal Government is unwilling to do so, Texan citizens have taken it upon themselves to shut down the border. The symbology of this is uncanny; since to date - Eagle Pass is the only part of US soil in which the majority of US citizens (as a united front) have been willing to rise to action, and choke off access.

The last I checked, I believe that about half of the fifty States officially support the Governor of Texas, in using the National Guard to secure their border.

Today, I believe that truckers from both the United States and Canada are on their way to Eagle Pass, in an effort to raise awareness to this southern-border crisis via a peaceful protest.

If this protest grows as anticipated, it will likely dwarf the previous two trucker protests in North America (Ottawa Canada, in January 2022; and Washington DC, in March 2022).

I believe that one of the reasons why Canadian truckers are now on-board, is due to the fact that previous punishments doled out by our Federal Government (eg: closing of personal bank-accounts) during an “emergency”, have now been deemed illegal by the Canadian courts.

If you wish to follow the activity through this weekend at Eagle Pass, I might suggest to avoid main-stream media, and get (unfiltered) on-the-ground coverage at: Live from America (LFATV) on Rumble. I believe that LFATV will be covering it through to the end, which is due to culminate on Saturday, February-third. Other than that, you can likely get updates on Twitter (now called “X”).

If events escalate at the southern border like I believe they will, there’s going to be a huge power-struggle between two groups of people. Texas, and its supporting allied states, will be on one side of the struggle; and the US Federal Government, the Washington DC globalists, and certain NGO’s (non-governmental organizations), will be on the other.

Notably, Elon Musk has made Texas his home camp (headquarters) for a large part of his business activities.

Some time ago, I heard the prophet Tomi Arayomi speak about Arizona, Texas, and Florida. This prophecy explains much of what’s occurring today. You can hear Tomi’s Arayomi's prophecy at this YouTube link, as he is being interviewed by Larry Sparks. 

Medical-Establishment Shakings

The Lord is in the process of turning all of the worldly kingdoms over to the “holy people of the Most High” (Daniel 7:27). In a large part, this is why there’s so much turmoil around the globe right now. With the help of the Lord, the human race triumphantly comes out the other side! This world will soon operate very differently.

As the human race comes out the other side of all this turmoil, I believe we will have more freedom of choice as it pertains to personal health.

Certain medical schools will be allowed to teach biblical principles; or, at the very least - focus more upon natural concepts. As a direct result, many (or most?) of the birth defects which we see now, will be a thing of the past.

Covid-19 and the Sun

The following excerpt is merely an example of what the Lord can teach us about good health. The remaining portion of this newsletter focuses upon Covid-19.

In the first half of 2020 during the start of the Covid-era here in North America, it became obvious that smokers were all but immune to the first strain of Covid-19. I believe that it wasn’t until the second strain arrived, when more smokers became infected.

The science community was (and still is) befuddled on this topic, and can only theorize why smokers  as a group, were initially under-represented for Covid-19 infections. Some thought it was the difference of a smoker’s lungs, whereas others thought that somehow nicotine played a role in the immune system.

The Lord revealed to me, that the real reason in varying levels of Covid-19 immunity, is primarily due to the amount of sunshine which smokers experienced when compared to non-smokers.

It is not socially acceptable in North America to smoke inside; so, periodically throughout the day, smokers go outside for a quick puff. Even in the midst of cold Canadian winters, it’s not uncommon for smokers to venture outside partially dressed to have a smoke. Smokers are a hardy bunch. Those of us who don’t smoke, won't venture into the cold for no good reason.

Everyone knows that the sun boosts the immune system and formulates vitamin D within our body. So right out of the gate, the immune system of a “healthy smoker” can be superior to those who don’t get enough sunshine.

With regards to smokers and the sun, there is another factor in play  besides vitamin D. Particularly as it relates to coronaviruses.

During Covid-19 infections, the virions (spherical particle which envelopes the viral genome) travel through one’s bloodstream to spread infection from site to site throughout the body.

Certain ultraviolet (UV) rays (energetic wavelengths) of the sun, are capable of piercing through one’s skin, and penetrate tissue and blood-vessels.

As these high-energy UV rays penetrate blood-vessels close to the skin’s surface, they strike Covid-19 virions - which temporarily neutralizes them. In this dormant state, these virions will keep circulating through the blood stream. They cannot infect a cell whilst in a dormant state, as they are chemically inert.

As these virions remain dormant, one’s immune system has ample time to escort them out of the blood stream. Albeit, given enough time.... dormant virions can recover and become infectious once more.

So, the preceding text explains why smokers may be immune to Covid-19 infections. This would likely apply to the whole family of  coronaviruses, and not just Covid-19.

Further, as we are indoors - we are either isolated completely from the sun or sheltered behind panes of glass. Clear glass itself, filters out a good portion of UV light.

Prior to leaving this topic of Covid-19, I might just as well explain the ineffectiveness of N95 masks.

Covid-19 and N95 Masks

The physical size of the Covid-19 virion is much, much, smaller than a bacterium. The size of these viruses varies slightly, but on average, I believe that they are ~125 nanometers in diameter.

Prior to infection, the Covid-19 virus (genome) is shielded by a protein coat and encapsulated within a lipid-like sphere (phospholipid). This sphere is referred to as a virion.

N95 masks which are normally used for dust and the like, are designed to block particles down to 0.3 microns in diameter. This 0.3 micron standard, equates to 300 nanometers in diameter. So, we have a series of 300 nanometer openings in the mask, attempting to stop a virion which is only 125 nanometers in diameter.

Note that the Covid-19 particles are less than half the size of the filtering pores within N95-masks.

As we see, these N95 masks were not intended to filter out coronaviruses. They likely work great for bacteria, as bacteria are comparatively enormous when compared to coronaviruses. Note that bacterial colonies grow quite quickly, so it's imperative to periodically replace the masks.

Further, while breathing in and out, you are creating a differential pressure across the mask. Thereby Covid-19 virions which get blown in and out through the small N-95 openings... garner more kinetic energy than they would have otherwise. So, with a mask, these virions likely travel further, than if a mask was not worn in the first place.