Lawrention News Letter,
May 9th, 2023

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Modern-Day Kings and Queens, and Taming Daniel's Bear

Good-day to all. I apologize, as I feel this newsletter is long overdue. As I now begin to write, it’s the very day of Prince Charles’ coronation as “King Charles III”. Since he is Queen Elizabeth II's eldest son, he was naturally next in line for the United Kingdom’s monarchy. By default, he’s also now monarch of the commonwealth realms of Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, the Bahamas, Belize, Canada, Grenada, Jamaica, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Solomon Islands, and Tuvalu.

The beloved Queen Elizabeth II reigned for seventy years before she passed away. She received the throne in early 1952 after the death of her father George VI, and her coronation occurred the following year. She died on September 8th of last year (2022), and was the United Kingdom’s monarch for a grand total of seventy years.

As the Lord sets up and removes kings and queens (Daniel 2:21), I believe it’s highly significant that Queen Elizabeth II reigned for exactly seventy years. A great portion of the Bible relies upon the reign of kings and queens as to provide context and historical dates for the reader. This is especially true within the prophetic book of Daniel.

It wasn’t long ago, that money was thrown at the feet of certain heads of state; at that time - commonly referred to as kings and queens. In contrast, today there’s a limited number of kings and queens on this planet, as most are now either presidents or prime-ministers. Although these positions still hold a certain amount of pomp and influence, there’s no guarantee that the head of state will receive wealth like royalty of centuries past.

During the last century and the years since, gobs and gobs of money have consistently been poured into technology. Since technology has been lifted upon a pedestal by mankind, the status of mankind (from our point of view, not God’s) has naturally been on the decline. For this reason, I believe that the crowning of King Charles goes against the grain of biblical prophecy.

I firmly believe that certain “kings” described within the prophetic book of Daniel, are not people at all… but certain technologies that have prominent world-wide status. This holds especially true for the passage of Daniel chapter-seven, as it describes four different world-dominating beasts. In this same passage, it states that these beasts are kings which “shall arise out of the earth”.

Since each of these beasts get their turn wielding influence over the whole earth, they hold tremendous power. Since they rise up out of the earth, it stands to reason that they’re comprised of raw-materials which have been mined out of the earth, such as the metals.

Characteristics of the Bear

As I’ve described in prior newsletters, the Bear within Daniel 7:5, is describing a certain technology of our day. This technology is used to supply information across the internet. I'm primarily referring to our daily news. It’s fostered by a relatively small group of people, and it depends who’s in charge at any one time as to what we hear in our daily-news feed. In many ways, the Bear’s daily-news can be considered as finely-tuned propaganda.

The Bear’s home turf is California, and more specifically - Silicon Valley. This Beast is represented through California’s state flag which displays the Californian Grizzly. The three ribs in the Bear’s mouth (verse of Daniel 7:5), tell us how the bear gets fed. I believe that these three ribs represent not only people from around the world, since we are all descendants of Noah’s three sons; but, likely also the three large bridges within the mouth of San-Francisco Bay (highways 1, 80, 580). One of these bridges, is the famous Golden-Gate bridge.

As far as the daily news goes, we are now beginning to get more of a balanced approach than we’ve had in the past. At least we’re not hearing repetitive commands like we got throughout the pandemic (get the shot, wear your mask, remain isolated, etc.). It seems like most countries are now truly striving for more of a balanced approach as to how information gets distributed. Barriers are currently being put in place in an attempt to keep the Bear in check.

I understand that here in Canada, our recent Bill C-11 is an attempt to promote Canadian culture through existing streaming services. Presumably, this will be similar to what was done in the past by the CRTC (Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission) which directed much of what was transmitted over the air to our radios and television sets. I suppose time will tell, and we will see whether Bill C-11 was a good move or not.

Initiated in April 2020, Australia began the process of striking a balance of power between local news-media outlets and conglomerates such as Facebook and Google. As a result they introduced what is referred to as the "News Media Bargaining Code".

I believe this new Australian code of conduct, allows eligible news-media publishers, to negotiate with large online platforms who will now have to pay for news that originated from local news-media outlets. In essence, large online platforms such as Facebook (Meta), Google and Twitter, will have to share some of their revenue with local news-media outlets and their reporters. Incidentally, these three large-tech conglomerates are headquartered in California.

This news-media issue in Australia, mirrors what's been happening around the globe. This aids to explain why certain news-media outlets have been so reliant upon government money these last few years.

Taming this beast, the Bear, is quite a daunting task. For comparison’s sake, consider how many years it’s been since hand-guns were invented, and the number of resources it takes to regulate them. It’s an ongoing discussion that never seems to get resolved, and yet - in many respects, it seems like a very simple problem.

If this problem of hand-gun regulation is any indication of the work-load ahead for regulating the internet and world-wide news… it’s going to be quite a battle. From my impression, the current list of potential issues includes the following.

  • Bullying and harassment policies
  • Misinformation/disinformation versus freedom of speech. This is quite a dynamic topic, as its target is continually moving. Currently, I see this as a balancing act between real news and propaganda.
  • Enforcing a certain amount of cultural content. How much is too much? Further, how is this applied within a multicultural society?
  • What is age-appropriate content and advertising?
  • Criminal promotion of illegal activities. What’s legal and illegal?
  • Privacy issues
  • Copyright issues
  • Sedition issues
  • Current and future technologies concerning artificial intelligence. This is an immediate issue since AI is on the cusp of exploding. How many jobs will AI permanently displace? How do we determine what’s real and what’s not real?
  • Fair competition for small news-media outlets verses their huge conglomerate counterparts. 

I decided to insert this next bit into the newsletter upon hearing the news (May 11th, 2023) about the famous anchor and commentator Tucker Carlson. Tucker, who had recently parted ways with Fox News, has now landed a "position" on Twitter. Twitter of course, was purchased in 2022 by Elon Musk.

Other than his personal Twitter account, Tucker's new media-slot has yet to be defined. I can only assume that going forward - a new set of regulations and revenue sharing has to be established for high-profile media-content within Twitter itself.

It's quite obvious that Twitter was serious about changing their business model; it's certainly a refreshing change from their old one. As I said earlier, it depends on who controls the Bear as to what we hear within our daily-news feed. Note that a good number of news outlets obtain their stories directly off of Twitter.

Financial Crisis and Summary

Other than certain events taking longer than I’d expected, I stand-by what I’ve written in past newsletters. I suggest you read them if you haven’t yet, as they explain why certain world-events are now occurring. Please be cautious and remain calm, there’s much yet to be revealed which the Bear has merely been pushing under the carpet.

If it's not clear to most by now, be aware that certain world-powers are figuratively arm-wrestling for control and dominance.

In early 2022, there was the alliance between China and Russia that’s backed by a virtual gold standard and strengthened through  their military, technology, and natural resources. This partnership has since gained traction, as it’s evolved into the BRICS global-currency alliance. Theoretically, this new currency will go head-to-head against the US dollar.

This new global-currency that's still in the works, is intended to benefit not only the "BRICS" countries of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, but a handful of other countries as well.

To complicate our global financial matters, there’s also a number of crypto currencies competing against each another. Potentially, this will include a new US government-sponsored crypto which was touted in early 2022. I have no idea as to its current status, but It's likely waiting in the wings for the correct moment.

Regardless of the war in Ukraine which is gutting the stability of the US dollar - due to all of this financial turmoil, it’s a good time to be cautious with money and not incur unnecessary debt.

Biblically speaking, it appears like certain “high places” are about to be torn down, and a re-distribution of wealth is about to occur. I believe we’re still waiting for something explosive to happen that will drastically change world-events in an instant.

During the financial crisis of 2008, even the most conservative of investors likely lost over twenty-five percent of their investments. Although this next financial crisis will be much more volatile, I believe that through a toe-hold of stability and God’s grace, our North-American infrastructure will pull through OK.

I am not a financial planner by any means, but there’s likely a few common-sense rules that we can follow in preparation. Firstly, diversify as much as possible and try to avoid investing in certain conglomerates that heavily rely upon world-wide dominance to make a profit.

Since its uncertain as to where fiat currencies will land, don’t count on cash as being totally safe. Perhaps this is the time to invest in precious metals, as they retain their value over the long term. Again, diversify.

Pay bills forward if feasible. This takes the guesswork out of how much you will have to pay for them in the future. We know what our dollar is worth today, but how much will it be worth next month? Its value could change drastically at any time.

As always, pray for wisdom and rely upon the Lord. Learn to lean on him, and all will be fine in the end.

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