Entropy and The Spirit
(module 1.3)

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The Spirit Within the Human Body

As we learned in module 1.1, the physical realm needs to be introduced prior to the spiritual realm. If we expand upon this concept, we might conclude that the spiritual realm typically lives within the physical realm. The next logical question is, how?

The real answer to this “how” is obviously a way above my pay grade. Nonetheless, a simple answer that we can all understand - is the scientific perception of entropy.

Now, there are a number of ways to apply this entropy concept dependent upon context. Basically however, entropy describes the wasted energy within a system - verses the energy required for the system's primary-function, or work.

For an example, entropy can be used to describe the wasted heat from a car’s engine. This heat-energy is being wasted instead of being used to propel the vehicle forward. For this example, my dictionary’s definition will suffice.

Entropy: A measure of the unavailability of a system’s thermal energy for conversion into mechanical work. (Canadian Oxford dictionary)

With car engines, we usually want as little heat-energy to escape as possible. The design of each engine along with its fuel, ensures us that most of the fuel’s energy gets transferred to the drive-train as mechanical work, and not released into the environment as wasted heat.

During our Canadian winters, much of this “wasted” heat is routed into the cab of our vehicles to keep us warm.

There is no known system which does not have entropy, as there is always wasted energy to some extent. This holds true for our body as well. In fact, this concept pertains to all organisms.

Take our food consumption as an example. It’s used as energy, and is burned through our daily routine. The “wasted part” of our food needs no explanation. The excessive heat emitted from our body while we exercise and burn fuel (energy measured in calories), might also be considered as entropy.

As we steer this topic back to the spiritual-realm verses the physical-realm, the spirit within our body feeds upon its entropy.

As a basic rule, humans are only consciousness due to our spirit (or soul if you prefer) living within our body. Our brain is required for consciousness, yes; but it’s merely the complex network which serves as an interface between our body and our spirit.

Further, the spirit living within us is extremely efficient. This is so, because the energy that our body wastes in the form of entropy, is more than adequate to fuel our body's spirit. I say this because as a basic concept, I understand from the Lord - that the spirit can either enter or leave the body with no harm to the body itself. Other than the glaring fact that one’s body can’t achieve consciousness without its spirit.

When we become old and die, our body loses its life. At this moment, there is no more entropy left to be had; so, its spirit can no longer function.

Our spirit requires a host organism that is both alive and awake, in order to be a conscious soul.

The Spirit Within the Universe

From a physics perspective, the following describes another way of defining entropy.

Entropy: A measure of the disorganization or degradation of the universe (Canadian Oxford dictionary).

The scientific community typically understands that the universe as a whole creates entropy. In certain circles, this concept of entropy and its molecular disorganization may carry over to how we interpret time itself.

As I begin to rationalize these concepts within my tiny brain, I imagine that there are no limits as to where God can roam throughout the universe. Particularly if the universe has entropy throughout.

Could our Creator go past the bounds of our universe? Perhaps, I dare not put any constraints upon our almighty Creator. For now however, let’s restrict our thoughts to our own universe.

Next Module: 2.1, The Spirit of God

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