Area Fifty-One

(published Jan.23, 2024)

🇨🇦 🕆 🇨🇦 🕆 🇨🇦 🕆 L🇨🇦

Area fifty-one is a restricted air-force base and military facility located at Groom Lake, Nevada, USA. To date, I’ve yet to find out why this secretive area was named Area Fifty-One. Whether this has anything to do with The Virtual 51st State (a recent newsletter) that is heavily based upon globalism, remains to be seen.

The primary reason for this page, is to reveal an earlier dream which I received on September 29th, 2021. For whatever reason, I was hesitant to release it until now. Within this prior dream I saw what can only be described as a UFO, or in today’s lingo... a UAP (unidentified aerial phenomenon). The dream is detailed below.

The craft I saw was fairly large and perhaps somewhat oval in shape. The bottom seemed flat and its sides rose vertically for a short distance, perhaps half a meter. Attached to these vertical sides, was an upper-area tapered towards the center of the craft at approximately a thirty to forty-degree angle.

Positioned on top of the preceding, was yet a third area which was either cylindrical or oval in shape. This was likely the cockpit area since it was at the top of the craft.

I caught a glimpse of someone repelling outside of this cockpit-area tethered to a rope in military fatigues. As the craft approached me, it sounded like a tremendous roaring wind. I could not hear an engine running, only the wind. Immediately after, the dream ended.

We have all heard wild stories over the years regarding UFOs. I’m not sure exactly what to believe, other than to say - I’m confident that they are not from another planet.

People have reported seeing these flying-craft move in trajectories that tend to ignore the basic principle of momentum. Through the dream, since this aircraft was hurtling people around on a tether - I take this as an indication of high g-forces. I’m assuming that whenever the craft would hover close to the ground, people could either disembark or climb back onto it.

Due to people wearing fatigues, I gather the craft was military. From the shape of the craft, I suspect that there were either one or two large air-rotors that whirled about to lift it from the ground. A similar action perhaps like that of a helicopter. I suspect that its unique flight dynamics are achieved from a combination of previously-known technologies. Perhaps a mix of those used for helicopter-rotors and jet-engines.

If this craft had two large rotors, then by adjust each rotor's pitch - one rotor could be pitted against the other for quick maneuverability. Where I was positioned in the dream, I couldn’t see the extreme top or bottom of the craft, I could only see its outer shell. I believe that people could walk directly out onto its sloped top and hop down to the ground if need be.

If this craft uses conventional engines, then its fuel economy would be extremely poor. If this was the case, than it wouldn’t be an aircraft which could travel long distances through the atmosphere without being refueled.

If the top of the craft was hollow, then it may be able to direct air flow either in or out of its topside, for quick maneuvers. Likely the craft tilts one way or the other as it changes direction. As well, if it can tilt on a whim… it would be easy to deceive those of who are speculating upon its velocity and direction. Viewing it from a distance, this may be what gives it the weird illusion of defying momentum. By manipulating external running-lights at night, this could add to the effect.

I believe that this craft was built merely to deceive, and its owners were not overly concerned about fuel consumption. So, as a flying craft - it could have been designed like none other. I also gathered that this craft has been in use for quite some time, and has likely gone through a few upgrades throughout the years. It likely uses exotic materials to minimize its weight and maximize its maneuverability.