Health and Longevity

Section 7.1
(Published January 27, 2024)

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Introduction to Health and Longevity Summary

Within this section, I will attempt to summarize much of what I’ve learned from the Lord regarding human health. There’s so much to understand, explain, and articulate… that it’s going to take quite some time for me to appropriately round out this Health and Longevity Document. Further, certain portions of underlying-data cannot be appropriately absorbed except by perhaps those who work directly within the healthcare industry. For all of these reasons, this current section serves as an attempt to cut to the chase.

Due to insights from both the Lord and secular study, portions of health-data which I’ve amassed thus far, are now being revealed within this section. As always, please use common sense and lean on your healthcare physician as much as possible. I will highlight concerns along the way in which I’m aware. 

Full Disclosure Statement:  Please be aware that I am not a health professional. The forthcoming information is based upon personal life-experiences, research, and knowledge of certain topics in which the Lord has graciously guided me through.

As always, heed the advice of your physician and ask for their advice, prior to varying either diet or lifestyle. Note that new and unique information herein, has yet to be evaluated by the health-care industry.

When taking dietary supplements, start slow and work your way up to the recommended dose in order to ensure that there's no negative effects or allergic reactions. Keeping in mind, that these companies exist to be profitable, so use discretion. 


Much of what I’m about to discuss has to do with the spiritual-composition of our body and how it relates to our health. Our body has both physical and spiritual characteristics as they symbiotically work together.

Elsewhere on this site, I’ve stated that there’s a spiritual side to physical matter. Concerning our physiology, it’s the electrons which carry the bulk of our spiritual stature. That is, at least the parts which can be studied scientifically. This is why I've been emphasizing the importance of one’s pH and alkalinity, as it basically represents a ratio of free electrons (biased towards the spiritual-side) verses free protons (biased towards the physical-side).

Our body’s hierarchy-of-health is primarily governed through one’s spirit. The healthier the spirit is within our spiritual/physical being… the healthier our body. For proper comprehension of this systemic nature, I must first explain the hub of our spiritual-being as I (currently) understand it.

Our Conscious Self

Our conscious-self exists within the center of our brain; whereby, the cerebral-spinal-fluid (CSF) of its ventricular-system is front and center.

Here, two disparate types of fluid are released into the brain’s ventricular system. One form of fluid is excreted from the brain’s left-hemisphere, whereas another form of fluid is excreted from the brain’s right-hemisphere. For simplicity's sake, these two disparate fluids might be described as the yin and yang of each other. These are clear aqueous fluids  strategically extracted from circulating blood-serum.

The location where these two disparate-fluids meet is within the brain’s centrally-located third-ventricle. This is where our consciousness-self arises. Hence, it’s also the hub for our self-awareness and logical-mind.

From this construct, the remaining part of the brain serves as an efficient means for memory-storage and retrieval. The brain as a whole, is a multi-faceted tool which serves many functions. Consciousness and self-awareness is merely one of its functions.

The following verse supports the fact that consciousness emerges directly from water. This verse is from the original King James Bible which was published in the year 1611. Spelling anomalies within this verse, are a result of differences between Old and Modern English.

1611 King James, 2nd Esdras, chapter six: (48) For the dumbe water, and without life, brought foorth living things at the commandment of God, that all people might praise thy wondrous works. 

The Association Between Cerebral-Spinal-Fluid And Stem-Cells

As the CSF leaves the third ventricle, it becomes a homogeneous mix of the yin and yang of two fluids. At this location, this fluid might be referred to as being "common" CSF, even although its not a common fluid at all.

As this CSF leaves the brain’s ventricular system, there’s a certain concentration of intelligence left within the fluid. Varying concentrations sets the stage for having a hierarchy of spiritual-intelligence within the body. An intelligence-gradient basically transpires between varying pockets of CSF.

I gather that the slow but consistent production of CSF creates a flow-pattern similar to that of the following. The intelligence-gradient of this CSF, generally speaking... mirrors that of its flow.

  • The CSF leaving the brain’s ventricular system (as it exits the 4th ventricle) carries the highest amount of intelligence regarding homogeneous CSF (an approximate 50/50 mixture between the two yin and yang fluids). On the intelligent-gradient-scale, its potency at this location may be considered to be 100%.
  • This CSF travels from the brain and moves downwardly through the spinal-cord’s central-canal. On the intelligent-gradient-scale, the spinal cord’s central-canal is just notch below that of the brain. Here, let’s assume that its potency is now at ~90%.
  • This CSF is then distributed outwardly from the spine's central-canal towards our body’s stem-cells. The intelligence aspect of CSF is the source of energy for most of our body's stem-cell activity. It’s the level of intelligence and power which governs this activity.
  • After passing the areas both within and close to the spine, which are those normally associated with stem-cell activity - the remaining CSF pressurizes and circulates within subarachnoid space. Here, much of the CSF's intelligence aspect has now been stripped away.
  • In subarachnoid space, a substantial volume of CSF then baths and flushes the whole central-nervous-system before it finally gets released into the blood-stream.

Since CSF is both obtained from the blood-stream and later released back into the blood-stream... a circulation pattern sets up which tends to retain the status-quo of one's spiritual-nature within the blood.

The following drawing is the one I used earlier to articulate CSF flow. Here, its merely shown for quick reference.

schematic representation of cerebral-spinal-fluid flowA schematic representation of cerebral-spinal-fluid originating from the brain.

I believe that the potency of CSF is what ultimately determines the body’s systemic and coordinated rate of stem-cell growth. Ultimately, this coordinates cellular-proliferation and likewise cellular-division (mitosis). Here, common mitosis is a consequence of both spiritual and physical (nutritional) constraints.

CSF within the spine is integral for stem-cell activity. Bone-marrow (a.k.a. myeloid tissue) is where our blood’s stem-cells proliferate, and so happens to be dear-and-near to the spine’s CSF. Here, our blood’s RBCs (red-blood cells) WBCs (white-blood cells), and platelets - are produced within bone marrow. All of which is regulated via "common" CSF.

In contrast to the stem-cells which created the foregoing cell-types, the stem-cells which are located in far-away tissues are much more difficult to regulate via the spiritual nature and power of CSF.

Since electrons are unique and spiritual in nature, individual electrons can be used to pass the intelligence-aspect of cerebral-spinal-fluid outwardly through the peripheral nervous system (PNS). Hence, the PNS also supports the primary-path of the intelligence-gradient which determines the rate of stem-cell activity. Here, the commonly-understood action-potential of nerves serve as a means of regulating stem-cell activity. This is in addition to what's now understood through science.

Stem-cell locations throughout the body which are remote to CSF, totally depend upon the PNS to maintain an equilibrium of tissue growth and repair. Hence, as we get older our PNS naturally becomes the weak-link for remotely-located stem-cell activity. Correlative health-concerns are listed below.

  • Poor bladder control.
  • Poor strength and coordination of the extremities. Can manifest itself through the shuffling of feet and/or poor balance.
  • Sluggish intestinal-epithelium tissue-repair which results in the intestine loosing its homeostasis condition.
  • Erectile dysfunction.

Now, although the spiritual-aspect of the body attempts to maintain status-quo for each and every stem-cell pocket (crypt); the ones located within the lower-half of our body are obviously the most difficult to reach. The spiritual vitality that finally reaches one's lower extremities, firstly relies upon its original intensity (intelligence/power) as it leaves the brain.

A good part of the problem with our Peripheral Nervous System is that its highly susceptible to damage from aluminum, aluminum adducts, and electromagnetic-fields. This was discussed within the earlier Part II of the fluoride debate.

The steps below reiterate what we’ve been discussing thus far. These points basically follow the nutritional-process from ingestion through to the stem-cells located in remote tissue.

The ingestion of food and water --> gets processed by our organs --> Nutrients are then released into the blood-stream --> Choroid-plexus cells create the yin and yang of CSF out of raw blood-serum --> The unique reaction of combining an aqueous yin and yang within the 3rd-ventricle evokes consciousness --> An aqueous homogeneous remnant of fluid is released by the brain that’s medically-deemed “common CSF” --> This CSF regulates stem-cell activity in bone marrow --> What remains of the CSF’s spiritual-strength is distributed to the PNS --> Stem-cell vitality in remote tissues is 100% reliant upon the PNS --> Homeostasis of remote tissue-development depends upon the spiritual strength that gets passed through the PNS using common action-potentials (nerve signals).

The greater the (spiritual) intelligence and likewise flow of CSF that exudes from the brain...  the greater the intelligence that’s available at the tail-end of the process. For case-in-point, the tail-end of this process is the stem-cell activity in remote tissue(s).

I should likely mention, that CSF’s intelligence-factor also serves as a means for keeping pathogenic activity at bay. That’s why the central-nervous-system requires minimal support from the adaptive immune system. The CSF functions upon a higher spiritual-plane than our physical body. Pathogenic wise, this is why it’s crucial for the CSF to externally bath the CNS before its finally dispelled into the blood-stream.

The Enteric Nervous System and Stem-Cells of the Gut

A significant exception to the foregoing methodology, concerns the stem-cells under control of the enteric nervous system (ENS) within the gastrointestinal-tract. Particularly the stem-cells which support the nutrient-absorbing cells referred to as enterocytes. For memory recall, the emphasis for the word enterocytes is "enter", since this is where nutrients enter the body.

As our body developed within our mother's womb it grew outwardly from the brain. From our humble beginnings, the nutrition for our embryo and fetus relied totally upon our mother. At some point within our body's early development, the gastrointestinal-tract evolved to a stage where it could support ingestion.

Shortly after birth, the flow of blood through the umbilical-cord gets terminated. This changes the direction of crucial nutrient-delivering blood flow. Severing the umbilical-cord triggers a series of cascading events within the newborn's body. I believe that it takes approximately twenty-four hours of cyclic periods of both learning and resting.... before the infant's physical and cognitional-health become reasonably stable.   

During this time of adjustment, there's a stage whereby the brain and the enteric-nervous-system begin to communicate with one another. Due to previously developed nerve-pathways (via the vagus nerve) the brain now requests for nutrition through the ENS. At this point in time, the ENS is essentially in full control of the gastrointestinal tract.

Here, a learning-process occurs between the brain and the ENS. In the computer industry, this learning-process is often referred to as hand-shaking and interrogation.

I'm sure that through a systemic closed-loop process, the ENS eventually learns and fine-tunes the needs of the brain. Hence, the brain sends requests to the ENS which in turn - oversees functions of the stomach and intestines. Consequently, it's the gastrointestinal-tract's job to carry out these instructions as best it can.  

As a growing child, our stomach and taste-buds soon learn what's acceptable and promotes satiety. Through repetition, our stomach becomes accustomed to certain foods and drinks. Sometime later, and particularly throughout our teenage years - personal habits set in which naturally hinge upon nutrition. Some of these habits are good for the body; whereas others... not so much.

The point I'm trying to make here, is that our stomach has a mind of its own. This occurs regardless of what our logical-mind might consider to be good nutrition. The stomach often-times has the final say, and the older we get - the more memory-intensive and stubborn our stomach becomes. 

The stomach was still developing after much of our body's symmetry had already been determined. I believe that that's why the stomach and certain organs are so obviously asymmetrical.

For these reasons and more, I believe that the stem-cells of both the stomach and intestines are regulated locally through the enteric-nervous-system (ENS). This is in contrast to most other stem-cells of our body which are regulated by the brain, and  those which ultimately derive their spiritual power (intelligence) from the brain's CSF (cerebral spinal fluid). 

Further, enterocyte (nutrient-absorption cell) proliferation hinges upon the nutritional absorption process itself. The whole absorption process is determined via a differential electrical charge across the intestinal lumen. It's an electrical charge which causes  muscles of the intestinal-walls to squeeze together. This creates a pressurized pocket within the intestine that begins the absorption process. A series of cascading intestinal-pockets (temporary pockets) is how the absorption-process works. All of which is coordinated through the ENS.

During this absorption process, it's common to loose a certain percentage of enterocytes. Enterocyte stem-cell activity which occurs within an associated crypt (Crypt of Lieberkühn) is simply a means of replacing enterocyte cells that had been previously sloughed off. I believe that all of this activity is a balancing act between varying electrical-charges within the intestine.

So within the intestines: stem-cell replacement is surely an action that follows - not one that leads. In this respect, I believe that enterocyte stem-cells under control of the ENS, regulate cell-proliferation in a different manner than the remainder of one's stem-cells; and those which are ultimately governed via the CNS.

Earlier, I had described certain functions of the intestinal-epithelium and enterocytes which you can peruse here if you wish.

Foregoing the complexity of the intestine's molecular and chemical structure, I believe that it's primarily due to a differential of electrical-charge between tissue which ultimately regulates enterocyte stem-cell activity. From the stomach and small-intestine's perspective, this process is basically overseen by having varying pH levels. Predominantly, the lumen of the stomach carries the acidic component, and the lumen of the small-intestine carries the alkaline component.

From a 5,000 foot view, most of the gut's reserves of negative-electrical-charge are stored within (alkaline) bicarbonate. Bicarbonate is stored within intestinal-walls and excreted to the lumen through Brunner's glands.

In addition, bicarbonate can also be garnered as required by an auxiliary-delivery-system between the pancreas and the duodenum (first section of the small-intestine).

An adequate supply of alkaline foods (and water) going through the gut, continually promotes its bicarbonate reserves. Since it's primarily the greens which are highly alkaline, the health of the gut heavily relies upon green vegetables. So, greens are not only good for their nutritional-content, but also promote healthy digestion and stem-cell activity of the gut. Greens are important for offsetting negative-health concerns which often arise due to the gut being so acidic.

As a synopsis, the acid in the stomach is used to raise the food's temperature in order to facilitate digestion. Particularly as it concerns heavy fats. The acid in the stomach is there for a reason. If antacids are used regularly in order to counter-act stomach-acid; it's likely that certain foods aren't being digested in a timely manner, if at all. Bicarbonate in the gut is used to not only regulate digestion, but also for protecting its lining.

Since greens are alkaline, they are nature's way of increasing the guts bicarbonate reserves and balance out the negative effects of acid.

If you're getting tired of reading, here I've included a video from Dr. Robert Young. Although I can't comment on certain parts that he's speaking upon, his statements about the importance of one's pH and bicarbonate-reserves are congruent with what I've written thus far. He emphasizes the importance of eating greens.

The Robert Young's introductory-video to this three-part series of Harvard Lectures' can be viewed here. It heavily focuses upon digestion and the blood. Basically, the body's internal environment.

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