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As a child is developing, its crucial for them to have proper nutrition. If something goes amiss while they are still developing - it may result in one or more serious health-issues which they will have to live with the rest of their life.
In case you've missed it, the basics of cerebral-spinal-fluid have been put-forth in the earlier section 5.1. In the sub-section just prior ( section 7.1), we discussed how CSF regulates the greater part of our body's stem-cell activity. Since our conscious-self arises directly out of this aqueous fluid as well, its quality is important for garnering emotional health, stability, and physical well-being.
The strength of our CSF is determined from the quality of the fluid itself. By quality, I'm speaking here about its spiritual aspects. Now, the clarity which can be observed in a physical manner is important, yes; such as tainted-water versus crystal-clear water. However, its ultimate purpose is how it performs spiritually.
Unfortunately, we cannot observe CSF's spiritual qualities through a physical environment. Nonetheless, we can determine its inherent potential and effectiveness by observing biological-mechanisms which rely upon a trustworthy CSF supply.
As the body develops, as does the choroid-plexus (cells) within the brain. These cells serve as a highly-intelligent filter. They basically filter out most of the blood-serum, and allow a small-percentage of filtrate to pass-on through. What passes through, is the yin and yang for future "common" CSF which is housed within the brain's left and right ventricles. In addition, choroid-plexus cells have the ability to not only act as a filter - but can also move particulate (atomic-based structures) in the opposite direction. So, they have the ability to not only produce CSF; but also to extract unwanted chemicals and molecules from CSF.
Let's assume now, that the yin matter is produced within to the brain's right-ventricle, whereas the yang matter is produced within the brain's left-ventricle. Fundamentally, the choroid-plexus-cells which extract blood-serum from both of the brain's hemispheres have to complement one other. It's a delicate process and one that becomes finely-tuned over a period of years. Particularly, due to the plasticity of our brain as its continually developing. Even as adults, the brain is always learning and adapting.
To recap, the brain has four ventricles; the left-lateral ventricle, the right-lateral ventricle, the third ventricle, and the fourth ventricle. All four of these ventricles have choroid-plexus cells whereby our hub of consciousness occurs within the third ventricle. This third-ventricle is downstream of the two lateral-ventricles and upstream from the fourth.
In computer-software lingo, this hub of consciousness would likely be referred to as our kernel. Certain features of a software-kernel are analogous to what occurs within our third ventricle. Wikipedia describes this software kernel fairly well. I'll let you determine for yourself as to how well certain features of a software-kernel compare to our brain. In order for consciousness to occur, a reaction takes place which I'm only beginning to now understand.
Now, some of this paragraph is highly speculative as the complexity of the brain's core is little understood. The ventricular system is in close vicinity to nerves which pass through and from the brain. I believe that information from our five senses: hearing, sight, smell, taste, and touch.... are instantly shared between our central-nervous and ventricular systems. This not only allows us to immediately sense our environment via our hub-of-consciousness; but also for methodically storing the same incoming-information which can be later retrieved at will. So potentially, a type of parallel processing occurs as information from our five-senses is being interpreted within our cranium.
Further, I understand from the Lord... that approximately eighty-percent of the volume within our two lateral ventricles is utilized for vision. This is why our dreams can appear so vivid at times, as we are actually "seeing" what's occurring within the fluid.
In addition to all of this, the choroid-plexus cells basically serve as the blood/CSF barrier. Now, the substrate for the choroid-plexus is referred to as the tela choroidea. This substrate is a woven-like membrane which has a generous supply of blood. I believe that this tela choroidea serves to coordinate CSF production between all four ventricles.
If you've ever witnesses the phenomenon of concentrated dyes, you will never forget it. Years ago, I was working at a food-plant where there happened to be a spill of concentrated (artificial) food-dye on the floor. Without hesitating, I grabbed a nearby water-hose and attempted to flush it down the drain. The hose which I grabbed was about half the diameter of a normal fire-hose and much larger than one you would use around the house. I couldn't believe how much water it took before the coloured blob finally went away. It stubbornly lingered upon the floor's concrete-surface and just wouldn't move. It seemed like a number of minutes of continuous spraying, before I could actually detect a lighter shade of colour within the central-part of the original blob of colour.
From what I understand, regulations for food-grade-dye that concerns both colour and concentration within processed foods, often-times varies from country to country. Ditto goes for mineral and vitamin food-additives as well.
A colour itself, actually holds a clue to its underlying spiritual nature. Colour is a basic construct of the spiritual-realm, not the physical one. It merely manifests itself through the physical-realm which we can all see.
Due to the yin-and-yang of fluid production from the choroid plexus and the reaction that ensues as they mix together within the third-ventricle - the spiritual composition within the four ventricles are different from one other. So, there are basically four differing aqueous fluids produced in the brain. The fluid which finally flows out of the brain is "common" CSF.
Since colour is fundamentally spiritual in nature, the spiritual nature within the ventricular system cannot be easily manipulated. Not even by biological mechanisms of choroid-plexus cells. This is why artificial dyes are so disruptive to the body, they skew and manipulate the spiritual by-products of the ventricular system.
Without going into specific colours, issues that are often-times associated with artificial dyes are listed below. Pardon the pun, but I believe that the first on the list is a no-brainer.
Children are particularly vulnerable to artificial dyes. This is not only because they are still developing; but, also since they normally ingest more coloured foods and drinks than adults. Examples of such are shown below.
Since the precursor to "common" CSF is the yin and yang of fluids, there is almost an insurmountable number of potential spiritual combinations for one's self. From this aspect alone, a specific colour which affects one individual might not affect another. Hence, I don't believe that current scientific studies are giving us the full picture of problems which may arise due to children ingesting artificial dye.
In this next bit of text, I would just like to stress the vulnerability of the endocrine system concerning artificial-dyes. Hormones of the endocrine-system are basically a means of messaging and influencing remote-organs through the complex network of the blood’s vascular system.
Following, is a list of the major endocrine-glands and ones which are commonly associated with the endocrine system.
The endocrine glands most-likely to be negatively impacted by artificial-dyes, are those which are close to the ventricular-system and central to the brain. There are three of these glands in question - the hypothalamus, the pituitary, and the pineal gland. Some of the functions in which they govern and/or influence; are those of the following. Obviously, these are all crucial aspects of a child's development.
I believe that there's a good reason as to why the crucial endocrine-glands within the cranium are in close proximity to the ventricular-system. In this location, the endocrine-glands potentially monitor both systemic-blood as well as the fluids of the ventricular system. While so doing, hormones are released which take into account the properties of both fluids.
Since the products of the ventricular-system ultimately regulate stem-cell activity (due to its spiritual nature) throughout the body; its only logical that when endocrine-glands monitor the health of both the ventricular-system and systemic-blood.... then hormones get released in response to both types of fluid. Thereby, a RELATIVE release of hormones occurs due to a balancing act between the physical needs of the body, versus that of the ventricular-system's spiritual health.
Revision 250219