The Fluoride Debate,
Part II

Section 4.4
(Published Oct.13, 2024; Rev. 241018)

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4.4.1. The Toxic Combination of Fluorides, Aluminum, and EMR (electromagnetic radiation)

Since the spiritual-character of aluminum residing within the brain's environment is similar to the brain itself - no red-flags were thrown up by the immune system. Consequently, aluminum is allowed to continuously accumulate within the brain's environment. As this process proliferates within one's body, problems creep in that the brain has no control over. This leads us to the next concept.

A negative consequence of having aluminum within our body is that it's paramagnetic. Paramagnetic means that it's weakly attracted to magnetic fields. Hence, aluminum is particularly vulnerable to oscillating electromagnetic-fields which are now part of our every-day environment.

From what I understand (from the Lord), repeated exposures from electromagnetic-fields are capable of creating aluminum adducts around the nerves within our body.  These aluminum adducts are basically unnatural duct-like arrangements which may surround either individual or bundles of nerves in question.

Adducts are known to form out of reactions from two or more dissimilar atomic species; and in particular, between Lewis acids and Lewis bases. So specific pH levels are likely a large factor in order for having a proliferation of aluminum adducts.

As aluminum adducts grow in both length and diameter, they become influenced by electromagnetic-fields. Both the length and spacing of these aluminum adducts are important as they begin to align themselves with common ambient frequencies. This is similar in respect, to having certain antenna-lengths being akin to a particular frequency of an electromagnetic field. In this respect, this is where our comparatively long peripheral-nerves become distinguished from the shorter neurons within the skull.

The peripheral-nerves are not as well protected as those housed within the confines of the CNS. There, dense bones and cerebral-spinal-fluid serve as primary means for both shielding and dispersing detrimental radiation from the local environment.

I'm sure that peripheral nerves are vulnerable to a number of known neurotoxins; however, I believe that here within North America - aluminum is the most dire.

Due to modern civilization, each subsequent generation experiences more electromagnetic-radiation (EMR) than the prior. This cumulative effect is from technologies such as those listed below.

  • Power-distribution lines; known as the grid.
  • Nuclear power plants.
  • Large EM fields from industrial settings.
  • Relatively weak EM fields from residential and commercial wiring.
  • Commercial and military radio transmission.
  • Satellite transmission.
  • Medical CT scans, MRI's.
  • Cell-phone transmitters.
  • Blue-tooth transmitters.
  • Wi-Fi transmitters.

What's typical for these and similar technologies, is that as their niche advances - so does their power requirement. Hence, the transmission-frequency of a new niche typically starts low and increases over time as its technology evolves.

A prime example of the prior statement, is why we now use the fifth-generation (5G) for broad-band internet. 5G is a high-speed and high-energy cellular network that functions within the microwave-band of the electromagnetic spectrum. Notably, our power-grid evolved in a similar manner, as it began with a comparatively low power source which later increased in both voltage and frequencies.

Since fluorine can displace reactions normally reserved for oxygen, fluorides likely increase the rate of aluminum oxides within the body. I understand that aluminum, oxides, and fluorine gas, are an explosive mix.

When aluminum's surface is oxidized, it hardens and becomes quite abrasive. These  oxides make excellent insulators and are used as abrasive and polishing mediums.

As aluminum adducts form around nerves they are initially conductive. However, once they grow and become oxidized - their surfaces harden to a point where they effectively function as insulators. As a consequence, these aluminum adducts which first dissipate and weaken the nerve-transmission process, have the potential to later choke off the underlying nerve-transmission process altogether.

Peripheral-Nerve Ailments and Diseases

As far as aluminum adducts go, it's only logical that the most vulnerable nerves are the longest peripheral nerves that extend outwardly from the CNS. Here, observable negative-effects would be those which are mitigated voluntary decisions and supported by the somatic nervous-system. Such cases are listed below.

  • Sluggish mobility, shuffling of the legs and feet.
  • Incontinence, loss of bladder control. To pee or not to pee.
  • Erectile dysfunction (ED)

4.4.2 Summary to the Fluoride Debate

Prior scientific studies reveal connections between fluoride and its neurotoxic effects. This is basically a fact, it's merely the question as to how much fluoride will the body absorb before it impacts our health?

In sub-section 4.3.6, we discussed the systemic benefit of fluoride. There, fluoride actually promotes nutrient absorption while red-blood-cells squeeze through capillaries. Since fluoride is a byproduct of unnatural fertilizers, it serves to balance out the negative impact of an industrialized society. It seems that this has served the public quite well in years gone by; however, once we reached a certain threshold of ubiquitous metals, things drastically changed. Particularly, in regards to aluminum.  

Whereas the body has certain tried-and-true processes which take advantage of metals like iron and copper; for aluminum - this is not the case. Due to our modern society, aluminum is a recent metal which mankind had previously not been exposed to. At least not on a daily basis. A proliferation of both fluorides and aluminum within the brain develop into a neurotoxic mix.

Since aluminum reacts to electromagnetic fields, this merely exasperates the problem. As I've just discussed, due to the combination of aluminum, fluorides, and electromagnetic fields - we now have a host of neurodegenerative diseases. The urgency of such, can be easily measured by how these diseases begin to impact those younger and younger in age.

The function of metals and their pathological effects upon the brain will be investigated further within the section on the central nervous system.

Full Disclosure Statement:  Please be aware that I am not a health professional. The forthcoming information is based upon personal life-experiences, research, and knowledge of certain topics which the Lord has graciously guided me through.

As always, heed the advice of your physician and ask for their advice, prior to varying either diet or lifestyle.


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