🇨🇦 | 🕆 | 🇨🇦 | 🕆 | 🇨🇦 | 🕆 | L🇨🇦 |
Associated Acronyms:
In this section, we begin to examine how the spirit flows throughout one's body and how it supports the body itself. Both the spiritual and physical realms work seamlessly together (for the most part), so at times - it can be difficult to distinguish one from the next.
As I'm currently writing.... I'm certainly not at ease here - as some of these hard-truth's are difficult to accept. So be forewarned, as you progress through this section and onward, at some point your head will spin and you will realize what I'm inferring to.
The spiritual world is a hard one to accept, even though we've lived with it all of our lives, and are actually a spirit-being ourselves.
The ramifications of having read the previous subsection (5.2) about the spiritual world is perhaps too numerous to list, much less digest. Regardless of this fact, we will continue to forge ahead. As for myself, I find that the best way to understand the spiritual-realm is to merely keep overlaying one concept over the next until it eventually comes into focus.
One of the basic jobs of our body's nurturing spirit is to regulate its growth. Consider that our cells and tissues grow and replenish themselves at varying rates, regardless of our age. So, we might dare ask some crazy questions like: how did the growth of our cells get to be so smoothly coordinated like that of our skin? Why doesn't our left arm grow longer than the right? How does our body grow symmetrically? Concepts which follow, begin to hone in on answers to these formidable questions.
Our body's spirit exists in order to support its natural-realm's chemical and molecular structure. Something like a three-dimensional stitched cloth, this spirit both clothes and permeates our whole body.
What we are about to discuss; is the largest spirit within our body, although it's also the weakest. This is represented by the following graphic.
If I was any kind of artist, I would superimpose this graphic over an outline of the human body. As a plumb-line for its orientation, envision the vertical center-line as the division between our body's left and right sides.
This symmetrical division between our left and right sides began while we were still an embryo within our mother's womb. Although this spiritual mirror-like domain has matured over the years just like we have.... it is basically the same spirit. Something like an aged bottle of wine, it's quite similar to that of its original contents.
The spiritual mirror-like domain (SMLD) slowly oscillates back and forth through one's body similar to how a mother would rock a baby's cradle. This gentle rocking-like motion is essentially a standing-wave. This is what balances the energy between our left and right sides and why our body develops symmetrically.
Our SMLD was the precursor for the later developed nervous-system which now permeates our whole body. This spiritual mirror-like domain which is basically "light", was also the precursor to our body's molecular structure. As an ongoing maintenance feature for our body, our SMLD is used to "sand-off" rough edges of our body's molecular frame.
The prior graphic shows a representation as to the extreme limits of our SMLD. These limits are essentially the body's molecular backstops (or borders). For the most-part - this limit is comprised of our skin's surface, along with its many hair-follicles.
The spiritual aspect of this SMLD is "physically" comprised of a complementary mix of the sub2-atomic Class-I & II SLLPs which we looked at in the last sub-section. So, this spiritual mirror-like domain is basically like having two spiritual languages within our body; whereby, the left side uses one language and the right side uses the other. It energetically oscillates back and forth like that of an electrical sine-wave.
In our previous graphic, the differing languages of our left and right sides are referred to as flavours. The following (sub-topic) describes these flavours in detail.
(Published 2024, version 241126)
Merely knowing that there are two fundamental classes of spiritual-letters (Class-I & II) and one class is more energetic than the other, serves us well; as this knowledge springboards us into conceptualizing the spiritual-realm even further.
We now understand that there's a sea of the tiny spiritual letter-like particles (SLLPs) and it's the electrons which serve as the primary means for thrashing them about. During any electron to electron interaction (or altercation, due to the Pauli exclusion principle), these electrons are basically communicating with each another.
Through virtual electron interactions (two or more electrons within a common letter-like environment) each electron has the potential to change its own environment. These environments are not only characterized by them having a specific ratio of Class-I versus Class-II SLLPs (from an energy standpoint); but, are also characterized by the unique-language in which these letter-like characters serve.
Each SPIRITUAL LANGUAGE contains an alphabetical group of characters which we are not necessarily privy to. In order for us to grasp these varied environments as something that's instantly tangible, let's just refer to them as spiritual "flavours". Here, each electron is capable of having its own spiritual flavour; so, basically - it has its own highly-localized and unique environment in which it lives and breathes.
If we take these concepts and progressively increase in both magnitude and scale - then we can say that all chemical-elements and molecules are capable of garnering a unique spiritual-flavour as well. Perhaps the largest homogeneous spiritual-flavour that we need to concern ourselves with - is that of the common electromagnetic-field.
Electromagnetic-fields are made up of particles whose sub-components are comprised of the SLLPs which we've been discussing. In fact, the variety of these Class-I and II particles is so great.... that each electromagnetic-field has the potential to garner its own highly-personalized spiritual language.
Within each spiritual language, there's a predominant mix of Class-I and Class-II letter-like particles. The Class-I particles which carry the bulk of the spiritual energy, is what reads and interprets "words". The Class-II particles which have comparatively lower-energy states, are those responsible for formulating a word's structure. So, we have both energy and structure within a spiritual language!
Moreover, a spiritual word can be also be considered as being a form of memory. Here, the Class-I's would "read and write" the words, and the Class-II's that formulate these words would be the memory component.
Both Class-I's and Class-II's are letter-like in appearance (but not necessary how we would draw them), and can each be unique. Hence, the number of variations are virtually endless. For any type of spiritual-flavour to exist, there has to be a balance. A balance, where the Class-I's supply the energy, and the Class-II's are the caretakers of the language's structure.
A simple means of associating all of the ideas that we've just discussed into a unique spiritual language - is by utilizing the word "FLAVOUR".
This concept of spiritual flavours within the body is actually described within the Bible. This is analogous to the body of Christ, where there are many parts to the one body. Since Christ is within all things, he is within all of our bodies as well. In fact, the Class-I particles that I've been describing are from the "Word" himself. (refer to this link for clarification)
As we delve into the spiritual-world and determine that: yes, Christ is certainly within all things, we cannot separate matter from God himself.
If we consider how spiritual flavours are divided within the body, a quite pertinent passage is from First-Corinthians chapter-twelve and begins at verse twelve. In my NIV Bible, this passage is entitled "Unity and Diversity in the Body".
As we discover through this passage; it talks about a different spirit within a foot, a hand, an ear, and an eye. From verse 20: "As it is, there are many parts, but one body". Further, since Christ is within our body, our body has empathy for its individual parts. Consider the verses below from this passage.
NIV, 1st Corinthians 12: (21) The eye cannot say to the hand, “I don’t need you!” And the head cannot say to the feet, “I don’t need you!” (22) On the contrary, those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, (23) and the parts that we think are less honorable we treat with special honor. And the parts that are unpresentable are treated with special modesty, (24) while our presentable parts need no special treatment. But God has put the body together, giving greater honor to the parts that lacked it, (25) so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. (26) If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.
Since various parts of our body has empathy for its other parts, it normally works in perfect harmony.
The passage that follows, is where the Bible states that Christ (or the "Word" of John chapter-one) is within all things. After reading the following verses, you might consider reading verse twenty-four from First-Corinthians chapter-eleven, and where Jesus breaks bread. After this, you may begin to understand why I grapple for words sometimes in order to delicately explain what the Lord wishes me to say.
NIV: Colossians 1 (15) The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. (16) For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. (17) He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.
The letters and alphabet of our spiritual mirror-like domain (SMLD) are segregated between our body's left and right sides. Through natural means of breathing, eating and drinking; these spiritual letters were obtained directly from our environment, and over a period of time.
The spiritual letters which are not used for our body's left-side's flavour are quite-often used for its right-side and vice versa. Now, although there are obvious overlaps of letter-types within the body's virtual center, and where the positive and negative halves of the oscillating standing-wave meets - this is the basic concept.
So, to recap; we have two primary spiritual flavours within our body, whereby each flavour predominantly controls one side or the other. This simple two-flavour concept rang true more-so while we were still young, and as our body was developing. As we developed in both age and stature, our body became more dense and complex towards the standing wave.
The point here is, that although we still have a left/right, mirror-like, spiritual domain within us - we have a number of SUB-FLAVOURS within our body as well. These sub-flavours are sub-components of our body's left and right sides. So our spiritual mirror-like domain doesn't flow throughout our body as unencumbered as it did while we were still children.
(Published 2024, version 241125)
Firstly, an abstract comparison between the spiritual and physical realms is the range of frequencies by which they function. Due to the difference of magnitudes-of-scale between the sub-atomic particles of the standard-model and the spiritual sub2-atomic particles...... the bands of frequencies by which they oscillate can be vastly different.
So, for the most part, the SLLPs which are invisible to our natural-realm, will respond magnitudes faster than the particles of the Science Community's Standard Model.
The Spiritual Mirror-Like Domain Energizes the Body
This SMLD which oscillates back and forth between the two sides of our body, serves to keep it energetic and full of life... versus one trending in the wrong direction.
The energetic variation between Class-I and Class-II particles, means that the less-energetic Class-II's are those which are most prone to coagulating into discrete groupings of meaningless clumps. The energetic standing-wave serves to penetrate stale groupings of these Class-II's.
Further, from a spiritual/biblical standpoint.... I understand that the highly-energetic Class-I's are more-than-capable of cleansing the Class-II's. The Class-I letter-like particles are generally the most dear when it comes to the health of our body.
Whereas the SMLD basically washes and disperses Class-II particles, these same particles may have a difficult time making their way past both the blood-brain barrier and the cerebral-spinal-fluid's barrier.
Our central-nervous system is much more strict when it comes to high concentrations of Class-II particles. This environment might be considered to be using "chlorinated water" (so to speak), whereas in comparison - the common environment of one's body uses "regular water" (so to speak).
A critical distinction here, is that our nervous-system operates at a higher spiritual level than that of our body and its mirror-like spiritual domain.
The SMLD Regulates Tissue-Temperature
One of the basic functions of our body's SMLD is to regulate tissue temperature.
Due to the constant motion of our body's standing-wave, there's a continual mixing of letter-like particles. This mixing action is facilitated through the naturally-lively electrons, since electrons continually breathe in and breathe out letter-like particles. While doing so, they disperse heat-energy and cool their environment. So, the slow-rocking motion of the SMLD tends to equalize tissue temperatures.
Since the negatively-charged electrons are naturally attracted to positively-charged ions (also understood to be bare protons) this serves to cool areas within the body that are normally acidic; like cells exposed to stomach acid for instance.
Further, varying ratios of Class-I versus Class-II particles serve as both an inflammation marker (likely as cytokine precursors) and as an inherent response mechanism for the innate immune system.
The SMLD Regulates Growth-Patterns
The spiritual mirror-like domain works alongside our cells in order to regulate their growth. As our tiny body was developing within the nurturing womb, the side-to-side rocking motion of the SMLD is what underpinned its rate of growth.
Just from size difference alone, this spiritual standing-wave comparatively travels back and forth faster through a smaller-body versus that of a larger body. Further, as one's body both grows and matures - its innards; such as the organs, neural-networks, and bones - naturally become more dense and complex. Hence, as one's body matures, it becomes more opaque to the spiritual-realm itself.
Now, I didn't realize this before; but likely the aspect of having our body become more opaque to the spiritual-realm while we mature, results in the Class-I's becoming less dominant with respect to the Class-II's. Particularly, since Class-II's are basically a byproduct of our body's metabolism. This certainly has spiritual connotation's which we will be discussing at a later time.
Now, I suppose it could be argued that when it comes to growth-rates our DNA and hormones play a large roll as well, this is true. However, due to the complex nature of the spiritual-realm, this seems to me like another chicken-and-egg scenario. Which realm leads the way here, the natural or the spiritual?
There is no easy way to compartmentalize our body's spiritual-realm versus that of its physical-realm, as one intertwines with the other. Particularly, since electrons are essentially spiritual in nature and all molecular structures within the body contain electrons. Nonetheless, by using TWO OPPOSING EXTREMES, we can begin to compare the strengths of one realm versus the other.
In order to describe this next concept, I will use the analogy of building a new home.
In this analogy, we might think of the physical realm as comprising all of the trades-people and raw-materials required for things such as: laying the foundation, framing the house, bricking the homes' exterior, installing the plumbing, and slapping up the drywall.
In contrast, those that work in the spiritual realm, would be the people and systems which coordinate the manpower, ensure that the concrete foundation is complete and dry (set) prior to calling in the framers, making sure that the framing is fully complete before the plumbing is installed, and so on, and so on....
If we now use this analogy to explain what occurs within one's body - it may go something like this.. .. ..
First, consider that all of our body's physical-building-blocks include its bones, connective tissues, the cells used for its internal organs, muscles, and skin; as well as any other cell-type that physically maintains our body's semi-rigid structure.
On the flip-side, the SPEED at which these structural-cells grow and replicate is coordinated through the spiritual realm. For instance, stem-cell development is governed through the spiritual realm.
Ultimately, the upper-limit as to how fast cells can grow and replicate - is totally reliant upon the speed at which they receive nutrients and how fast they can expel waste products.
RELATIVE cellular-growth-rates heavily rely upon the spiritual-realm which regulates growth patterns. Particularly, whenever stem-cells are involved.
So, in a nutshell; the natural-realm is responsible for the basic raw materials which the body uses for assembly - like DNA, cells, proteins and such, and the spiritual-realm is responsible for the coordination and monitoring its rate of progress.
Keep in mind that since cells are basically transparent to the spiritual-realm, this spiritual-realm is a first means of communications and likely the only means of communicating to each and every cell within one's body. Particularly during embryo and fetal development, while communication networks are still being established.
The nature of our spiritual mirror-like domain is normally so weak, that it's difficult to ascertain. I find that it's similar to entertaining thoughts like what might be occurring within extracellular-space, as it can be difficult to conceptualize for any and all cases.
Consider that our SMLD (spiritual mirror-like domain) is capable of penetrating all of our body's cells (intracellular) as well as their surrounding environment (extracellular space). Further, and at a deeper level - it can permeate the environments of our body's atomic-like structures. Nonetheless, each of our cells have their own local environment, molecules have their own environment, and every chemical-element has their own environment. Each of these environments might be considered as individual spiritual-flavours if we desired to define them as such.
Differing from a strong electromagnetic-field or an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) which often-times permeates most anything it comes in contact with.... our mirror-like spiritual-wave permeates most (if not all) of our cellular body, but not its contents. What I mean by this, is that our gastrointestinal tract's contents remain as foreign debris when compared to the wave-like spirit that permeates our cellular-body.
If we focus upon the concept of spiritual flavours, consider that our body's SMLD is considered relatively weak when compared to most other spiritual-flavours within our body.
The spiritual domain of our CNS (central nervous system) for example, is very obstinate and ignores much of what occurs within our spiritual mirror-like domain. This comparison is analogous perhaps to earth's magnetic field; whereby, although earth's magnetic field is extremely large - it's also considered to be quite weak, if we compared it to the magnetic-field-strength of a set of magnets which we can hold in our hands. I surmise that in contrast to our body's SMLD, the remainder of its spiritual-flavours are localized, and field-wise - potentially quite dense.
An important function of our SMLD, is that it serves as a means for fine-tuning molecular structures and removing rough edges. From this stance, our SMLD predominately reacts with objects that are not totally buttoned-down and momentarily become free for the taking.
These loose objects in which the SMLD might scavenge, are in contrast to the formal atomic-structures that incorporate covalent bonds. Hence, our SMLD highly reacts (scans, communicates) with objects that are free from an otherwise strong spiritual flavour. As a result of these points, the spiritual mirror-like domain rises to the occasion under circumstances such as those listed below.
At a fundamental level, consider that this spiritual mirror-like domain is essentially "Light" trapped within one's body. Note however, that this light is finer-grained than how light is normally characterized under the tutelage of conventional science.
Although the letter-like particles of this spiritual-world can often-times function as minute catalysts, they can very-quickly move up the ladder in both scale and magnitude. While doing so, they provide mass for progressively longer and longer wavelengths. Hence ultimately, the SMLD has the potential to support all atomic-structures within our body.
As a fine-tuning mechanism for this SMLD, temperature variations between bodily tissues with disparate-pH values, tend to create slight pressure gradients for the spirit. In so doing, these slight-pressure-gradients result in localized-pockets of letter-like movements. These movements result in later recoil reactions that serve to garner (or maintain) momentum for the oscillating SMLD itself. Of course, physical movements of the body itself including that of its muscles - also causes these letter-like particles to migrate throughout one's body.
This spiritual-mirror-like-domain (SMLD) basically works like a semi-permeable seal or band which encompasses the whole body.
Due to ongoing chemical-reactions of the GI tract and its highly-associated organs, and since their contents contain a number of foreign-aqueous-substances (as compared to our native cells) - the organs of our belly continually demand a substantial part of our SMLD's attention.
From what I understand from the Lord, through repetitive natural occurrences.... our SMLD tends to lose letter-like matter at a rate of about eight-percent per month.
The primary process of replenishing this letter-like matter occurs within our lungs as we breathe. I believe that this make-up process hinges upon a quantum-like means of extraction through lung acoustics and water-vapour. I can't say exactly how this process occurs, so I've approached it from a few different angles as a means of explanation.
Similar to the natural occurrence of having acids accumulate in our body merely due to our metabolism - within the spiritual-realm, it's the Class-II letter-like particles which accumulate as a metabolic byproduct. Consequently, the Class-I letter-like particles are more dear to one's body than Class-II's. By utilizing the molecular spin of H20, one's body has the ability to correct its ratio of Class-I's against those of Class-II's.
While we breathe, there's a continual mixing of incoming gases including that of oxygen and water-vapour, whereby carbon dioxide is released back into the atmosphere. I believe that although most of the oxygen we inhale is under the form of O2 molecules, a small fraction of oxygen that our body absorbs, is obtained through ambient water-vapour.
Once oxygen enters our airways, it passes through the moist passages of our mouth, trachea and lungs. As a result, there's likely a higher-percentage of oxygen trapped inside the water-vapour of our air passages than what would commonly be trapped within environmental water-vapour.
Chemical-wise; a water molecule is normally represented by the formula H2O, and its oxygen-element is centered between two elements of hydrogen. However, these two hydrogen-elements are not 180-degrees apart from each other, so the molecule is not exactly linear.
Determined through chemistry's VSEPR theory (valence shell electron pair repulsion theory) the resultant bond angle of H2O's bent molecule is 104.45 degrees. So, a water-molecule's shape is something like that of a boomerang. I believe that it's due to H2O's boomerang shape that a unique type of spin ensues which can promote chemical collisions (interactions).
Although this VSEPR theory states that the calculated bond angle of an H2O water molecule is 104.45 degrees, this is still a theory as near as I can tell. Particularly, since there's a number of overlapping theories which all attempt to hone in upon the molecules exact physical structure.
Water's bond-angle heavily relies upon its molecule's environment, so it may not necessarily be 104.45 degrees for all cases. Particularly, those cases that involve highly energetic water-vapour in airways. So, this 104.45 degree angle is merely H2O's most-probable bond angle.
As described earlier, due to differing ratios of Class-I versus Class-II SLLPs within water's H2O molecule - differing energies can ensue. Within H2O, I believe that these disparate energies translate to molecules having differing angular momentum. So, its highly probable that within any molecular distribution pattern; some water-molecules have a bond angle at 104.45 degrees and above, whereby the remainder are slightly under 104.45 degrees.
Potentially, this variable bond-angle is a means for separating H2O molecules in the lungs based upon their underlying mix of letter-like particles.
In order to differentiate H2O species, let's now look at them from a different perspective through water's nuclear-spin isomers. Through a little investigation, I see that this quantum-like effect of H2O is highly related to the particle-physics phenomenon of entanglement.
Water has two nuclear-spin isomers: para and ortho. Other than knowing that this H2O-spin-phenomenon has been experimentally validated by the science community, I'm not aware of any hypothesis put forth as to how this spin could be biologically advantageous.
Since we now understand that electrons are unique and there are ten electrons in each molecule of H2O.... then each water-molecule can be unique as well. Another way to express this, is that each water molecule tends to have a personalized spiritual-flavour.
It's highly-likely that the "magical" characteristic of having differing spins within H2O, is a direct result of its molecules having varying ratios of underlying SLLPs.
Since we understand that the Class-I SLLPs are more energetic than the Class-II's - then by having a differing ratio of these particles within each H2O molecule - translates into a spectrum of water molecules that hold varying degrees of energy states, which further translates into each molecule capable of having a different amount of angular-momentum.
Through research, I see that there are three physical orientations for H2O's ortho isomer, and just one orientation for its para isomer. It's understood that H2O's para-isomer has the most angular-momentum and is the most energetic of H2O's four known physical orientations.
We've now looked at two different ways of visualizing H2O's unique structure. First through its bond angle, and then through its nuclear spin. In both cases, we see that H2O molecules can energetically vary through their angular momentum.
From what I understand, H2O's ortho and para nuclear-spin states are highly conserved, and particularly once they become part of a bulk-liquid molecular arrangement. So, any type of magic which separates H2O spin states, should occur through water-vapour and before settling into a grouped pool of liquid water molecules.
Since the water molecules that entered our lungs had certain ratios of Class-I versus Class-II particles, certain byproducts should reflect similar ratios. For water-vapour, this would include oxygen as both O1 and O2 will exchange elements with loosely-bound H2O molecules while in an energetic water-vapour state. Moreover, I believe that our lung-acoustics promote the separation of Class-I and Class-II particles within our trachea and lungs. Recall that these SLLPs are within every electron, so they will also be within each and every atomic structure.
Regardless as to how exactly this occurs, I believe that the end result of differing energetic molecular states of H2O within the lungs is as follows.
As a consequence of incurring both acoustical and chemical processes within the trachea and lungs, the most energetic distributions of clean oxygen (those heavily weighted with Class-I's) are driven deep into the lungs. On the flip side of the coin, the less-energetic distributions of oxygen (those heavily weighted with Class-II's) are more prone to becoming absorbed (or reabsorbed) as water-vapour; whereby most of which condenses into water (H2O).
So, at the two extreme ends of these oxygen-related processes within the trachea and lungs.... the energetic Class-I LLPs are driven deep into the lungs, whereas the Class-II LLPs are predominantly held in less-energetic atomic-structures which ultimately collect in H2O condensate and collect along the trachea's surface. Once in the water state, these Class-II's can either be swallowed into the stomach, spit up as phlegm, or perhaps even expelled out of the mouth through water-vapour.
To be clear, this doesn't mean that only Class-I particles are absorbed into the lungs through oxygen, I'm just stating that the mechanisms in play create a bias so that the Class-I's are the predominant species of interest.
Since the Lord led me in this direction, I will merely follow-up with a few key facts regarding the lungs. I have no way of proving this quantum-like separation of H2O spin-states within the lungs, so I will merely add a few observations. Some of this is conventional supporting data, for those who might be unfamiliar.
Largely due to the placement of the heart, the right lung is slightly larger than the left. The right lung is divided into three lobes, whereas the left lung is divided into two lobes. For these reasons, the acoustics of the left lung will differ from that of the right.
As the air enters our lungs there is some sort of "magic" that occurs so that the letter-like particles which support the left side of our body tend to be absorbed within the left lung, and the letter-like particles which support the right side of our body tend to be absorbed within the right lung.
So, if the lungs had a unique way of separating water molecules by their energy component, then the net effect would provide for a means of skewing the ratio of Class-I letter-like particles versus those of Class-II's. Here, it's not a manner of discretely separating one type of particle from another into two homogeneous clumps of end-products; but, having two forms of matter where one is heavily-weighted with Class-I SLLPs and the other heavily-weighted with Class-II's.
I've stated that we all loose (and hopefully replenish) about eight-percent of the spiritual matter required for our body's SMLD. I've noted that it's especially the Class-I's that we need to be concerned about, as the Class-II's naturally accumulate through metabolic processes over time. Hence, there's a continual battle inside of us, in order to keep up an adequate supply of Class-I's, so we don't get overwhelmed with Class-II's. I believe that there's an optimum ratio required to keep us healthy, and this optimum-ratio likely changes over time as we age.
I understand the internal "pressure" of our SMLD can have a difficult time keeping SLLPs refreshed within our extremities; particularly the feet and toes. I also see that at times, certain lung diseases can later develop into seemingly unrelated diseases of one's extremities.
Since our SMLD affects virtually all cells within the body, I suspect that once our SMLD pressure begins to wane, we get tired. Perhaps we get sleepy when our spiritual SMLD cannot keep up with our cellular metabolism. If this holds true, then most of the SLLPs of the SMLD are replenished while we sleep and as we breathe.
Further, perhaps a slow comfortable breathing rhythm is what optimizes the phenomenon of the lungs absorbing an appropriate ratio of Class-I versus Class-II particles. If this is the case, then does our snoring serve a function during this process as well?
We can all attest to the fact that each of our body's are quite symmetrical. This is obvious from seeing things like the mirror-images of our left and right limbs, and the brain's left and right hemispheres. I believe that our SMLD is what supported these structures during development. I also believe that we can witness this spiritual-like nature within our body by observing static electricity.
As our body becomes overly electrically-charged, such as when we walk across a plush carpet with wool-socks - this charge can begin to make our hair stand up on end. As the overall charge in our body rises, it often-times exhumes from hair follicles and creeps up the shafts of our hair. If we then touch something metal, the electrical-charge that's not normally within our body is emitted by a spark.
You may have noticed that this can also be experienced when we step out of a recently-parked car, and get a shock off of its door handle. Since a moving car is isolated from the ground by its rubber tires, an electrical charge builds up which can be later transmitted through our body.
I believe that both of these conditions occur by having an overly-charged SMLD. Now, this electrical-charge will be quite different than the electrical pulses which travel within our body's nerves, as they have insulating sheaths referred to as myelin. It's these insulating sheaths which isolate nerves-impulses from the rest of our body.
So, for the most part, we have two predominant spirits within our body. One within our SMLD (spiritual mirror-like domain) and another within our brain. Thereby, the one which is our actual self and is contained within our brain resides upon a higher spiritual-plane than the SMLD of our body.
Within the next section, we will investigate certain principles and safety concerns of the SMLD, and how it relates to the spiritual side of our CSF (cerebral spinal fluid) .
Full Disclosure Statement: Please be aware that I am not a health professional. The forthcoming information is based upon personal life-experiences, research, and knowledge of certain topics in which the Lord has graciously guided me through.
As always, heed the advice of your physician and ask for their advice, prior to varying either diet or lifestyle. Note that new and unique information herein, has yet to be evaluated by the health-care industry.
When taking dietary supplements, start slow and work your way up to the recommended dose in order to ensure that there's no negative effects or allergic reactions. Keeping in mind, that these companies exist to be profitable, so use discretion.